
Library for interfacing with Basler Cameras from Qt5/QML programs

MPL-2.0 License


Qt Pylon

This project provides a Qt library and demo applicaction providing easy integration with Basler Vision Machines, through their Pylon Software Suite.

PS: Still a Work in Progress :)


  • Some modern Linux distro (for now tested only on ArchLinux)
  • Qbs >= 1.6
  • Qt5 >= 5.7
    • Modules: Core, Gui, Multimedia
    • Additional modules: Quick and QuickControls2 for running the demo app
  • With linux toolchain installed (only Linux x86/x86_64 target supported for now)
  • Pylon Software Suite 5


The PYLON_ROOT env variable is used by the build system to configure Pylon module. So you must set it properly, for example:

$ export PYLON_ROOT=/opt/pylon5

If you haven't already, start by setting up a qt5 profile for qbs:

PS: Make sure that qmake is in PATH

$ qbs setup-toolchains --type gcc /usr/bin/g++ gcc
$ qbs setup-qt $(which qmake) qt5
$ qbs config profiles.qt5.baseProfile gcc

Building & Running

At the root dir of the project run:

$ qbs build profile:qt5
$ qbs run --products pylondemo

Integrating as dependency on your app

Add the following snippet to you higest-level Qbs file:

SubProject {
    filePath: "path/to/qt-pylon/qt-pylon.qbs"
    Properties {
        withDemo: false