
My personal small system info CLI app written in C



My personal small system info CLI app written in C.

Included tools / gimmicks in this build: 'sysinfo', 'picinfo', 'ascii2c' and 'shuffle-ascii'.

See the videos below.

Build with meson:

mkdir builddir && meson setup builddir --buildtype=release && meson compile -C builddir

The 'picinfo' tool:

The 'shuffle-ascii' gimmick:

How to get an ASCII image into the compiled binary file:

  1. Convert the picture with a tool like "jp2a" or "artem" to ASCII
  2. You can use my small helper tool "ascii2c" to convert ASCII to a .c file
  3. Include your .c file in your main program
  4. Use "printf(ansi_pic);" in your code to display the colored image in the terminal

Have fun !
