
Installer for HashiCorp Terraform - Automatic Download, Extract and Install of Latest or Specific Version

APACHE-2.0 License


Installer for HashiCorp Terraform - Automated Installation

Automatically Download, Extract and Install Latest or Specific Version

Note: An updated script with additional capabilities and multi-product support has been published to the hashicorp-installer repo. It defaults to installing Terraform and can be a drop-in replacement for this script.

The terraform-install script automates the process of downloading and installing Terraform. It provides an ideal method for installing installing updates or a specific version.

This script detects the latest version, OS and CPU-Architecture and allows installation to local or system locations. Optional parameters allow installing a specific version and installing to /usr/local/bin without prompting.

Example - install last pre-0.13 release: ./terraform-install.sh -i 0.12.29


  • -i VERSION: Install specific version
  • -a: Automatically use sudo to install to /usr/local/bin
    • allows for unattended installation via scripts or CD tools
    • can be set as default behavior by uncommenting line 14 (sudoInstall=true)
    • sudo password may be required unless NOPASSWD is enabled
  • -c: leave binary in working directory (for CI/DevOps use)
  • -h: help
  • -v: display version

This installer is similar to my Packer Installer and Vault Installer

Download and Use Locally

Download Installer

curl -LO https://raw.github.com/robertpeteuil/terraform-installer/master/terraform-install.sh
chmod +x terraform-install.sh

Download installer via my bootstrap server (iac.sh or https://iac.sh)

curl iac.sh/terraform > getinst.sh
bash getinst.sh
# installer downloaded as terraform-install.sh in current directory

Run local installer


# usage: terraform-install.sh [-i VERSION] [-a] [-c] [-h] [-v]
#      -i VERSION	: specify version to install in format '' (OPTIONAL)
#      -a		: automatically use sudo to install to /usr/local/bin
#      -c		: leave binary in working directory (for CI/DevOps use)
#      -h		: help
#      -v		: display vault-install.sh version

System Requirements

  • System with Bash Shell (Linux, macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux)
  • unzip - terraform downloads are in zip format
  • curl or wget - script will use either one to retrieve metadata and download


  • jq - if installed, latest version parsed from hashicorp downloads
    • Useful if latest github release differs from version on hashicorp downloads
    • Avoids github api limit of 60 requests per hour (unauthenticated)

Script Process Details

  • Determines Version to Download and Install
    • Uses Version specified by -i VERSION parameter (if specified)
    • Otherwise determines Latest Version
      • If jq installed parse version from hashicorp downloads
      • Otherwise use GitHub API to retrieve latest version
  • Calculates Download URL based on Version, OS and CPU-Architecture
  • Verifies URL Validity before Downloading in Case:
    • VERSION incorrectly specified with -i
    • Download URL Format Changed on terraform Website
  • Determines Install Destination
    • The destination can be specified with -c option, or passing TF_INSTALL_DIR environment variable
    • The default is /usr/local/bin if it is writable, or with -a
    • Otherwise the user is prompted for options
    • Performed before Download/Install Process in case user selects abort
  • Installation Process
    • Download, Download SHA, Verify SHA of zip, Extract, Install, Cleanup and Display Results

CPU Architecture Detection

CPU architecture is detected for each OS accordingly:

  • Linux / Windows (WSL since this is a Bash script)
    • detected with lscpu or by inspecting /proc/cpuinfo
    • Arm variants use arm as it's the only arm version available (for now)
  • macOS - uses Default Arch amd64 as it's the only version available on macOS
  • Default Value - amd64


I am a HashiCorp employee, but this is a personal project and not officially endorsed or supported by HashiCorp.


Apache 2.0 License - Copyright (c) 2020 Robert Peteuil