
Encrypted, peer to peer, file transfer program :: :: ::

  • Encrypted
  • P2P
  • Built with Rust
  • No third party server involved
  • No file size limits

The goal is to make transferring files and folders as easy as possible. If you have ever thought I just want to send these files directly from this computer to another, Transmitic can help.

How it Works

  1. Users exchange Public IDs that Transmitic automatically generates.
  2. Add users' Public IDs and IPs that you want to share with.
  3. Add files or folders you want to share, and which users you want to share with.
  4. Turn sharing on! Users can choose which files they want to download directly from your device.
  5. View all files that are shared with you, and download directly from the other user's device.
  6. Connections are encrypted with AES256-GCM.
  7. Users behind NATs and firewalls can use the "Reverse Connection" feature to still share with users that do not have networking limitations.

See Demo below


  1. Secure
    1. AES-GCM 256 Encryption
    2. Ed25519 Signing Keys
    3. x25519 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  2. Easy to use GUI
  3. Cross Platform
    1. Windows MSI Installer & Portable
    2. macOS Universal Bundle & Portable
    3. Linux Portable
  4. Private
    1. P2P
    2. No third party servers in any way
  5. Lan & Internet
  6. Share files and folders
  7. No file size limits
  8. Pause and Resume
    1. Downloads can be paused, or interrupted, but will continue where they left off
  9. Reverse Connection
    1. If you're behind a NAT, or have network limitations, but your Users do not, you can still share with each other.

Support Transmitic

Please 🌟 the repo!

If you get value from Transmitic, please donate


Comparison To Other Tools

FTP Transmitic is most similar to FTP (though the FTP protocol is not supported). You choose which files and folders you want to download from other computers that are shared with you.

BitTorrent Transmitic does not support BitTorrent, or BitTorrent like functionality, in that Transmitic cannot download the same file from multiple peers to download it faster.

File Syncing Transmitic is not designed for "file syncing" and should not be used for this purpose.

Development Status

Transmitic is currently in beta. Please report any bugs that you encounter.

More Info

See wiki for more information, networking help, and limitations


The only area of contribution that is needed at this time is a review of the cryptography usage. If you are interested, please visit the Discord.


Future Features

  • UPnP
  • Transmitic Discovery
    • Server to discover users without requiring IPs to be known by users (optional feature)
  • Auto updates
  • Transmitic Mini
    • CLI only version with minimal dependencies

See GitHub Issues and Discussions for more


  • Public, Private signing keys generated with ring
  • Signing ring keys ("Public IDs") are exchanged out of band, manually
  • Diffie-Hellman key generation with x25519_dalek
    • Diffie-Hellman keys are regenerated for every new TCP stream. Never reused.
  • Diffie-Hellman x25519_dalek keys are signed with the ring keys
  • Remote user verifies x25519_dalek key with that user's ring public key ("Public ID")
  • AES key generated
  • All further communication encrypted with AES-GCM with ring

See these modules to review the cryptography in transmitic-core



At this time Transmitic is free for personal and commercial use.


Prebuilt binaries available at Releases

$ mkdir transmitic_workspace
$ cd transmitic_workspace
$ git clone [email protected]:transmitic/transmitic.git
$ git clone [email protected]:transmitic/transmitic-core.git

# You need the sciter 4 dll. Either pull the repo and put the x64 folder in path
#   OR just download sciter.dll, put it in your sys path, or next to transmitic.exe
$ git clone [email protected]:sciter-engine/sciter-js-sdk.git
# Add to sys path sciter-js-sdk\bin\windows\x64

# Create transmitic_workspace\Cargo.toml

members = [

$ cargo run -p transmitic


This project is provided "AS IS" and makes no warranties, express or implied.

To be determined.