
SweetAlert2 wrapper for Livewire

MIT License


Livewire Alert

Livewire Alert is a simple alert utility package designed to seamlessly integrate with your Livewire components. Under the hood, it utilizes SweetAlert2, offering you the functionality of SweetAlert2 without the need for any custom Javascript.

Interactive Demo

Check the interactive demo here:

Contribute to interactive demo

Do you have any ideas in mind that you can add to the interactive demo? Fork and submit a PR here:


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jantinnerezo/livewire-alert

Next, add the scripts component to your template after the @livewireScripts.

SweetAlert2 script is not included by default so make sure you include it before livewire alert script.



  <script src="//"></script>
  <x-livewire-alert::scripts />

You can also manually include the script by publishing livewire-alert.js

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-alert:assets

And then in your view you can include the published script instead of including inline script with <x-livewire-alert::scripts /> component.

If you go this path, make sure to include the <x-livewire-alert::flash /> right after the livewire-alert script if you still want the flash feature.

<script src="{{ asset('vendor/livewire-alert/livewire-alert.js') }}"></script> 
<x-livewire-alert::flash />


This package is meant to use with Livewire components. Make sure you are using it with Livewire projects only.

  • PHP 8.1 or higher

  • Laravel 7, 8, 9 and 10

  • Livewire

  • SweetAlert2


You can use livewire alert by using the LivewireAlert trait.

use Jantinnerezo\LivewireAlert\LivewireAlert;
class Index extends Component
    use LivewireAlert;
    public function submit()
        $this->alert('success', 'Basic Alert');

Displaying different alert icons.

The default alert behaviour is a toast notification.

$this->alert('success', 'Success is approaching!');
$this->alert('error', 'Wrong email or password!');
$this->alert('warning', 'The world has warned you.');
$this->alert('info', 'The fact is you know your name :D');
$this->alert('question', 'How are you today?');

Disabling toast notification alert treatment.

$this->alert('info', 'This is not as toast alert', [
    'toast' => false

Positioning Alert

$this->alert('info', 'Centering alert', [
    'position' => 'center'

List of the following alert positions:

  • top
  • top-start
  • top-end
  • center
  • center-start
  • center-end
  • bottom
  • bottom-start
  • bottom-end


SweetAlert2 has 3 buttons that is not shown by default.

To show confirm button, simply pass the showConfirmButton to alert configuration and set it to true.

$this->alert('question', 'How are you today?', [
    'showConfirmButton' => true

Change confirm button text:

$this->alert('question', 'How are you today?', [
    'showConfirmButton' => true,
    'confirmButtonText' => 'Good'

Adding event when confirm button is clicked. First create a function that will be fired when confirm button is clicked:

public function confirmed()
    // Do something

Add to it event listeners array to register it.

protected $listeners = [


public function getListeners()
    return [

And then pass it to onConfirmed key of the alert configuration.

$this->alert('question', 'How are you today?', [
    'showConfirmButton' => true,
    'confirmButtonText' => 'Good',
    'onConfirmed' => 'confirmed' 

You can also pass a parameter to the event to get the alert response.

Useful when you need to get the value of the input inside the alert.

$this->alert('warning', 'Please enter password', [
    'showConfirmButton' => true,
    'confirmButtonText' => 'Submit',
    'onConfirmed' => 'confirmed',
    'input' => 'password',
    'inputValidator' => '(value) => new Promise((resolve) => '.
        '  resolve('.
        '    /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[#$^+=!*()@%&]).{8,}$/.test(value) ?'.
        '    undefined : "Error in password"'.
        '  )'.
    'allowOutsideClick' => false,
    'timer' => null
public function confirmed($data)
    // Get input value and do anything you want to it
    $password = $data['value'];

Just do the same thing to show deny and cancel button. Just create a function for each button and register it to event listeners.

public function denied() 
    // Do something when denied button is clicked
public function cancelled() 
    // Do something when cancel button is clicked
public function getListeners()
    return [

Make sure to set showDenyButton and showCancelButton to true.

$this->alert('warning', 'Alert with deny and cancel button', [
    'showDenyButton' => true,
    'denyButtonText' => 'Deny',
    'showCancelButton' => true,
    'cancelButtonText' => 'Cancel',
    'onDenied' => 'denied',
    'onDismissed' => 'cancelled'

Emit events to only specific component. Instead of passing the listener directly to the event, pass an array with component and listeners keys.

'onConfirmed' => [
   'component' => 'livewire-component',
   'listener' => 'confirmed'

Don't want to define extra button configuration every time you show alert confirmation? Use the confirm method instead.

You can always override default confirm settings just tweak the configuration.

$this->confirm('Are you sure do want to leave?', [
    'onConfirmed' => 'confirmed',

Flash Notification

You can also use alert as a flash notification. You can pass the redirect route on the fourth parameter, redirects to / by default.

$this->flash('success', 'Successfully submitted form', [], '/');


Override default alert config by publishing the livewire-alert.php config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-alert:config
    'alert' => [
        'position' => 'top-end',
        'timer' => 3000,
        'toast' => true,
        'text' => null,
        'showCancelButton' => false,
        'showConfirmButton' => false
    'confirm' => [
        'icon' => 'warning',
        'position' => 'center',
        'toast' => false,
        'timer' => null,
        'showConfirmButton' => true,
        'showCancelButton' => true,
        'cancelButtonText' => 'No',
        'confirmButtonColor' => '#3085d6',
        'cancelButtonColor' => '#d33'


You can customize alert style by passing your custom classes, works perfectly with TailwindCSS

  'customClass' => [
    'container' => '',
    'popup' => '',
    'header' => '',
    'title' => '',
    'closeButton' => '',
    'icon' => '',
    'image' => '',
    'content' => '',
    'htmlContainer' => '',
    'input' => '',
    'inputLabel' => '',
    'validationMessage' => '',
    'actions' => '',
    'confirmButton' => '',
    'denyButton' => '',
    'cancelButton' => '',
    'loader' => '',
    'footer' => ''

For more details about customization and configuration please check SweetAlert2



Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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