
Automate and streamline your job search with a suite of tools designed for LinkedIn outreach, email campaigns, resume organization, and network management. Enhance your efficiency, keep your applications organized, and maintain a professional online presence with ease.

MIT License


🚀 Elevate Your Job Search with Automated Tools!

Welcome to my curated collection of scripts designed to revolutionize the way you connect with professionals on LinkedIn, streamline your email outreach, organize your job applications, and maintain a tidy LinkedIn network. These tools have been meticulously crafted to save time and increase efficiency in your daily job search efforts.

Connect and Engage on LinkedIn with Ease

📬 referral-linkedin/referral.js

Quickly Personalize Messages: Choose your target audience—recruiters or employees—and customize your message with the company name, job ID, and more. Simply navigate to the person's LinkedIn profile, open the console tab in Developer Tools, and paste the code for instant messaging.

Troubleshooting Tips: If the first attempt doesn't succeed, refresh the page and try again.

🌐 referral-linkedin/multipleReferrals.js

Mass Messaging Made Simple: Perfect for reaching out to numerous profiles at once. Visit the company's LinkedIn page, filter by location and position as needed, and use the console tab to launch your campaign. Set a connection limit to ensure you don't overextend your network outreach.

📧 Revolutionize Your Cold Email Strategy

cold-email/ & cold-email/

Seamless Email Campaigns: Whether you're sending emails with or without attachments, these scripts make it effortless. After installing the necessary libraries and customizing your message, simply store your Gmail app password securely in a .env file. Begin reaching out to recruiters and employers without the hassle.

🌟 Discover Companies Sponsoring H1b Visas

Effortless Information Gathering: With just a few clicks, run the h1b-companies-scraper/ script after installing the required libraries. Dive into a treasure trove of companies open to sponsoring H1b visas.

Organize Your Tailored Resumes

🗂 save-modified-resume/

Keep Your Applications Organized: This script allows you to systematically save your customized resumes by company name and position in a designated folder. Define your working and save locations in the script, run it, and follow the prompts for a neatly organized job application process.

Manage Your LinkedIn Connections


Streamline Your Network: Clean up your LinkedIn network by withdrawing multiple pending connection requests. Navigate to your network tab, and let the script do the heavy lifting, focusing on older, unaccepted requests to keep your connections relevant and professional.

✉️ Automated Email Outreach

The following scripts allow you to send personalized and AI generated emails to multiple people at once.

Installation Steps:

  1. Install Ollama and its Python library: pip install ollama
  2. Download the model of your choice and include it in
  3. Include the details of the people to whom you want to send the email in the email_list.
  4. Create a virtual environment using the python -m venv .env command and activate the virtual environment.
  5. Set the Gmail app password using set GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD='your_password'.

📧 ai-generated-emails/

Effortless Email Campaigns: Sends AI-generated emails from a pre-defined template to people of your choice.

📑 ai-generated-emails/

Streamlined Email Generation: Creates a JSON file of the generated emails for each person of a particular company. Generates multiple JSON files for multiple companies.

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