
A repository where we Optimize the Fine-tuning process of LLMs in LANTA


Optimize LLM Fine-tuning for LANTA


Install using Mamba

mamba create -n <your-env-name> python=3.10 # or -p <your-env-path> python=3.10

mamba activate <your-env-path>

cd <base-path-to-repo>

bash shell/install-packages.sh --env_path <your-env-path>

Edit the submit-batch.sh file

Edit the submit-batch.sh file to set your account

From: #SBATCH -A xxyyyyyy

To:     #SBATCH -A <your-credit-account>

Submit Train Model

sbatch -N <node-count> submit-batch.sh

Setting Default Options

To set the default options, you can create the pre-submit.sh file in the base directory of the repository.

These are the required options that needs to be set before submitting the job.

export PROJ_PATH=<base-path-to-repo>
export SHARED_PATH=<your-shared-path>
export CACHE_PATH=<your-cache-path>
export ENV_PATH=<your-env-path>

# and export more options below...


The following options are used for arguments and pre-submit file for when using arguments with the script. (N/A means that the option isn't available for either arguments or pre-submit file.)

Arguments Pre-Submit file Default Value Description
--nthreads NTHREADS 8 Specifies the number of CPU helper threads used per network connection for socket transport.
--pthreads PTHREADS 2 Specifies the number of sockets opened by each helper thread of the socket transport.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE 4 Specifies the batch size.
--deepspeed_stage DEEPSPEED_STAGE 2 Specifies the deepspeed stage.
--model_size MODEL_SIZE 7b Specifies the model size.
--task TASK default Specifies the task. More Details
--run_with RUN_WITH conda Specifies the environment to run the script.
N/A PROJ_PATH Specifies the path to the repository.
N/A SHARED_PATH Specifies the shared path.
N/A CACHE_PATH Specifies the cache path.
--env_path ENV_PATH Specifies the path to the environment.

Task Options

Options are:

  • nccl: To name the log folder as NCCL testing structure
  • scaling: To name the log folder for scaling
  • default: To name the log folder as default
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