
Use Ollama from .NET 8 with a handwritten client, and even automatically spin up docker Ollama containers from code

MIT License



Table of Contents


Llamas is a .NET client library for Ollama, enabling .NET developers to interact with and leverage large language models. If using the Llamas.Container package, developers can also host pre-configured instances of Ollama in docker from their own .NET code either directly or using the simple DI patterns they are accustomed to with no configuration knowledge needed.

Llamas is a handwritten client library focused on ergonomics and performance, taking full advantage of IAsyncEnumerable and ndjson to handle and propagate live-streaming data. This client handles the functionality exposed by the Ollama API and therefore requires an instance of Ollama to be accessible over the local network, or hosted using the Llamas.Container package.


The IOllamaClient interface describes the functionality of the Ollama client, such as listing models installed locally, pulling new models, generating chat completions, generating embeddings, pushing models, and retrieving details about models. IOllamaBlobClient contains definitions for blob functionality including checking for the existence of and creation of a data blob.

Examples of client use can be found both in the examples folder, as well as the integration test suite.

Dependency Injection

Llamas comes with several ways to set up a client using the .NET hosting abstractions.

One can inject a client configuration and the client explicitly, or using one of the helper extension methods on IServiceCollection.

services.AddHttpClient(); // IHttpClientFactory and HttpClient can both be injected. Otherwise, new HttpClient will be created

#region Manual Addition

/// Add the services manually
var clientConfig = new OllamaClientConfiguration();
services.AddSingleton<IOllamaClient, OllamaClient>();

#region From Configuration

// Automatically inject the configuration and a client
var clientConfig = new OllamaClientConfiguration();


#region With Configuration Builder

// Use the lambda parameter to change the default configuration values
services.AddOllamaClient(clientConfig => clientConfig with {Port = 8082});



Unit Tests

Unit tests are defined for any functionality which is atomic and testable without mocking a server connection. In practice, this applies to custom serialization, stream hashing, etc..

Integration Tests

Integration tests are defined for all core client functionality, and are supported by a hosted instance of Ollama using Llamas.Container. These tests are ordered, to ensure stateful changes are accounted for.

Warning: Running integration tests will execute an LLM on your graphics device. It is not recommended to run these tests on a machine using an integrated graphics device or on a battery. The model used is small (<1GB) but will still heat up your PC.


Llamas.Abstractions contains interfaces for Llamas Ollama client and blob support, as well as the exported types needed for parameters and results. This assembly is provided separately to allow for integration purposes such as DI and client (e.g. Blazor) references.


Llamas.Container is a library providing Ollama self-hosting capabilities to .NET applications. This assembly provides the logic needed to automatically hook into a local docker service, pull the ollama container, configure the necessary devices, and run it transitively.

Support for persistence and further configuration is planned.

Container Dependency Injection

Like Llamas, Llamas.Container extends IServiceCollection with methods for easy injection. These allow for hosting with or without a client, and can be injected using the same configuration as the client for simplicity.

/// Add a container based on the client configuration
var clientConfig = new OllamaClientConfiguration();
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