
LLM interface that interacts with the LLM service


The Steps to Run the LLM service Locally

Running the frontend:

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd frontend
  2. Install node node:18.17.1
  3. Install PNPM: npm install -g [email protected] pnpm:9.1.2
  4. Install Dependencies: pnpm install
  5. start the application in dev mode: pnpm dev
  6. production build: pnpm build
  7. any linter problem pnpm lint:fix or to check pnpm lint

Running the backend

  • run docker containers
  • after making sure that the database and the frontend are running, run the LlmServiceApplication
  • to run the Backend linter mvn spotless:check to fix mvn spotless:check
  • Backend uses cpp plugin to run the modal , C++11 g++ cmake

How to use Docker

  • Run docker compose up -d
  • if something is changed in the front end and you want the latest changes docker compose up -d --no-deps --build build-fe