
ICLR 2024 论文和开源项目合集


ICLR 2024 论文和开源项目合集

本仓库旨在收集ICLR最新研究进展,尤其是LLM方面,涉及NLP领域的各个方向,此项目长期不定时更新。 欢迎watch和fork!不过给个star⭐就更好了❤️。 知乎地址:ShuYini 微信公众号: AINLPer每日更新,欢迎关注

历年ICLR 论文和开源项目合集

ICLR2024 Accept Paper

1、Boosting of Thoughts: Trial-and-Error Problem Solving with Large Language Models

2、TabR: Tabular Deep Learning Meets Nearest Neighbors

3、Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment

4、What Makes Good Data for Alignment? A Comprehensive Study of Automatic Data Selection in Instruction Tuning

5、Test-time Adaptation against Multi-modal Reliability Bias

6、Bellman Optimal Stepsize Straightening of Flow-Matching Models

7、On the Learnability of Watermarks for Language Models

8、Enhancing Tail Performance in Extreme Classifiers by Label Variance Reduction

9、Is This the Subspace You Are Looking for? An Interpretability Illusion for Subspace Activation Patching

10、Multilingual Jailbreak Challenges in Large Language Models

11、Rethinking the Power of Graph Canonization in Graph Representation Learning with Stability

12、AnomalyCLIP: Object-agnostic Prompt Learning for Zero-shot Anomaly Detection

13、Towards Faithful Explanations: Boosting Rationalization with Shortcuts Discovery

14、CORN: Contact-based Object Representation for Nonprehensile Manipulation of General Unseen Objects

15、TESTAM: A Time-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Attention Model with Mixture of Experts

16、Graph Parsing Networks

17、KoLA: Carefully Benchmarking World Knowledge of Large Language Models

18、LUM-ViT: Learnable Under-sampling Mask Vision Transformer for Bandwidth Limited Optical Signal Acquisition

19、Social-Transmotion: Promptable Human Trajectory Prediction

20、Robust Classification via Regression for Learning with Noisy Labels

21、Partitioning Message Passing for Graph Fraud Detection

22、Self-contradictory Hallucinations of Large Language Models: Evaluation, Detection and Mitigation

23、In-context Autoencoder for Context Compression in a Large Language Model

24、DDMI: Domain-agnostic Latent Diffusion Models for Synthesizing High-Quality Implicit Neural Representations

25、Rethinking Channel Dependence for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting: Learning from Leading Indicators

26、Mitigating Hallucination in Large Multi-Modal Models via Robust Instruction Tuning

27、RingAttention with Blockwise Transformers for Near-Infinite Context

28、Chain of Hindsight aligns Language Models with Feedback

29、Diagnosing Transformers: Illuminating Feature Spaces for Clinical Decision-Making

30、Addressing Loss of Plasticity and Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning

31、RepoBench: Benchmarking Repository-Level Code Auto-Completion Systems

32、Seeking Neural Nuggets: Knowledge Transfer in Large Language Models from a Parametric Perspective

33、Harnessing Explanations: LLM-to-LM Interpreter for Enhanced Text-Attributed Graph Representation Learning

34、In-Context Learning through the Bayesian Prism

35、Neural Spectral Methods: Self-supervised learning in the spectral domain

36、SuRe: Summarizing Retrievals using Answer Candidates for Open-domain QA of LLMs

37、Kosmos-G: Generating Images in Context with Multimodal Large Language Models

38、Chain-of-Knowledge: Grounding Large Language Models via Dynamic Knowledge Adapting over Heterogeneous Sources

39、LitCab: Lightweight Language Model Calibration over Short- and Long-form Responses

40、Energy-based Automated Model Evaluation

41、SKILL-MIX: a Flexible and Expandable Family of Evaluations for AI Models

42、ArchLock: Locking DNN Transferability at the Architecture Level with a Zero-Cost Binary Predictor

43、Data Debugging with Shapley Importance over Machine Learning Pipelines

44、RECOMP: Improving Retrieval-Augmented LMs with Context Compression and Selective Augmentation

45、Gen-Z: Generative Zero-Shot Text Classification with Contextualized Label Descriptions

46、Dichotomy of Early and Late Phase Implicit Biases Can Provably Induce Grokking

47、PromptAgent: Strategic Planning with Language Models Enables Expert-level Prompt Optimization

48、Bias Runs Deep: Implicit Reasoning Biases in Persona-Assigned LLMs

49、Pushing Boundaries: Mixup's Influence on Neural Collapse

50、Graph Transformers on EHRs: Better Representation Improves Downstream Performance

51、Uncertainty-aware Graph-based Hyperspectral Image Classification

52、On the Scalability and Memory Efficiency of Semidefinite Programs for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Neural Networks

53、Are Bert Family Good Instruction Followers? A Study on Their Potential And Limitations

54、UNR-Explainer: Counterfactual Explanations for Unsupervised Node Representation Learning Models

55、Exploring the Promise and Limits of Real-Time Recurrent Learning

56、Neural-Symbolic Recursive Machine for Systematic Generalization

57、Davidsonian Scene Graph: Improving Reliability in Fine-grained Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation

58、Are Models Biased on Text without Gender-related Language?

59、PlaSma: Procedural Knowledge Models for Language-based Planning and Re-Planning

60、Towards Foundational Models for Molecular Learning on Large-Scale Multi-Task Datasets

61、Transformer-VQ: Linear-Time Transformers via Vector Quantization

62、Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning

63、Efficient Modulation for Vision Networks

64、Pre-training LiDAR-based 3D Object Detectors through Colorization

65、An Emulator for Fine-tuning Large Language Models using Small Language Models

66、Language Model Detectors Are Easily Optimized Against

67、Zero-Shot Robotic Manipulation with Pre-Trained Image-Editing Diffusion Models

68、GAFormer: Enhancing Timeseries Transformers Through Group-Aware Embeddings

69、Stochastic Gradient Descent for Gaussian Processes Done Right

70、Fine-Tuning Language Models for Factuality

71、CNN Kernels Can Be the Best Shapelets

72、Demystifying Poisoning Backdoor Attacks from a Statistical Perspective

73、Forward Learning of Graph Neural Networks

74、Does CLIP’s generalization performance mainly stem from high train-test similarity?

75、Group Preference Optimization: Few-Shot Alignment of Large Language Models

76、L2MAC: Large Language Model Automatic Computer for Extensive Code Generation

77、Llemma: An Open Language Model for Mathematics

78、Tree Search-Based Policy Optimization under Stochastic Execution Delay

79、Beyond Accuracy: Evaluating Self-Consistency of Code Large Language Models with IdentityChain

80、Context-Aware Meta-Learning

81、The Effectiveness of Random Forgetting for Robust Generalization

82、VCR-Graphormer: A Mini-batch Graph Transformer via Virtual Connections

83、Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks

84、DRSM: De-Randomized Smoothing on Malware Classifier Providing Certified Robustness

85、To Grok or not to Grok: Disentangling Generalization and Memorization on Corrupted Algorithmic Datasets

86、On the Variance of Neural Network Training with respect to Test Sets and Distributions

87、GNNBoundary: Towards Explaining Graph Neural Networks through the Lens of Decision Boundaries

88、Towards Identifiable Unsupervised Domain Translation: A Diversified Distribution Matching Approach

89、SineNet: Learning Temporal Dynamics in Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations

90、Can Large Language Models Infer Causation from Correlation?

91、A Variational Perspective on Solving Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models

92、Layer-wise linear mode connectivity

93、NEFTune: Noisy Embeddings Improve Instruction Finetuning

94、Sparse MoE with Language Guided Routing for Multilingual Machine Translation

95、REFACTOR: Learning to Extract Theorems from Proofs

96、Detecting Pretraining Data from Large Language Models

97、Don't Trust: Verify -- Grounding LLM Quantitative Reasoning with Autoformalization

98、PubDef: Defending Against Transfer Attacks From Public Models

99、AutomaTikZ: Text-Guided Synthesis of Scientific Vector Graphics with TikZ

100、Can LLM-Generated Misinformation Be Detected?

101、A Simple Interpretable Transformer for Fine-Grained Image Classification and Analysis

102、Disentangling Time Series Representations via Contrastive Independence-of-Support on l-Variational Inference

103、Distributional Preference Learning: Understanding and Accounting for Hidden Context in RLHF

104、Eureka: Human-Level Reward Design via Coding Large Language Models

105、3D Feature Prediction for Masked-AutoEncoder-Based Point Cloud Pretraining

106、Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting in Language Models via Implicit Inference

107、Learning from Label Proportions: Bootstrapping Supervised Learners via Belief Propagation

108、What Makes a Good Prune? Maximal Unstructured Pruning for Maximal Cosine Similarity

109、Enhancing Small Medical Learners with Privacy-preserving Contextual Prompting

110、Vocos: Closing the gap between time-domain and Fourier-based neural vocoders for high-quality audio synthesis

111、Learning Delays in Spiking Neural Networks using Dilated Convolutions with Learnable Spacings

112、The Reversal Curse: LLMs trained on “A is B” fail to learn “B is A”

113、AutoDAN: Generating Stealthy Jailbreak Prompts on Aligned Large Language Models

114、MixSATGEN: Learning Graph Mixing for SAT Instance Generation

115、PROGRAM: PROtotype GRAph Model based Pseudo-Label Learning for Test-Time Adaptation

116、Backdoor Secrets Unveiled: Identifying Backdoor Data with Optimized Scaled Prediction Consistency

117、Consistency Trajectory Models: Learning Probability Flow ODE Trajectory of Diffusion

118、Deep SE(3)-Equivariant Geometric Reasoning for Precise Placement Tasks

119、Hierarchical Context Merging: Better Long Context Understanding for Pre-trained LLMs

120、ViLMA: A Zero-Shot Benchmark for Linguistic and Temporal Grounding in Video-Language Models

121、Diffusion in Diffusion: Cyclic One-Way Diffusion for Text-Vision-Conditioned Generation

122、Bounding the Expected Robustness of Graph Neural Networks Subject to Node Feature Attacks

123、Score Models for Offline Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning

124、USB-NeRF: Unrolling Shutter Bundle Adjusted Neural Radiance Fields

125、Beyond Imitation: Leveraging Fine-grained Quality Signals for Alignment

126、Contrastive Difference Predictive Coding

127、MCM: Masked Cell Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Tabular Data

128、HiGen: Hierarchical Graph Generative Networks

129、Escape Sky-high Cost: Early-stopping Self-Consistency for Multi-step Reasoning

130、PolyVoice: Language Models for Speech to Speech Translation

131、Adversarial Feature Map Pruning for Backdoor

132、EmerDiff: Emerging Pixel-level Semantic Knowledge in Diffusion Models

133、CLEX: Continuous Length Extrapolation for Large Language Models

134、FairSeg: A Large-Scale Medical Image Segmentation Dataset for Fairness Learning Using Segment Anything Model with Fair Error-Bound Scaling

135、InstructCV: Instruction-Tuned Text-to-Image Diffusion Models as Vision Generalists

136、Conserve-Update-Revise to Cure Generalization and Robustness Trade-off in Adversarial Training

137、Can We Evaluate Domain Adaptation Models Without Target-Domain Labels?

138、Denoising Task Routing for Diffusion Models

139、Frequency-Aware Transformer for Learned Image Compression

140、Reward Model Ensembles Help Mitigate Overoptimization

141、Understanding the Robustness of Randomized Feature Defense Against Query-Based Adversarial Attacks

142、GoLLIE: Annotation Guidelines improve Zero-Shot Information-Extraction

143、Do Generated Data Always Help Contrastive Learning?

144、Safe Offline Reinforcement Learning with Feasibility-Guided Diffusion Model

145、Zero Bubble (Almost) Pipeline Parallelism

146、Exploring Weight Balancing on Long-Tailed Recognition Problem

147、Compositional Conservatism: A Transductive Approach in Offline Reinforcement Learning

148、Flow to Better: Offline Preference-based Reinforcement Learning via Preferred Trajectory Generation

149、ED-NeRF: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Scene With Latent Space NeRF

150、Advancing Pose-Guided Image Synthesis with Progressive Conditional Diffusion Models

151、Attention-based Iterative Decomposition for Tensor Product Representation

152、Prometheus: Inducing Fine-Grained Evaluation Capability in Language Models

153、Evaluating Language Model Agency Through Negotiations

154、VersVideo: Leveraging Enhanced Temporal Diffusion Models for Versatile Video Generation

155、Controlling Vision-Language Models for Multi-Task Image Restoration

156、Some Fundamental Aspects about Lipschitz Continuity of Neural Networks

157、Yet Another ICU Benchmark: A Flexible Multi-Center Framework for Clinical ML

158、Harnessing Joint Rain-/Detail-aware Representations to Eliminate Intricate Rains

159、AgentBench: Evaluating LLMs as Agents

160、Differentially Private Synthetic Data via Foundation Model APIs 1: Images

161、Plug-and-Play Policy Planner for Large Language Model Powered Dialogue Agents

162、Bootstrapping Variational Information Pursuit with Large Language and Vision Models for Interpretable Image Classification

163、Evaluating Large Language Models at Evaluating Instruction Following

164、Backdoor Contrastive Learning via Bi-level Trigger Optimization

165、MetaCoCo: A New Few-Shot Classification Benchmark with Spurious Correlation

166、SafeDreamer: Safe Reinforcement Learning with World Models

167、Looped Transformers are Better at Learning Learning Algorithms

168、Certified Adversarial Robustness for Rate Encoded Spiking Neural Networks

169、Fake It Till Make It: Federated Learning with Consensus-Oriented Generation

170、Explaining Time Series via Contrastive and Locally Sparse Perturbations

171、Dynamic Neural Response Tuning

172、Grounded Object-Centric Learning

173、On the Stability of Expressive Positional Encodings for Graphs

174、SEINE: Short-to-Long Video Diffusion Model for Generative Transition and Prediction

175、Confidence-aware Reward Optimization for Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Models

176、The Devil is in the Neurons: Interpreting and Mitigating Social Biases in Language Models

177、Ensemble Distillation for Unsupervised Constituency Parsing

178、Training-free Multi-objective Diffusion Model for 3D Molecule Generation

179、Flag Aggregator: Scalable Distributed Training under Failures and Augmented Losses using Convex Optimization

180、Non-negative Contrastive Learning

181、Understanding Domain Generalization: A Noise Robustness Perspective

182、Image Clustering Conditioned on Text Criteria

183、Unmasking and Improving Data Credibility: A Study with Datasets for Training Harmless Language Models

184、Understanding Expressivity of GNN in Rule Learning

185、COLLIE: Systematic Construction of Constrained Text Generation Tasks

186、GENOME: Generative Neuro-Symbolic Visual Reasoning by Growing and Reusing Modules

187、Vanishing Gradients in Reinforcement Finetuning of Language Models

188、Hyper Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Composite Classification Uncertainty

189、Score Regularized Policy Optimization through Diffusion Behavior

190、Concept Bottleneck Generative Models

191、Robustifying and Boosting Training-Free Neural Architecture Search

192、MUFFIN: Curating Multi-Faceted Instructions for Improving Instruction Following

193、Learning Grounded Action Abstractions from Language

194、BayesDiff: Estimating Pixel-wise Uncertainty in Diffusion via Bayesian Inference

195、$\mathbb{D}^2$ Pruning: Message Passing for Balancing Diversity & Difficulty in Data Pruning

196、LQ-LoRA: Low-rank plus Quantized Matrix Decomposition for Efficient Language Model Finetuning

197、Skeleton-of-Thought: Prompting LLMs for Efficient Parallel Generation

198、Deep Temporal Graph Clustering

199、CoVLM: Composing Visual Entities and Relationships in Large Language Models Via Communicative Decoding

200、Towards Aligned Layout Generation via Diffusion Model with Aesthetic Constraints

201、Steve-Eye: Equipping LLM-based Embodied Agents with Visual Perception in Open Worlds

202、WizardLM: Empowering Large Pre-Trained Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions

203、CLIP-MUSED: CLIP-Guided Multi-Subject Visual Neural Information Semantic Decoding

204、Contrastive Preference Learning: Learning from Human Feedback without Reinforcement Learning

205、CoT3DRef: Chain-of-Thoughts Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding

206、Visual Data-Type Understanding does not emerge from scaling Vision-Language Models

207、Remote Sensing Vision-Language Foundation Models without Annotations via Ground Remote Alignment

208、Learning Planning Abstractions from Language

209、On the Fairness ROAD: Robust Optimization for Adversarial Debiasing

210、Tailoring Self-Rationalizers with Multi-Reward Distillation

211、Building Cooperative Embodied Agents Modularly with Large Language Models

212、Fast Hyperboloid Decision Tree Algorithms

213、Few-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text using Style Representations

214、Massive Editing for Large Language Models via Meta Learning

215、Data Distillation Can Be Like Vodka: Distilling More Times For Better Quality

216、Safe and Robust Watermark Injection with a Single OoD Image

217、Defining Expertise: Applications to Treatment Effect Estimation

218、Alleviating Exposure Bias in Diffusion Models through Sampling with Shifted Time Steps

219、DIFFTACTILE: A Physics-based Differentiable Tactile Simulator for Contact-rich Robotic Manipulation

220、Tangent Transformers for Composition,Privacy and Removal

221、Bayes Conditional Distribution Estimation for Knowledge Distillation Based on Conditional Mutual Information

222、Universal Guidance for Diffusion Models

223、Quantifying Language Models' Sensitivity to Spurious Features in Prompt Design or: How I learned to start worrying about prompt formatting

224、Neural SDF Flow for 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes

225、Rephrase, Augment, Reason: Visual Grounding of Questions for Vision-Language Models

226、Zoology: Measuring and Improving Recall in Efficient Language Models

227、Dynamic Sparse Training with Structured Sparsity

228、Towards Training Without Depth Limits: Batch Normalization Without Gradient Explosion

229、Curiosity-driven Red-teaming for Large Language Models

230、TACTiS-2: Better, Faster, Simpler Attentional Copulas for Multivariate Time Series

231、Robustness of AI-Image Detectors: Fundamental Limits and Practical Attacks

232、TiC-CLIP: Continual Training of CLIP Models

233、Constrained Decoding for Cross-lingual Label Projection

234、A Primal-Dual Approach to Solving Variational Inequalities with General Constraints

235、Channel Vision Transformers: An Image Is Worth 1 x 16 x 16 Words

236、ECoFLaP: Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Layer-Wise Pruning for Vision-Language Models

237、Understanding Reconstruction Attacks with the Neural Tangent Kernel and Dataset Distillation

238、Adapting to Distribution Shift by Visual Domain Prompt Generation

239、MiniGPT-4: Enhancing Vision-Language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models

240、Grokking as the transition from lazy to rich training dynamics

241、Rethinking Backdoor Attacks on Dataset Distillation: A Kernel Method Perspective

242、Mixture of Weak and Strong Experts on Graphs

243、Towards Diverse Behaviors: A Benchmark for Imitation Learning with Human Demonstrations

244、Reconciling Spatial and Temporal Abstractions for Goal Representation

245、LLM Augmented LLMs: Expanding Capabilities through Composition

246、Estimating Conditional Mutual Information for Dynamic Feature Selection

247、Evaluating Representation Learning on the Protein Structure Universe

248、Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents

249、FeatUp: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Features at Any Resolution

250、Sparse Autoencoders Find Highly Interpretable Features in Language Models

251、OVOR: OnePrompt with Virtual Outlier Regularization for Rehearsal-Free Class-Incremental Learning

252、Learning from Sparse Offline Datasets via Conservative Density Estimation

253、Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback

254、Hybrid Internal Model: Learning Agile Legged Locomotion with Simulated Robot Response

255、OpenWebMath: An Open Dataset of High-Quality Mathematical Web Text

256、Robust Model-Based Optimization for Challenging Fitness Landscapes

257、Solving High Frequency and Multi-Scale PDEs with Gaussian Processes

258、S$2$AC: Energy-Based Reinforcement Learning with Stein Soft Actor Critic

259、Better Neural PDE Solvers Through Data-Free Mesh Movers

260、Conditional Variational Diffusion Models

261、BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on Biologically Meaningful Tasks

262、Towards Robust Fidelity for Evaluating Explainability of Graph Neural Networks

263、Neural Optimal Transport with General Cost Functionals

264、A Topological Perspective on Demystifying GNN-Based Link Prediction Performance

265、Time-Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Stateful Policies

266、Open the Black Box: Step-based Policy Updates for Temporally-Correlated Episodic Reinforcement Learning

267、Can we get the best of both Binary Neural Networks and Spiking Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision?

268、Node2ket: Efficient High-Dimensional Network Embedding in Quantum Hilbert Space

269、Ring-A-Bell! How Reliable are Concept Removal Methods For Diffusion Models?

270、Image Clustering via the Principle of Rate Reduction in the Age of Pretrained Models

271、VeRA: Vector-based Random Matrix Adaptation

272、PerceptionCLIP: Visual Classification by Inferring and Conditioning on Contexts

273、AntGPT: Can Large Language Models Help Long-term Action Anticipation from Videos?

274、BENO: Boundary-embedded Neural Operators for Elliptic PDEs

275、Fourier Transporter: Bi-Equivariant Robotic Manipulation in 3D

276、Clifford Group Equivariant Simplicial Message Passing Networks

277、Unleashing Large-Scale Video Generative Pre-training for Visual Robot Manipulation

278、Vision-by-Language for Training-Free Compositional Image Retrieval

279、GAIA: Zero-shot Talking Avatar Generation

280、RobustTSF: Towards Theory and Design of Robust Time Series Forecasting with Anomalies

281、SliceGPT: Compress Large Language Models by Deleting Rows and Columns

282、DORSal: Diffusion for Object-centric Representations of Scenes $\textit{et al.}$

283、Increasing Model Capacity for Free: A Simple Strategy for Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning

284、Leave-one-out Distinguishability in Machine Learning

285、Learning Semantic Proxies from Visual Prompts for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in Deep Metric Learning

286、Energy-guided Entropic Neural Optimal Transport

287、Neural Architecture Retrieval

288、Removing Biases from Molecular Representations via Information Maximization

289、Faster Approximation of Probabilistic and Distributional Values via Least Squares

290、TAB: Temporal Accumulated Batch Normalization in Spiking Neural Networks

291、Rethinking the Uniformity Metric in Self-Supervised Learning

292、Diving Segmentation Model into Pixels

293、Hybrid Sharing for Multi-Label Image Classification

294、On Adversarial Training without Perturbing all Examples

295、Multilinear Operator Networks

296、UniversalNER: Targeted Distillation from Large Language Models for Open Named Entity Recognition

297、The Curse of Diversity in Ensemble-Based Exploration

298、Off-Policy Primal-Dual Safe Reinforcement Learning

299、Neuroformer: Multimodal and Multitask Generative Pretraining for Brain Data

300、An Extensible Framework for Open Heterogeneous Collaborative Perception

301、Neural structure learning with stochastic differential equations

302、GAIA: a benchmark for General AI Assistants

303、Equivariant Scalar Fields for Molecular Docking with Fast Fourier Transforms

304、Unleashing the Power of Pre-trained Language Models for Offline Reinforcement Learning

305、Discovering Temporally-Aware Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

306、Guiding Masked Representation Learning to Capture Spatio-Temporal Relationship of Electrocardiogram

307、Towards Eliminating Hard Label Constraints in Gradient Inversion Attacks

308、From Zero to Turbulence: Generative Modeling for 3D Flow Simulation

309、DisenBooth: Identity-Preserving Disentangled Tuning for Subject-Driven Text-to-Image Generation

310、Revisiting Data Augmentation in Deep Reinforcement Learning

311、Toward effective protection against diffusion-based mimicry through score distillation

312、SALMONN: Towards Generic Hearing Abilities for Large Language Models

313、Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence Information Bottleneck for Regression

314、Light Schrödinger Bridge

315、Beam Enumeration: Probabilistic Explainability For Sample Efficient Self-conditioned Molecular Design

316、DP-SGD Without Clipping: The Lipschitz Neural Network Way

317、Provable and Practical: Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning via Langevin Monte Carlo

318、Reasoning on Graphs: Faithful and Interpretable Large Language Model Reasoning

319、How to Catch an AI Liar: Lie Detection in Black-Box LLMs by Asking Unrelated Questions

320、Out-of-Variable Generalisation for Discriminative Models

321、Training Unbiased Diffusion Models From Biased Dataset

322、On Harmonizing Implicit Subpopulations

323、Rethinking Branching on Exact Combinatorial Optimization Solver: The First Deep Symbolic Discovery Framework

324、Continual Learning in the Presence of Spurious Correlations: Analyses and a Simple Baseline

325、Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation Using Both 2D and 3D Diffusion Priors

326、Robust Training of Federated Models with Extremely Label Deficiency

327、Scalable Modular Network: A Framework for Adaptive Learning via Agreement Routing

328、Consistent4D: Consistent 360° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video

329、MIntRec2.0: A Large-scale Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Intent Recognition and Out-of-scope Detection in Conversations

330、Fully Hyperbolic Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision

331、Intriguing Properties of Data Attribution on Diffusion Models

332、RLIF: Interactive Imitation Learning as Reinforcement Learning

333、The Need for Speed: Pruning Transformers with One Recipe

334、Bongard-OpenWorld: Few-Shot Reasoning for Free-form Visual Concepts in the Real World

335、Towards 3D Molecule-Text Interpretation in Language Models

336、Effective pruning of web-scale datasets based on complexity of concept clusters


338、COSA: Concatenated Sample Pretrained Vision-Language Foundation Model

339、An Unforgeable Publicly Verifiable Watermark for Large Language Models

340、Uncertainty-aware Constraint Inference in Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning

341、Algorithms for Caching and MTS with reduced number of predictions

342、FedLoGe: Joint Local and Generic Federated Learning under Long-tailed Data

343、Decoupling Weighing and Selecting for Integrating Multiple Graph Pre-training Tasks

344、Measuring Vision-Language STEM Skills of Neural Models

345、Towards Assessing and Benchmarking Risk-Return Tradeoff of Off-Policy Evaluation

346、Transformer Fusion with Optimal Transport

347、Mixture of LoRA Experts

348、On the Posterior Distribution in Denoising: Application to Uncertainty Quantification

349、LogicMP: A Neuro-symbolic Approach for Encoding First-order Logic Constraints

350、Skip-Attention: Improving Vision Transformers by Paying Less Attention

351、Benchmarking and Improving Generator-Validator Consistency of Language Models

352、LLM Blueprint: Enabling Text-to-Image Generation with Complex and Detailed Prompts

353、Uni-O4: Unifying Online and Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning with Multi-Step On-Policy Optimization

354、FFB: A Fair Fairness Benchmark for In-Processing Group Fairness Methods

355、Masked Structural Growth for 2x Faster Language Model Pre-training

356、Learning Flexible Body Collision Dynamics with Hierarchical Contact Mesh Transformer

357、MMICL: Empowering Vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning

358、EasyTPP: Towards Open Benchmarking Temporal Point Processes

359、Label-Noise Robust Diffusion Models

360、Adaptive Window Pruning for Efficient Local Motion Deblurring

361、A Unified Sampling Framework for Solver Searching of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

362、$\infty$-Diff: Infinite Resolution Diffusion with Subsampled Mollified States

363、Unsupervised Order Learning

364、EmerNeRF: Emergent Spatial-Temporal Scene Decomposition via Self-Supervision

365、Alice Benchmarks: Connecting Real World Re-Identification with the Synthetic

366、Video Language Planning

367、Large Language Models as Generalizable Policies for Embodied Tasks

368、An Efficient Membership Inference Attack for the Diffusion Model by Proximal Initialization

369、Mol-Instructions: A Large-Scale Biomolecular Instruction Dataset for Large Language Models

370、Don't Play Favorites: Minority Guidance for Diffusion Models

371、HAZARD Challenge: Embodied Decision Making in Dynamically Changing Environments

372、Learning Over Molecular Conformer Ensembles: Datasets and Benchmarks

373、DNA-GPT: Divergent N-Gram Analysis for Training-Free Detection of GPT-Generated Text

374、Efficient Integrators for Diffusion Generative Models

375、Free from Bellman Completeness: Trajectory Stitching via Model-based Return-conditioned Supervised Learning

376、WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents

377、Connecting Large Language Models with Evolutionary Algorithms Yields Powerful Prompt Optimizers

378、WildFusion: Learning 3D-Aware Latent Diffusion Models in View Space

379、Active Test-Time Adaptation: Theoretical Analyses and An Algorithm

380、AlignDiff: Aligning Diverse Human Preferences via Behavior-Customisable Diffusion Model

381、Doubly Robust Proximal Causal Learning for Continuous Treatments

382、One-hot Generalized Linear Model for Switching Brain State Discovery

383、The Blessing of Randomness: SDE Beats ODE in General Diffusion-based Image Editing

384、CodeChain: Towards Modular Code Generation Through Chain of Self-revisions with Representative Sub-modules

385、Towards Robust Multi-Modal Reasoning via Model Selection

386、DQ-LoRe: Dual Queries with Low Rank Approximation Re-ranking for In-Context Learning

387、LRR: Language-Driven Resamplable Continuous Representation against Adversarial Tracking Attacks

388、Boosting the Adversarial Robustness of Graph Neural Networks: An OOD Perspective

389、SPTNet: An Efficient Alternative Framework for Generalized Category Discovery with Spatial Prompt Tuning

390、Sheared LLaMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-training via Structured Pruning

391、Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Neural Schrödinger Bridge

392、A Paradigm Shift in Machine Translation: Boosting Translation Performance of Large Language Models

393、Large Language Model Cascades with Mixture of Thought Representations for Cost-Efficient Reasoning

394、Scaling Supervised Local Learning with Augmented Auxiliary Networks

395、Robot Fleet Learning via Policy Merging

396、InfoCon: Concept Discovery with Generative and Discriminative Informativeness

397、Elucidating the design space of classifier-guided diffusion generation

398、ImplicitSLIM and How it Improves Embedding-based Collaborative Filtering

399、Prompt Learning with Quaternion Networks

400、Uncertainty Quantification via Stable Distribution Propagation

401、MOFDiff: Coarse-grained Diffusion for Metal-Organic Framework Design

402、L2P-MIP: Learning to Presolve for Mixed Integer Programming

403、Long-Short-Range Message-Passing: A Physics-Informed Framework to Capture Non-Local Interaction for Scalable Molecular Dynamics Simulation

404、UniAdapter: Unified Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Cross-modal Modeling

405、Don't Judge by the Look: Towards Motion Coherent Video Representation

406、Time-LLM: Time Series Forecasting by Reprogramming Large Language Models

407、BayesPrompt: Prompting Large-Scale Pre-Trained Language Models on Few-shot Inference via Debiased Domain Abstraction

408、Memory-Assisted Sub-Prototype Mining for Universal Domain Adaptation

409、Offline Data Enhanced On-Policy Policy Gradient with Provable Guarantees

410、RDesign: Hierarchical Data-efficient Representation Learning for Tertiary Structure-based RNA Design

411、Large Language Models as Tool Makers

412、Zero and Few-shot Semantic Parsing with Ambiguous Inputs

413、Manifold Preserving Guided Diffusion

414、CRITIC: Large Language Models Can Self-Correct with Tool-Interactive Critiquing

415、Neural Common Neighbor with Completion for Link Prediction

416、Latent Intuitive Physics: Learning to Transfer Hidden Physics from A 3D Video

417、Privacy-Preserving In-Context Learning for Large Language Models

418、Adaptive Self-training Framework for Fine-grained Scene Graph Generation

419、Towards Foundation Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

420、ControlVideo: Training-free Controllable Text-to-video Generation

421、SALMON: Self-Alignment with Instructable Reward Models

422、KW-Design: Pushing the Limit of Protein Design via Knowledge Refinement

423、Fusing Models with Complementary Expertise

424、Federated Recommendation with Additive Personalization

425、Test-Time Adaptation with CLIP Reward for Zero-Shot Generalization in Vision-Language Models

426、Future Language Modeling from Temporal Document History

427、DATS: Difficulty-Aware Task Sampler for Meta-Learning Physics-Informed Neural Networks

428、SemiReward: A General Reward Model for Semi-supervised Learning

429、Probabilistic Adaptation of Black-Box Text-to-Video Models

430、Smooth ECE: Principled Reliability Diagrams via Kernel Smoothing

431、Scalable Diffusion for Materials Generation

432、ReLoRA: High-Rank Training Through Low-Rank Updates

433、JoMA: Demystifying Multilayer Transformers via Joint Dynamics of MLP and Attention

434、The Truth is in There: Improving Reasoning in Language Models with Layer-Selective Rank Reduction

435、DeepZero: Scaling Up Zeroth-Order Optimization for Deep Model Training

436、AUC-CL: A Batchsize-Robust Framework for Self-Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning

437、ReMasker: Imputing Tabular Data with Masked Autoencoding

438、Variance Reduced Halpern Iteration for Finite-Sum Monotone Inclusions

439、Teaching Arithmetic to Small Transformers

440、DrS: Learning Reusable Dense Rewards for Multi-Stage Tasks

441、GOAt: Explaining Graph Neural Networks via Graph Output Attribution

442、Listen, Think, and Understand

443、A Lie Group Approach to Riemannian Batch Normalization

444、Deep Neural Networks Tend To Extrapolate Predictably

445、Neurosymbolic Grounding for Compositional World Models

446、Federated Orthogonal Training: Mitigating Global Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Federated Learning

447、The Hidden Language of Diffusion Models

448、DiffusionNAG: Predictor-guided Neural Architecture Generation with Diffusion Models

449、Federated Causal Discovery from Heterogeneous Data

450、Language Control Diffusion: Efficiently Scaling through Space, Time, and Tasks

451、Principled Architecture-aware Scaling of Hyperparameters

452、Provable Robust Watermarking for AI-Generated Text

453、Str2Str: A Score-based Framework for Zero-shot Protein Conformation Sampling

454、Learning dynamic representations of the functional connectome in neurobiological networks

455、SmartPlay : A Benchmark for LLMs as Intelligent Agents

456、SOHES: Self-supervised Open-world Hierarchical Entity Segmentation

457、EquiformerV2: Improved Equivariant Transformer for Scaling to Higher-Degree Representations

458、Robust NAS under adversarial training: benchmark, theory, and beyond

459、Parametric Augmentation for Time Series Contrastive Learning

460、Test-Time Training on Nearest Neighbors for Large Language Models

461、Prediction Error-based Classification for Class-Incremental Learning

462、SCHEMA: State CHangEs MAtter for Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos

463、Improved Probabilistic Image-Text Representations

464、BaDExpert: Extracting Backdoor Functionality for Accurate Backdoor Input Detection

465、Is Self-Repair a Silver Bullet for Code Generation?

466、DNABERT-2: Efficient Foundation Model and Benchmark For Multi-Species Genomes

467、Learning Stackable and Skippable LEGO Bricks for Efficient, Reconfigurable, and Variable-Resolution Diffusion Modeling

468、Latent 3D Graph Diffusion

469、Matryoshka Diffusion Models

470、LILO: Learning Interpretable Libraries by Compressing and Documenting Code

471、Model Merging by Uncertainty-Based Gradient Matching

472、$\alpha$TC-VAE: On the relationship between Disentanglement and Diversity

473、The Reasonableness Behind Unreasonable Translation Capability of Large Language Model

474、Zero-Shot Continuous Prompt Transfer: Generalizing Task Semantics Across Language Models

475、MAMBA: an Effective World Model Approach for Meta-Reinforcement Learning

476、Efficient Video Diffusion Models via Content-Frame Motion-Latent Decomposition


478、Compressing LLMs: The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple

479、An Investigation of Representation and Allocation Harms in Contrastive Learning

480、Discovering modular solutions that generalize compositionally

481、Neural Atoms: Propagating Long-range Interaction in Molecular Graphs through Efficient Communication Channel

482、FairTune: Optimizing Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning for Fairness in Medical Image Analysis

483、A 2-Dimensional State Space Layer for Spatial Inductive Bias

484、PB-LLM: Partially Binarized Large Language Models

485、Intelligent Switching for Reset-Free RL

486、Pushing Mixture of Experts to the Limit: Extremely Parameter Efficient MoE for Instruction Tuning

487、Less is More: One-shot Subgraph Reasoning on Large-scale Knowledge Graphs

488、Unknown Domain Inconsistency Minimization for Domain Generalization

489、Can LLMs Express Their Uncertainty? An Empirical Evaluation of Confidence Elicitation in LLMs

490、True Knowledge Comes from Practice: Aligning Large Language Models with Embodied Environments via Reinforcement Learning

491、AuG-KD: Anchor-Based Mixup Generation for Out-of-Domain Knowledge Distillation

492、Privacy-Preserving In-Context Learning with Differentially Private Few-Shot Generation

493、Elucidating the Exposure Bias in Diffusion Models

494、Fast, Expressive $\mathrm{SE}(n)$ Equivariant Networks through Weight-Sharing in Position-Orientation Space

495、Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks via Lossy Compression

496、Knowledge Fusion of Large Language Models

497、FedTrans: Client-Transparent Utility Estimation for Robust Federated Learning

498、From Posterior Sampling to Meaningful Diversity in Image Restoration

499、SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation

500、Select to Perfect: Imitating desired behavior from large multi-agent data

501、Exploring Diffusion Time-steps for Unsupervised Representation Learning

502、Emu: Generative Pretraining in Multimodality

503、Dirichlet-based Per-Sample Weighting by Transition Matrix for Noisy Label Learning

504、HoloNets: Spectral Convolutions do extend to Directed Graphs

505、Uni-RLHF: Universal Platform and Benchmark Suite for Reinforcement Learning with Diverse Human Feedback

506、Improving the Convergence of Dynamic NeRFs via Optimal Transport

507、Vision-Language Models are Zero-Shot Reward Models for Reinforcement Learning

508、CARD: Channel Aligned Robust Blend Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

509、Reinforcement Symbolic Regression Machine

510、Towards Faithful XAI Evaluation via Generalization-Limited Backdoor Watermark

511、Efficient Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning by Planning

512、EventRPG: Event Data Augmentation with Relevance Propagation Guidance

513、Unified Language-Vision Pretraining in LLM with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization

514、Efficient Backpropagation with Variance Controlled Adaptive Sampling

515、DiLu: A Knowledge-Driven Approach to Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models

516、CRAFT: Customizing LLMs by Creating and Retrieving from Specialized Toolsets

517、InstaFlow: One Step is Enough for High-Quality Diffusion-Based Text-to-Image Generation

518、Object-Aware Inversion and Reassembly for Image Editing

519、Peering Through Preferences: Unraveling Feedback Acquisition for Aligning Large Language Models

520、SAN: Inducing Metrizability of GAN with Discriminative Normalized Linear Layer

521、Self-Supervised Dataset Distillation for Transfer Learning

522、Towards Codable Watermarking for Injecting Multi-Bits Information to LLMs

523、MathCoder: Seamless Code Integration in LLMs for Enhanced Mathematical Reasoning

524、Solving Challenging Math Word Problems Using GPT-4 Code Interpreter with Code-based Self-Verification

525、Dual Associated Encoder for Face Restoration

526、DiffusionSat: A Generative Foundation Model for Satellite Imagery

527、DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior

528、Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video

529、Follow-Up Differential Descriptions: Language Models Resolve Ambiguities for Image Classification

530、Functional Bayesian Tucker Decomposition for Continuous-indexed Tensor Data

531、Generative Pre-training for Speech with Flow Matching

532、EBMDock: Neural Probabilistic Protein-Protein Docking via a Differentiable Energy Model

533、CausalTime: Realistically Generated Time-series for Benchmarking of Causal Discovery

534、SLiMe: Segment Like Me

535、Sliced Denoising: A Physics-Informed Molecular Pre-Training Method

536、P$^2$OT: Progressive Partial Optimal Transport for Deep Imbalanced Clustering

537、SRL: Scaling Distributed Reinforcement Learning to Over Ten Thousand Cores

538、MG-TSD: Multi-Granularity Time Series Diffusion Models with Guided Learning Process

539、Heterogeneous Personalized Federated Learning by Local-Global Updates Mixing via Convergence Rate

540、Polynormer: Polynomial-Expressive Graph Transformer in Linear Time

541、DV-3DLane: End-to-end Multi-modal 3D Lane Detection with Dual-view Representation

542、Where We Have Arrived in Proving the Emergence of Sparse Interaction Primitives in DNNs

543、Continuous Field Reconstruction from Sparse Observations with Implicit Neural Networks

544、You Only Query Once: An Efficient Label-Only Membership Inference Attack

545、AirPhyNet: Harnessing Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Air Quality Prediction

546、DittoGym: Learning to Control Soft Shape-Shifting Robots

547、PRES: Toward Scalable Memory-Based Dynamic Graph Neural Networks

548、Learning to Jointly Understand Visual and Tactile Signals

549、NeurRev: Train Better Sparse Neural Network Practically via Neuron Revitalization

550、The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Linear Prediction as a Perceptual Metric

551、SPDER: Semiperiodic Damping-Enabled Object Representation

552、Crystalformer: Infinitely Connected Attention for Periodic Structure Encoding

553、Overcoming the Pitfalls of Vision-Language Model Finetuning for OOD Generalization

554、ConR: Contrastive Regularizer for Deep Imbalanced Regression

555、Plan-Seq-Learn: Language Model Guided RL for Solving Long Horizon Robotics Tasks

556、Diffusion-TS: Interpretable Diffusion for General Time Series Generation

557、Copula Conformal prediction for multi-step time series prediction

558、Effective Structural Encodings via Local Curvature Profiles

559、Machine Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models

560、OMNI: Open-endedness via Models of human Notions of Interestingness

561、MVDream: Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation

562、Universal Backdoor Attacks

563、MINT: Evaluating LLMs in Multi-turn Interaction with Tools and Language Feedback

564、Masked Audio Generation using a Single Non-Autoregressive Transformer

565、Neur2RO: Neural Two-Stage Robust Optimization

566、Efficient local linearity regularization to overcome catastrophic overfitting

567、Habitat 3.0: A Co-Habitat for Humans, Avatars, and Robots

568、A Recipe for Improved Certifiable Robustness

569、The LLM Surgeon

570、Masked Completion via Structured Diffusion with White-Box Transformers

571、Language Model Inversion

572、Decomposed Diffusion Sampler for Accelerating Large-Scale Inverse Problems

573、Perceptual Scales Predicted by Fisher Information Metrics

574、General Graph Random Features

575、Democratizing Fine-grained Visual Recognition with Large Language Models

576、AlpaGasus: Training a Better Alpaca with Fewer Data

577、HyperAttention: Long-context Attention in Near-Linear Time

578、Repelling Random Walks

579、Stabilizing Backpropagation Through Time to Learn Complex Physics

580、RECOMBINER: Robust and Enhanced Compression with Bayesian Implicit Neural Representations

581、Data Filtering Networks

582、Multi-task Learning with 3D-Aware Regularization

583、Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks

584、OWL: A Large Language Model for IT Operations

585、DMBP: Diffusion model-based predictor for robust offline reinforcement learning against state observation perturbations

586、ARGS: Alignment as Reward-Guided Search

587、Sliced Wasserstein Estimation with Control Variates

588、Label-free Node Classification on Graphs with Large Language Models (LLMs)

589、Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning with Mixture of Orthogonal Experts

590、Cross-Modal Contextualized Diffusion Models for Text-Guided Visual Generation and Editing

591、Theoretical Analysis of Robust Overfitting for Wide DNNs: An NTK Approach

592、Towards Enhancing Time Series Contrastive Learning: A Dynamic Bad Pair Mining Approach

593、Unveiling the Pitfalls of Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

594、InstructPix2NeRF: Instructed 3D Portrait Editing from a Single Image

595、BESA: Pruning Large Language Models with Blockwise Parameter-Efficient Sparsity Allocation

596、State Representation Learning Using an Unbalanced Atlas

597、LiDAR-PTQ: Post-Training Quantization for Point Cloud 3D Object Detection

598、Duolando: Follower GPT with Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning for Dance Accompaniment

599、STREAM: Spatio-TempoRal Evaluation and Analysis Metric for Video Generative Models

600、R-MAE: Regions Meet Masked Autoencoders

601、QA-LoRA: Quantization-Aware Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models

602、OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Mixed-Quality Data

603、Human Motion Diffusion as a Generative Prior

604、AdaMerging: Adaptive Model Merging for Multi-Task Learning

605、Self-Supervised High Dynamic Range Imaging with Multi-Exposure Images in Dynamic Scenes

606、MetaTool Benchmark for Large Language Models: Deciding Whether to Use Tools and Which to Use

607、Going Beyond Neural Network Feature Similarity: The Network Feature Complexity and Its Interpretation Using Category Theory

608、AdjointDPM: Adjoint Sensitivity Method for Gradient Backpropagation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

609、LLaMA-Adapter: Efficient Fine-tuning of Large Language Models with Zero-initialized Attention

610、Let 2D Diffusion Model Know 3D-Consistency for Robust Text-to-3D Generation

611、SparseFormer: Sparse Visual Recognition via Limited Latent Tokens

612、Demystifying Local & Global Fairness Trade-offs in Federated Learning Using Partial Information Decomposition

613、Protein-Ligand Interaction Prior for Binding-aware 3D Molecule Diffusion Models

614、Think-on-Graph: Deep and Responsible Reasoning of Large Language Model on Knowledge Graph

615、Protein Multimer Structure Prediction via Prompt Learning

616、Domain-Agnostic Molecular Generation with Chemical Feedback

617、Periodicity Decoupling Framework for Long-term Series Forecasting

618、Imitation Learning from Observation with Automatic Discount Scheduling

619、Label-Focused Inductive Bias over Latent Object Features in Visual Classification

620、TopoMLP: A Simple yet Strong Pipeline for Driving Topology Reasoning

621、PoSE: Efficient Context Window Extension of LLMs via Positional Skip-wise Training

622、Personalize Segment Anything Model with One Shot

623、Progressive3D: Progressively Local Editing for Text-to-3D Content Creation with Complex Semantic Prompts

624、The Unlocking Spell on Base LLMs: Rethinking Alignment via In-Context Learning

625、FedHyper: A Universal and Robust Learning Rate Scheduler for Federated Learning with Hypergradient Descent

626、FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators

627、ImagenHub: Standardizing the evaluation of conditional image generation models

628、Adapting Large Language Models via Reading Comprehension

629、DIAGNOSIS: Detecting Unauthorized Data Usages in Text-to-image Diffusion Models

630、A Hard-to-Beat Baseline for Training-free CLIP-based Adaptation

631、MiniLLM: Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models

632、Pathformer: Multi-scale Transformers with Adaptive Pathways for Time Series Forecasting

633、LUT-GEMM: Quantized Matrix Multiplication based on LUTs for Efficient Inference in Large-Scale Generative Language Models

634、Stable Anisotropic Regularization

635、On the Over-Memorization During Natural, Robust and Catastrophic Overfitting

636、Rethinking Adversarial Policies: A Generalized Attack Formulation and Provable Defense in RL

637、Semantic Flow: Learning Semantic Fields of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Videos

638、GraphPulse: Topological representations for temporal graph property prediction

639、Tell Your Model Where to Attend: Post-hoc Attention Steering for LLMs

640、Continual Learning on a Diet: Learning from Sparsely Labeled Streams Under Constrained Computation

641、Video Decomposition Prior: Editing Videos Layer by Layer

642、Beyond task performance: evaluating and reducing the flaws of large multimodal models with in-context-learning

643、Automatic Functional Differentiation in JAX

644、Butterfly Effects of SGD Noise: Error Amplification in Behavior Cloning and Autoregression

645、ADOPD: A Large-Scale Document Page Decomposition Dataset

646、FedCompass: Efficient Cross-Silo Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Client Devices Using a Computing Power-Aware Scheduler

647、COPlanner: Plan to Roll Out Conservatively but to Explore Optimistically for Model-Based RL

648、Can Transformers Capture Spatial Relations between Objects?

649、Navigating Text-To-Image Customization: From LyCORIS Fine-Tuning to Model Evaluation

650、Finite Scalar Quantization: VQ-VAE Made Simple

651、DiffAR: Denoising Diffusion Autoregressive Model for Raw Speech Waveform Generation

652、Discovering Failure Modes of Text-guided Diffusion Models via Adversarial Search

653、Breaking Physical and Linguistic Borders: Multilingual Federated Prompt Tuning for Low-Resource Languages

654、The Devil is in the Object Boundary: Towards Annotation-free Instance Segmentation using Foundation Models

655、Biased Temporal Convolution Graph Network for Time Series Forecasting with Missing Values

656、Most discriminative stimuli for functional cell type clustering

657、Rethinking Channel Dimensions to Isolate Outliers for Low-bit Weight Quantization of Large Language Models

658、Separating common from salient patterns with Contrastive Representation Learning

659、Faithful Explanations of Black-box NLP Models Using LLM-generated Counterfactuals

660、Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Long-term Forecasting

661、A Semantic Invariant Robust Watermark for Large Language Models

662、Spoken Question Answering and Speech Continuation Using Spectrogram-Powered LLM

663、AffineQuant: Affine Transformation Quantization for Large Language Models

664、Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing

665、FROSTER: Frozen CLIP is A Strong Teacher for Open-Vocabulary Action Recognition

666、Towards Seamless Adaptation of Pre-trained Models for Visual Place Recognition

667、CIFAR-10-Warehouse: Broad and More Realistic Testbeds in Model Generalization Analysis

668、The All-Seeing Project: Towards Panoptic Visual Recognition and Understanding of the Open World

669、Long-tailed Diffusion Models with Oriented Calibration

670、NfgTransformer: Equivariant Representation Learning for Normal-form Games

671、Few-shot Hybrid Domain Adaptation of Image Generator

672、KITAB: Evaluating LLMs on Constraint Satisfaction for Information Retrieval

673、MINDE: Mutual Information Neural Diffusion Estimation

674、fairret: a Framework for Differentiable Fairness Regularization Terms

675、Debiasing Algorithm through Model Adaptation


677、Seer: Language Instructed Video Prediction with Latent Diffusion Models

678、Are Human-generated Demonstrations Necessary for In-context Learning?

679、HYPO: Hyperspherical Out-Of-Distribution Generalization

680、SEABO: A Simple Search-Based Method for Offline Imitation Learning

681、Dynamic Sparse No Training: Training-Free Fine-tuning for Sparse LLMs

682、EX-Graph: A Pioneering Dataset Bridging Ethereum and X

683、Symbol as Points: Panoptic Symbol Spotting via Point-based Representation

684、HypeBoy: Generative Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Hypergraphs

685、Zero-Shot Robustification of Zero-Shot Models


687、FreeDyG: Frequency Enhanced Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Model for Link Prediction

688、VONet: Unsupervised Video Object Learning With Parallel U-Net Attention and Object-wise Sequential VAE

689、ReSimAD: Zero-Shot 3D Domain Transfer for Autonomous Driving with Source Reconstruction and Target Simulation

690、Octavius: Mitigating Task Interference in MLLMs via LoRA-MoE

691、Motion Guidance: Diffusion-Based Image Editing with Differentiable Motion Estimators

692、NECO: NEural Collapse Based Out-of-distribution detection

693、Making LLaMA SEE and Draw with SEED Tokenizer

694、Domain-Inspired Sharpness-Aware Minimization Under Domain Shifts

695、DynaVol: Unsupervised Learning for Dynamic Scenes through Object-Centric Voxelization

696、Sin3DM: Learning a Diffusion Model from a Single 3D Textured Shape

697、Pooling Image Datasets with Multiple Covariate Shift and Imbalance

698、Adaptive Regularization of Representation Rank as an Implicit Constraint of Bellman Equation

699、INViTE: INterpret and Control Vision-Language Models with Text Explanations

700、Trajeglish: Traffic Modeling as Next-Token Prediction

701、Meaning Representations from Trajectories in Autoregressive Models

702、The Effect of Intrinsic Dataset Properties on Generalization: Unraveling Learning Differences Between Natural and Medical Images

703、Pose Modulated Avatars from Video

704、Complete and Efficient Graph Transformers for Crystal Material Property Prediction

705、Patched Denoising Diffusion Models For High-Resolution Image Synthesis

706、NOLA: Compressing LoRA using Linear Combination of Random Basis

707、FLATTEN: optical FLow-guided ATTENtion for consistent text-to-video editing

708、Delta-AI: Local objectives for amortized inference in sparse graphical models

709、How Does Unlabeled Data Provably Help Out-of-Distribution Detection?

710、Learning Implicit Representation for Reconstructing Articulated Objects

711、Improving protein optimization with smoothed fitness landscapes

712、Rethinking Label Poisoning for GNNs: Pitfalls and Attacks

713、Cleanba: A Reproducible and Efficient Distributed Reinforcement Learning Platform

714、Function-space Parameterization of Neural Networks for Sequential Learning

715、Consciousness-Inspired Spatio-Temporal Abstractions for Better Generalization in Reinforcement Learning


717、TapMo: Shape-aware Motion Generation of Skeleton-free Characters

718、InstructDET: Diversifying Referring Object Detection with Generalized Instructions

719、RAIN: Your Language Models Can Align Themselves without Finetuning

720、Bridging State and History Representations: Understanding Self-Predictive RL

721、Synapse: Trajectory-as-Exemplar Prompting with Memory for Computer Control

722、Elastic Feature Consolidation For Cold Start Exemplar-Free Incremental Learning

723、Text-to-3D with Classifier Score Distillation

724、Accurate Forgetting for Heterogeneous Federated Continual Learning

725、Ground-A-Video: Zero-shot Grounded Video Editing using Text-to-image Diffusion Models

726、Scalable Language Model with Generalized Continual Learning

727、Symmetric Basis Convolutions for Learning Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics

728、Learning Conditional Invariances through Non-Commutativity

729、Real-Fake: Effective Training Data Synthesis Through Distribution Matching

730、GPT-4 Is Too Smart To Be Safe: Stealthy Chat with LLMs via Cipher

731、Contrastive Learning is Spectral Clustering on Similarity Graph

732、Plug-and-Play: An Efficient Post-training Pruning Method for Large Language Models

733、Epitopological learning and Cannistraci-Hebb network shape intelligence brain-inspired theory for ultra-sparse advantage in deep learning

734、Neural Field Classifiers via Target Encoding and Classification Loss

735、LipVoicer: Generating Speech from Silent Videos Guided by Lip Reading

736、Window Attention is Bugged: How not to Interpolate Position Embeddings

737、Be Careful What You Smooth For: Label Smoothing Can Be a Privacy Shield but Also a Catalyst for Model Inversion Attacks

738、ZipIt! Merging Models from Different Tasks without Training

739、Hybrid Distillation: Connecting Masked Autoencoders with Contrastive Learners

740、Facing the Elephant in the Room: Visual Prompt Tuning or Full finetuning?

741、Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models to the World

742、VFLAIR: A Research Library and Benchmark for Vertical Federated Learning

743、IRAD: Implicit Representation-driven Image Resampling against Adversarial Attacks

744、Stylized Offline Reinforcement Learning: Extracting Diverse High-Quality Behaviors from Heterogeneous Datasets

745、IceFormer: Accelerated Inference with Long-Sequence Transformers on CPUs

746、Convolution Meets LoRA: Parameter Efficient Finetuning for Segment Anything Model

747、Memory-Consistent Neural Networks for Imitation Learning

748、Tag2Text: Guiding Vision-Language Model via Image Tagging

749、Class Incremental Learning via Likelihood Ratio Based Task Prediction

750、Detecting Machine-Generated Texts by Multi-Population Aware Optimization for Maximum Mean Discrepancy

751、Attention-Guided Contrastive Role Representations for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

752、Learning with Mixture of Prototypes for Out-of-Distribution Detection

753、A Benchmark Study on Calibration

754、Structuring Representation Geometry with Rotationally Equivariant Contrastive Learning

755、Attention Satisfies: A Constraint-Satisfaction Lens on Factual Errors of Language Models

756、Context is Environment

757、Self-Guided Masked Autoencoders for Domain-Agnostic Self-Supervised Learning

758、IMPUS: Image Morphing with Perceptually-Uniform Sampling Using Diffusion Models

759、Query-Dependent Prompt Evaluation and Optimization with Offline Inverse RL

760、GPAvatar: Generalizable and Precise Head Avatar from Image(s)

761、BioBridge: Bridging Biomedical Foundation Models via Knowledge Graphs

762、Towards Few-Shot Adaptation of Foundation Models via Multitask Finetuning

763、Mind Your Augmentation: The Key to Decoupling Dense Self-Supervised Learning

764、Xformer: Hybrid X-Shaped Transformer for Image Denoising

765、Learning to Embed Time Series Patches Independently

766、Consistent Video-to-Video Transfer Using Synthetic Dataset

767、RTFS-Net: Recurrent Time-Frequency Modelling for Efficient Audio-Visual Speech Separation

768、LLCP: Learning Latent Causal Processes for Reasoning-based Video Question Answer

769、Revisiting Deep Audio-Text Retrieval Through the Lens of Transportation

770、Fast-DetectGPT: Efficient Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text via Conditional Probability Curvature

771、Matcher: Segment Anything with One Shot Using All-Purpose Feature Matching

772、LayoutNUWA: Revealing the Hidden Layout Expertise of Large Language Models

773、Defining and extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs

774、Analyzing and Mitigating Object Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models

775、Hebbian Learning based Orthogonal Projection for Continual Learning of Spiking Neural Networks

776、DoLa: Decoding by Contrasting Layers Improves Factuality in Large Language Models

777、ViDA: Homeostatic Visual Domain Adapter for Continual Test Time Adaptation

778、IDEAL: Influence-Driven Selective Annotations Empower In-Context Learners in Large Language Models

779、Connect, Collapse, Corrupt: Learning Cross-Modal Tasks with Uni-Modal Data

780、Data-independent Module-aware Pruning for Hierarchical Vision Transformers

781、Scaling for Training Time and Post-hoc Out-of-distribution Detection Enhancement

782、A Simple and Effective Pruning Approach for Large Language Models

783、GeoLLM: Extracting Geospatial Knowledge from Large Language Models

784、Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-view Generation and Large Reconstruction Model

785、Knowledge Distillation Based on Transformed Teacher Matching

786、Image Translation as Diffusion Visual Programmers

787、DePT: Decomposed Prompt Tuning for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning

788、VDT: General-purpose Video Diffusion Transformers via Mask Modeling

789、P2Seg: Pointly-supervised Segmentation via Mutual Distillation

790、Augmenting Transformers with Recursively Composed Multi-grained Representations

791、InsertNeRF: Instilling Generalizability into NeRF with HyperNet Modules

792、Efficient Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Molecular Graph Transformer Models

793、Continuous-Multiple Image Outpainting in One-Step via Positional Query and A Diffusion-based Approach

794、MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer's Details for Multi-View Stereo

795、When Semantic Segmentation Meets Frequency Aliasing

796、FreeNoise: Tuning-Free Longer Video Diffusion via Noise Rescheduling

797、Spatio-Temporal Few-Shot Learning via Diffusive Neural Network Generation

798、LMUFormer: Low Complexity Yet Powerful Spiking Model With Legendre Memory Units

799、Theoretical Understanding of Learning from Adversarial Perturbations

800、ADDP: Learning General Representations for Image Recognition and Generation with Alternating Denoising Diffusion Process

801、Mastering Symbolic Operations: Augmenting Language Models with Compiled Neural Networks

802、Inducing High Energy-Latency of Large Vision-Language Models with Verbose Images

803、STanHop: Sparse Tandem Hopfield Model for Memory-Enhanced Time Series Prediction

804、Progressive Fourier Neural Representation for Sequential Video Compilation

805、AutoLoRa: An Automated Robust Fine-Tuning Framework

806、Denoising Diffusion Step-aware Models

807、An LLM can Fool Itself: A Prompt-Based Adversarial Attack

808、Get more for less: Principled Data Selection for Warming Up Fine-Tuning in LLMs

809、3D Reconstruction with Generalizable Neural Fields using Scene Priors

810、AutoVP: An Automated Visual Prompting Framework and Benchmark

811、VQGraph: Rethinking Graph Representation Space for Bridging GNNs and MLPs

812、Dual-Encoders for Extreme Multi-label Classification

813、Order-Preserving GFlowNets

814、AutoCast++: Enhancing World Event Prediction with Zero-shot Ranking-based Context Retrieval

815、FasterViT: Fast Vision Transformers with Hierarchical Attention

816、Fine-Tuning Enhances Existing Mechanisms: A Case Study on Entity Tracking

817、Function Vectors in Large Language Models

818、ImageNet-OOD: Deciphering Modern Out-of-Distribution Detection Algorithms

819、Weakly-supervised Audio Separation via Bi-modal Semantic Similarity

820、Expected flow networks in stochastic environments and two-player zero-sum games

821、Neural Polynomial Gabor Fields for Macro Motion Analysis

822、Denoising Diffusion via Image-Based Rendering

823、LEAP: Liberate Sparse-View 3D Modeling from Camera Poses

824、BatchPrompt: Accomplish more with less

825、Reverse Forward Curriculum Learning for Extreme Sample and Demo Efficiency

826、ContextRef: Evaluating Referenceless Metrics for Image Description Generation

827、Large Language Models as Optimizers

828、ZeroFlow: Scalable Scene Flow via Distillation

829、HyperHuman: Hyper-Realistic Human Generation with Latent Structural Diffusion

830、R&B: Region and Boundary Aware Zero-shot Grounded Text-to-image Generation

831、SpeechTokenizer: Unified Speech Tokenizer for Speech Language Models

832、Enhancing High-Resolution 3D Generation through Pixel-wise Gradient Clipping

833、Transferring Labels to Solve Annotation Mismatches Across Object Detection Datasets

834、Weatherproofing Retrieval for Localization with Generative AI and Geometric Consistency

835、Consistency-guided Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Models

836、Strategic Preys Make Acute Predators: Enhancing Camouflaged Object Detectors by Generating Camouflaged Objects

837、Real-time Photorealistic Dynamic Scene Representation and Rendering with 4D Gaussian Splatting

838、Localizing and Editing Knowledge In Text-to-Image Generative Models

839、Language-Informed Visual Concept Learning

840、Online Continual Learning for Interactive Instruction Following Agents

841、Towards domain-invariant Self-Supervised Learning with Batch Styles Standardization

842、LaneSegNet: Map Learning with Lane Segment Perception for Autonomous Driving

843、Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization

844、Spike-driven Transformer V2: Meta Spiking Neural Network Architecture Inspiring the Design of Next-generation Neuromorphic Chips

845、BrainSCUBA: Fine-Grained Natural Language Captions of Visual Cortex Selectivity

846、Less or More From Teacher: Exploiting Trilateral Geometry For Knowledge Distillation

847、GeneOH Diffusion: Towards Generalizable Hand-Object Interaction Denoising via Denoising Diffusion

848、Get What You Want, Not What You Don't: Image Content Suppression for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

849、Unraveling the Enigma of Double Descent: An In-depth Analysis through the Lens of Learned Feature Space

850、Meta-Evolve: Continuous Robot Evolution for One-to-many Policy Transfer

851、DFormer: Rethinking RGBD Representation Learning for Semantic Segmentation

852、ToRA: A Tool-Integrated Reasoning Agent for Mathematical Problem Solving

853、GRANDE: Gradient-Based Decision Tree Ensembles for Tabular Data

854、VDC: Versatile Data Cleanser based on Visual-Linguistic Inconsistency by Multimodal Large Language Models

855、GTA: A Geometry-Aware Attention Mechanism for Multi-View Transformers

856、Towards Lossless Dataset Distillation via Difficulty-Aligned Trajectory Matching

857、Variance-enlarged Poisson Learning for Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning with Extremely Sparse Labeled Data

858、OmniControl: Control Any Joint at Any Time for Human Motion Generation

859、Exploring Target Representations for Masked Autoencoders

860、Path Choice Matters for Clear Attributions in Path Methods

861、MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control

862、MogaNet: Multi-order Gated Aggregation Network

863、MixSup: Mixed-grained Supervision for Label-efficient LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

864、Pareto Deep Long-Tailed Recognition: A Conflict-Averse Solution

865、Multi-Scale Representations by Varying Window Attention for Semantic Segmentation

866、Compressed Context Memory for Online Language Model Interaction

867、Large-Vocabulary 3D Diffusion Model with Transformer

868、TUVF: Learning Generalizable Texture UV Radiance Fields

869、SAS: Structured Activation Sparsification

870、A Progressive Training Framework for Spiking Neural Networks with Learnable Multi-hierarchical Model

871、Mega-TTS 2: Boosting Prompting Mechanisms for Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis

872、Threaten Spiking Neural Networks through Combining Rate and Temporal Information

873、A Symmetry-Aware Exploration of Bayesian Neural Network Posteriors

874、QLLM: Accurate and Efficient Low-Bitwidth Quantization for Large Language Models

875、3D-Aware Hypothesis & Verification for Generalizable Relative Object Pose Estimation

876、Divide and not forget: Ensemble of selectively trained experts in Continual Learning

877、Recursive Generalization Transformer for Image Super-Resolution

878、Rethinking Model Ensemble in Transfer-based Adversarial Attacks

879、MuSc: Zero-Shot Industrial Anomaly Classification and Segmentation with Mutual Scoring of the Unlabeled Images

880、I-PHYRE: Interactive Physical Reasoning

881、Exposing Text-Image Inconsistency Using Diffusion Models

ICLR2024 Accept Spotlight

1、Controlled Text Generation via Language Model Arithmetic

2、Consistency Training with Learnable Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection with Limited Supervision

3、Debiased Collaborative Filtering with Kernel-Based Causal Balancing

4、The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments

5、On the Role of Discrete Tokenization in Visual Representation Learning

6、Improved Efficiency Based on Learned Saccade and Continuous Scene Reconstruction From Foveated Visual Sampling

7、Overthinking the Truth: Understanding how Language Models Process False Demonstrations

8、MT-Ranker: Reference-free machine translation evaluation by inter-system ranking

9、MuSR: Testing the Limits of Chain-of-thought with Multistep Soft Reasoning

10、Harnessing Density Ratios for Online Reinforcement Learning

11、Predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing on structured domains

12、Likelihood Training of Cascaded Diffusion Models via Hierarchical Volume-preserving Maps

13、Circuit Component Reuse Across Tasks in Transformer Language Models

14、On Diffusion Modeling for Anomaly Detection

15、What's In My Big Data?

16、A Benchmark for Learning to Translate a New Language from One Grammar Book

17、Decision ConvFormer: Local Filtering in MetaFormer is Sufficient for Decision Making

18、Tool-Augmented Reward Modeling

19、Reward-Consistent Dynamics Models are Strongly Generalizable for Offline Reinforcement Learning

20、Catastrophic Jailbreak of Open-source LLMs via Exploiting Generation

21、PolyGCL: GRAPH CONTRASTIVE LEARNING via Learnable Spectral Polynomial Filters

22、Dual RL: Unification and New Methods for Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

23、CABINET: Content Relevance-based Noise Reduction for Table Question Answering

24、Stabilizing Contrastive RL: Techniques for Robotic Goal Reaching from Offline Data

25、H-GAP: Humanoid Control with a Generalist Planner

26、Blending Imitation and Reinforcement Learning for Robust Policy Improvement

27、Nemesis: Normalizing the Soft-prompt Vectors of Vision-Language Models

28、Analyzing Feed-Forward Blocks in Transformers through the Lens of Attention Maps

29、CAS: A Probability-Based Approach for Universal Condition Alignment Score

30、Demystifying CLIP Data

31、Towards Understanding Factual Knowledge of Large Language Models

32、Adversarial AutoMixup

33、Grounding Language Plans in Demonstrations Through Counterfactual Perturbations

34、Spatially-Aware Transformers for Embodied Agents

35、Merge, Then Compress: Demystify Efficient SMoE with Hints from Its Routing Policy

36、Beyond Worst-case Attacks: Robust RL with Adaptive Defense via Non-dominated Policies

37、Spectrally Transformed Kernel Regression

38、Online GNN Evaluation Under Test-time Graph Distribution Shifts

39、WildChat: 1M ChatGPT Interaction Logs in the Wild

40、Learning Hierarchical Image Segmentation For Recognition and By Recognition

41、Stack Attention: Improving the Ability of Transformers to Model Hierarchical Patterns

42、DreamFlow: High-quality text-to-3D generation by Approximating Probability Flow

43、Privileged Sensing Scaffolds Reinforcement Learning

44、Learning to Act without Actions

45、SOTOPIA: Interactive Evaluation for Social Intelligence in Language Agents

46、Thin-Shell Object Manipulations With Differentiable Physics Simulations

47、Can Sensitive Information Be Deleted From LLMs? Objectives for Defending Against Extraction Attacks

48、Pre-training with Random Orthogonal Projection Image Modeling

49、TorchRL: A data-driven decision-making library for PyTorch

50、Subtractive Mixture Models via Squaring: Representation and Learning

51、Variational Bayesian Last Layers

52、Towards Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning under Diverse Data Corruption

53、Retrieval-based Disentangled Representation Learning with Natural Language Supervision

54、On the Markov Property of Neural Algorithmic Reasoning: Analyses and Methods

55、CAMIL: Context-Aware Multiple Instance Learning for Cancer Detection and Subtyping in Whole Slide Images

56、DyST: Towards Dynamic Neural Scene Representations on Real-World Videos

57、DSPy: Compiling Declarative Language Model Calls into State-of-the-Art Pipelines

58、Bilevel Optimization under Unbounded Smoothness: A New Algorithm and Convergence Analysis

59、Maximum Entropy Heterogeneous-Agent Reinforcement Learning

60、CLIPSelf: Vision Transformer Distills Itself for Open-Vocabulary Dense Prediction

61、Large Brain Model for Learning Generic Representations with Tremendous EEG Data in BCI

62、ODICE: Revealing the Mystery of Distribution Correction Estimation via Orthogonal-gradient Update

63、ModernTCN: A Modern Pure Convolution Structure for General Time Series Analysis

64、MAPE-PPI: Towards Effective and Efficient Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction via Microenvironment-Aware Protein Embedding

65、Negative Label Guided OOD Detection with Pretrained Vision-Language Models

66、Text2Reward: Reward Shaping with Language Models for Reinforcement Learning

67、Towards Meta-Pruning via Optimal Transport

68、InternVid: A Large-scale Video-Text Dataset for Multimodal Understanding and Generation

69、Bounding Box Stability against Feature Dropout Reflects Detector Generalization across Environments

70、SWAP-NAS: Sample-Wise Activation Patterns for Ultra-fast NAS

71、RT-Trajectory: Robotic Task Generalization via Hindsight Trajectory Sketches

72、NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers

73、Submodular Reinforcement Learning

74、Making Pre-trained Language Models Great on Tabular Prediction

75、Soft Contrastive Learning for Time Series

76、Multiscale Positive-Unlabeled Detection of AI-Generated Texts

77、FITS: Modeling Time Series with $10k$ Parameters

78、MetaMath: Bootstrap Your Own Mathematical Questions for Large Language Models

79、Query-Policy Misalignment in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning

80、Large Language Models are Efficient Learners of Noise-Robust Speech Recognition

81、Sample-Efficient Quality-Diversity by Cooperative Coevolution

82、Dynamic Discounted Counterfactual Regret Minimization

83、SNIP: Bridging Mathematical Symbolic and Numeric Realms with Unified Pre-training

84、GIO: Gradient Information Optimization for Training Dataset Selection

85、Can LLMs Keep a Secret? Testing Privacy Implications of Language Models via Contextual Integrity Theory

86、Unleashing the Potential of Fractional Calculus in Graph Neural Networks with FROND

87、Whole-Song Hierarchical Generation of Symbolic Music Using Cascaded Diffusion Models

88、Critical Learning Periods Emerge Even in Deep Linear Networks

89、MOTOR: A Time-to-Event Foundation Model For Structured Medical Records

90、GenSim: Generating Robotic Simulation Tasks via Large Language Models

91、Understanding Augmentation-based Self-Supervised Representation Learning via RKHS Approximation and Regression

92、DP-OPT: Make Large Language Model Your Privacy-Preserving Prompt Engineer

93、Geographic Location Encoding with Spherical Harmonics and Sinusoidal Representation Networks

94、Lemur: Harmonizing Natural Language and Code for Language Agents

95、Large Multilingual Models Pivot Zero-Shot Multimodal Learning across Languages

96、NoiseDiffusion: Correcting Noise for Image Interpolation with Diffusion Models beyond Spherical Linear Interpolation

97、Selective Mixup Fine-Tuning for Optimizing Non-Decomposable Objectives

98、Entity-Centric Reinforcement Learning for Object Manipulation from Pixels

99、Inherently Interpretable Time Series Classification via Multiple Instance Learning

100、MMD Graph Kernel: Effective Metric Learning for Graphs via Maximum Mean Discrepancy

101、DyVal: Dynamic Evaluation of Large Language Models for Reasoning Tasks

102、Illusory Attacks: Information-theoretic detectability matters in adversarial attacks

103、Relay Diffusion: Unifying diffusion process across resolutions for image synthesis

104、Addressing Signal Delay in Deep Reinforcement Learning

105、ScaleCrafter: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Visual Generation with Diffusion Models

106、AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation and Editing

107、DrM: Mastering Visual Reinforcement Learning through Dormant Ratio Minimization

108、Coordinate-Aware Modulation for Neural Fields

109、Large Content And Behavior Models To Understand, Simulate, And Optimize Content And Behavior

110、LMSYS-Chat-1M: A Large-Scale Real-World LLM Conversation Dataset

111、EfficientDM: Efficient Quantization-Aware Fine-Tuning of Low-Bit Diffusion Models

112、BTR: Binary Token Representations for Efficient Retrieval Augmented Language Models

113、FLASK: Fine-grained Language Model Evaluation based on Alignment Skill Sets

114、Frozen Transformers in Language Models Are Effective Visual Encoder Layers

115、Learning Performance-Improving Code Edits

116、Quasi-Monte Carlo for 3D Sliced Wasserstein

117、An Image Is Worth 1000 Lies: Transferability of Adversarial Images across Prompts on Vision-Language Models

118、$\texttt{NAISR}$: A 3D Neural Additive Model for Interpretable Shape Representation

119、NuwaDynamics: Discovering and Updating in Causal Spatio-Temporal Modeling

120、ODEFormer: Symbolic Regression of Dynamical Systems with Transformers

121、Prototypical Information Bottlenecking and Disentangling for Multimodal Cancer Survival Prediction

122、MUSTARD: Mastering Uniform Synthesis of Theorem and Proof Data

123、Towards Reliable and Efficient Backdoor Trigger Inversion via Decoupling Benign Features

124、Unified Human-Scene Interaction via Prompted Chain-of-Contacts

125、Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection

126、Point2SSM: Learning Morphological Variations of Anatomies from Point Clouds

127、Generating Images with 3D Annotations Using Diffusion Models

128、Adaptive Chameleon or Stubborn Sloth: Revealing the Behavior of Large Language Models in Knowledge Conflicts

129、Single Motion Diffusion

130、Faithful and Efficient Explanations for Neural Networks via Neural Tangent Kernel Surrogate Models

131、InstructScene: Instruction-Driven 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis with Semantic Graph Prior

132、BatteryML: An Open-source Platform for Machine Learning on Battery Degradation

133、Sentence-level Prompts Benefit Composed Image Retrieval

134、SaProt: Protein Language Modeling with Structure-aware Vocabulary

135、PixArt-$\alpha$: Fast Training of Diffusion Transformer for Photorealistic Text-to-Image Synthesis

136、OmniQuant: Omnidirectionally Calibrated Quantization for Large Language Models

137、Compositional Generative Inverse Design

138、Ferret: Refer and Ground Anything Anywhere at Any Granularity

139、SalUn: Empowering Machine Unlearning via Gradient-based Weight Saliency in Both Image Classification and Generation

140、Retroformer: Retrospective Large Language Agents with Policy Gradient Optimization

141、BECLR: Batch Enhanced Contrastive Few-Shot Learning

142、Learning to Act from Actionless Videos through Dense Correspondences

143、Scaling Laws for Sparsely-Connected Foundation Models

144、DreamLLM: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Creation

145、DragonDiffusion: Enabling Drag-style Manipulation on Diffusion Models

146、Uni3D: Exploring Unified 3D Representation at Scale

147、CivRealm: A Learning and Reasoning Odyssey in Civilization for Decision-Making Agents

148、GIM: Learning Generalizable Image Matcher From Internet Videos

149、Open-ended VQA benchmarking of Vision-Language models by exploiting Classification datasets and their semantic hierarchy

150、SyncDreamer: Generating Multiview-consistent Images from a Single-view Image

151、ToolLLM: Facilitating Large Language Models to Master 16000+ Real-world APIs

152、Finite-State Autoregressive Entropy Coding for Efficient Learned Lossless Compression

153、SEAL: A Framework for Systematic Evaluation of Real-World Super-Resolution

154、Entropy is not Enough for Test-Time Adaptation: From the Perspective of Disentangled Factors

155、Time Travel in LLMs: Tracing Data Contamination in Large Language Models

156、BarLeRIa: An Efficient Tuning Framework for Referring Image Segmentation

157、Local Search GFlowNets

158、Idempotence and Perceptual Image Compression

159、Initializing Models with Larger Ones

160、Forward $\chi^2$ Divergence Based Variational Importance Sampling

161、DMV3D: Denoising Multi-view Diffusion Using 3D Large Reconstruction Model

162、PF-LRM: Pose-Free Large Reconstruction Model for Joint Pose and Shape Prediction

163、Influencer Backdoor Attack on Semantic Segmentation

164、OctoPack: Instruction Tuning Code Large Language Models

165、iTransformer: Inverted Transformers Are Effective for Time Series Forecasting

166、Q-Bench: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Foundation Models on Low-level Vision

167、De novo Protein Design Using Geometric Vector Field Networks

168、Prompt Gradient Projection for Continual Learning

169、ResFields: Residual Neural Fields for Spatiotemporal Signals

170、Neuron Activation Coverage: Rethinking Out-of-distribution Detection and Generalization

171、TD-MPC2: Scalable, Robust World Models for Continuous Control

172、Guiding Instruction-based Image Editing via Multimodal Large Language Models

173、Universal Humanoid Motion Representations for Physics-Based Control

174、Adaptive Rational Activations to Boost Deep Reinforcement Learning

175、Leveraging Unpaired Data for Vision-Language Generative Models via Cycle Consistency

176、Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game

177、Mask-Based Modeling for Neural Radiance Fields

178、Large Language Models Are Not Robust Multiple Choice Selectors

179、GROOT: Learning to Follow Instructions by Watching Gameplay Videos

180、Fine-tuning Multimodal LLMs to Follow Zero-shot Demonstrative Instructions

181、Online Stabilization of Spiking Neural Networks

182、Towards Energy Efficient Spiking Neural Networks: An Unstructured Pruning Framework

183、Real3D-Portrait: One-shot Realistic 3D Talking Portrait Synthesis

ICLR2024 Accept oral

1、BooookScore: A systematic exploration of book-length summarization in the era of LLMs

2、Generalization in diffusion models arises from geometry-adaptive harmonic representations

3、Understanding In-Context Learning in Transformers and LLMs by Learning to Learn Discrete Functions

4、Pre-Training Goal-based Models for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning

5、Provable Compositional Generalization for Object-Centric Learning

6、LoftQ: LoRA-Fine-Tuning-aware Quantization for Large Language Models

7、Graph Neural Networks for Learning Equivariant Representations of Neural Networks

8、GNNCert: Deterministic Certification of Graph Neural Networks against Adversarial Perturbations

9、Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Score-based Diffusion in Latent Space

10、Phenomenal Yet Puzzling: Testing Inductive Reasoning Capabilities of Language Models with Hypothesis Refinement

11、Batched Low-Rank Adaptation of Foundation Models

12、MathVista: Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning of Foundation Models in Visual Contexts

13、SWE-bench: Can Language Models Resolve Real-world Github Issues?

14、Self-RAG: Learning to Retrieve, Generate, and Critique through Self-Reflection

15、MetaGPT: Meta Programming for A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework

16、ValUES: A Framework for Systematic Validation of Uncertainty Estimation in Semantic Segmentation

17、Knowledge Card: Filling LLMs' Knowledge Gaps with Plug-in Specialized Language Models

18、Finetuning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Fairness

19、METRA: Scalable Unsupervised RL with Metric-Aware Abstraction

20、Meta Continual Learning Revisited: Implicitly Enhancing Online Hessian Approximation via Variance Reduction

21、Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes

22、An Analytical Solution to Gauss-Newton Loss for Direct Image Alignment

23、How I Warped Your Noise: a Temporally-Correlated Noise Prior for Diffusion Models

24、ASID: Active Exploration for System Identification in Robotic Manipulation

25、LEGO-Prover: Neural Theorem Proving with Growing Libraries

26、Mastering Memory Tasks with World Models

27、Learning Interactive Real-World Simulators

28、On the Humanity of Conversational AI: Evaluating the Psychological Portrayal of LLMs

29、Diffusion Model for Dense Matching

30、Is ImageNet worth 1 video? Learning strong image encoders from 1 long unlabelled video

31、Less is More: Fewer Interpretable Region via Submodular Subset Selection

32、Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion

33、Detecting, Explaining, and Mitigating Memorization in Diffusion Models

34、Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pretrained Model to Finetune and How

35、LongLoRA: Efficient Fine-tuning of Long-Context Large Language Models

36、LLMCarbon: Modeling the End-to-End Carbon Footprint of Large Language Models

37、Amortizing intractable inference in large language models

38、Interpreting CLIP's Image Representation via Text-Based Decomposition

39、Multisize Dataset Condensation

40、DreamGaussian: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation

41、LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D

42、How Well Do Supervised 3D Models Transfer to Medical Imaging Tasks?

43、Multi-granularity Correspondence Learning from Long-term Noisy Videos

44、InfoBatch: Lossless Training Speed Up by Unbiased Dynamic Data Pruning

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