
Experimenting with the LLVM C API. Creating a Code Generator for



Just me, experimenting with the LLVM C API

Helpful links so far:

The testing story for htis repository is less than ideal. To get going:

  1. Build the tests: make
  2. Run the tests: cd tests/ && bash run_tests.sh

CodeGen API

This section contains various documentation bits for the CodeGen:: APIs.

Meta APIs

This section contains APIs that don't often get called, and instead deal mostly with setup, teardown, or "administrative" tasks often unrelated to core functionality.

void CodeGen::Setup()

This should be called once in the beginning of CodeGen's life. It needs modified, however, before being merged into the compiler. See https://github.com/domfarolino/llvm-experiments/issues/23.

void CodeGen::PrintBitCode()

This is a temporary method that likely won't exist when this project is merged into the compiler. For now it is used to emit LLVM bitcode to stdout, for basic testing purposes. It is "good enough" for now, since removing this in favor or executable-producing code does not actually improve the "functionality" of the code generator, per se.

Value* CodeGen::Produce{Type}(Type)

The {Type} is supposed to represent a placeholder for all of the valid types. This method takes in a C++ value for some type, and statically produces an LLVM Value* representing it. This is mostly used for static variable assignments.


Unary Operators

This section is relatively brief, as the inputs and outputs are self-explanatory. Provided below is a brief list of everything in this category:

  • Value* CodeGen::NegateInteger(Value*)
    • Produces an sub instruction, subtracting the given value from 0, thus
      negating it.
  • Value* CodeGen::NegateFloat(Value*)
    • Produces an fsub instruction, subtracting the given value from 0, thus
      negating it.

Binary Operators

This section is relatively brief, as the inputs and outputs are self-explanatory. Provided below is a brief list of everything in this category:

  • AddFloats
  • AddIntegers
  • SubtractFloats
  • SubtractIntegers
  • MultiplyFloats
  • MultiplyIntegers
  • DivideFloats
  • DivideIntegers
  • BitwiseAndIntegers
  • BitwiseOrIntegers

Relational operators:

  • LessThanFloats
  • LessThanIntegers
  • LessThanOrEqualFloats
  • LessThanOrEqualIntegers
  • GreaterThanFloats
  • GreaterThanIntegers
  • GreaterThanOrEqualFloats
  • GreaterThanOrEqualIntegers
  • EqualFloats
  • EqualIntegers
  • NotEqualFloats
  • NotEqualIntegers

Variable Management APIs

This section contains APIs relevant to the core functionality of the code generator.

Value* CodeGen::GetVariable(name)

This is the go-to general get-the-value-of-the-variable method. It takes a string |name|, and creates a load instruction for the LLVM Value* associated with |name|, in the LocalVariables map. It returns the loaded Value*.

This is used when passing non-reference variables to the putX methods, as well as passing variables by value to functions, etc.

Value* CodeGen::GetReferenceVariableValue(name)

A variable in some scope may be a reference variable (think, pointer), and when we want to use the value of a reference variable we effectively need to "dereference" it. That's what this method does:

  • Takes in the name of a reference variable
  • Creates a load instruction for the variable reference
  • Creates a load instruction for the loaded variable reference
  • Returns the result of the step immediately above, an LLVM Value*

This is used when passing reference-variables to the putX methods, as well as when simple dereferencing a reference variable to use its value in some RHS expression.

Value* CodeGen::GetVariableReference(name)

This method is used to retrieve a reference to a variable named |name|. It is similar to GetVariable(), but instead of loading the variable Value* and returning it, we just return the un-loaded Value*, which is as good as a pointer.

This is used to pass variables by reference to functions, etc. For additional context, An example given in the source code is:

// CodeGen::CallFunction("someFunc",
//   { CodeGen::GetVariable("someArg") }); // someFunc(someArg);
// CodeGen::CallFunction("someFunc",
//   { CodeGen::GetVariableReference("someArg") }); // someFunc(&someArg);

Value* CodeGen::Assign(name, rhs)

This method takes in a name, and some Value* RHS, and creates a store instruction, assigning rhs to the Value* associated with |name|.

Value* CodeGen::AssignReferenceVariable(name)

This method is essentially the reference-counterpart to Assign() above. It is essentially the same, but "dereferences" first, by delegating to GetVariable() before creating the store instruction.

Value* CodeGen::CreateVariable(type, name, global, init_val)

This method is sorta the backbone of the variable management APIs. It can create variables of any:

  • Primitive type
  • Primitive "reference" type
  • TODO: Perhaps arrays can be included in this function?


  • Creates a suitable initial value, given the |type|
  • Creates an LLVM AllocaInst* with proper type and name, in the current function's entry block
  • Creates a store instruction to store the initial value to the AllocaInst*
  • Inserts the AllocaInst* into the LocalVariables map
  • Returns the created AllocaInst*

Function & Control Flow APIs

FunctionDeclaration CodeGen::CreateFunction(name, type, arguments, variadic = false)

void CodeGen::Return()

void CodeGen::EndFunction(return_value)

Value* CodeGen::CallFunction(name, args)

void CodeGen::IfThen(condition)

void CodeGen::Else()

void CodeGen::EndIf()

void CodeGen::For()

void CodeGen::ForCondition(condition)

void CodeGen::EndFor()

Type Casting APIs

Provided Tests

The tests in this repository are as follows:

  • bitwise.cpp
    • Tests CodeGen::BitwiseAndIntegers and CodeGen::BitwiseOrIntegers
  • boolTo.cpp
    • Tests CodeGen::CastBoolToInteger and CodeGen::CastBoolToFloat
  • getX.cpp
    • Tests all of the stdin getX methods
  • globalVariable.cpp
    • Tests GlobalVariable* CodeGen::CreateGlobalVariable, which is called
      from CodeGen::CreateVariable; also tests assignments of global variables.
  • negate.cpp
    • Tests CodeGen::NegateInteger and CodeGen::NegateFloat.
  • produceBool.cpp
    • Tests CodeGen::ProduceBool, which takes in a C++ boolean, and produces an
      LLVM i1 representing the bool. This CodeGen method is similar to the
      other Produce* ones.
  • putX.cpp
    • Tests all of the stdout putX methods
  • referenceVar.cpp
    • This tests that all of the primitive types can be passed by reference, and
      and that the references can be modified, and such modifications persist to
      the original variable. This test exercises the AbstractType::<Type>Ref types
      that indicate a primitive reference. Also exercised are
      CodeGen::AssignReferenceVariable, and CodeGen::GetReferenceVariableValue.
  • stringArg.cpp
    • This test actually isn't totally necessary, and just tests the assigning of
      a string variable passed by value (I believe). It just makes sure that
      a string copy is not treated like a reference.