
Creating a Compiler for the Kaleidoscope Programming Language using LLVM16.


My First LLVM Compiler

In this repository you can find the implementation of a compiler. The compiler is divided into Front-End and Middle-End. The Back-End part is not implemented 🚫


What is the purpose of a compiler?

A compiler translates code written in a high-level programming language into machine code that a computer can understand. In more detail, a compiler is a special type of software that serves as a translator between the programmer and the computer.

Anatomy of a compiler

Compiler toolchain

Dependencies ⚙️

The Front-End and Middle-End have different versions of LLVM and different dependencies.

  • Each project directory contains a file that specifies the requirements.

Middle-end 📁

In this directory you can find some optimizations on IR Code. Each optimization is made modifying LLVM source code or creating a new pass.

middle-end function:

Which optimizations or analysis?


  • Algebric Identity.
  • Strengh Reduction.
  • Multi Instructions opt.


->Data Flow Analysis on three different case:

  • Constant Propagation.
  • Dominator Analysis.
  • Very Busy Expressions.


  • LICM (Loop Invariant Code Motion).


  • LI (Loop Fusion).

Front-End 📁

Given the following compilation stages:

In this part of the project, we will analyze and produce a working example of the first 4 phases (Front-End). The phases are as follows:

  1. Lexical analyzer.
  2. Syntax analyzer.
  3. Semantic analyzer.
  4. Intermediate code generator.

Front-End structure

  • Lexer is implemented using Flex (open source tool)
  • Parser is implemented using Bison (open source tool)
  • Code generator is implemented in a file .cpp called driver.cpp.

ℹ️ More details of the programming language implemented is on /Front-End/Progetto_finale/