
Build macOS .app(zipped), .dmg and .pkg packages




Github Action for building & deploying macOS .app(zipped), .dmg and .pkg packages of a LÖVE framework based game.


This action would help you distribute your game OUTSIDE the App Store. If you want to distribute through the App Store, please use love-actions-macos-appstore

Related actions

See related actions below:

Love actions bare package

Love actions for testing

Love actions for android

Love actions for iOS

Love actions for Linux

Love actions for macOS AppStore

Love actions for Windows

Quick example

- name: Build macOS packages
  id: build-packages
  uses: love-action/love-actions-macos-portable@v1
    app-name: "My Love Game"
    bundle-id: ""
    copyright: "Copyright © 2020-2022 XXX Co. All Rights Reserved."
    icon-path: ./assets/macOS/icon.icns
    love-ref: "fc3f5ee6209a0aab9a4d381ed5cd99110f9ff2f2"
    love-patch: "./love.patch"
    love-package: "./"
    libs-path: ./libs
    extra-assets: ./ ./license.txt
    product-name: "my_game"
    version-string: "2.3.4"
    output-folder: "./dist"
    account-username: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME }}
    account-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD }}
    developer-id-application-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION }}
    developer-id-application-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION_PWD }}
    team-id: "${{ secrets.APPLE_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID }}"
    developer-id-installer-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER }}
    developer-id-installer-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER_PWD }}
    dmg-background-path: ./assets/macOS/dmg.png
    dmg-icon-position: "287 313"
    dmg-icon-size: "128"
    dmg-link-position: "734 313"
    dmg-text-size: "12"
    dmg-volume-icon-path: ./assets/macOS/dmg.icns
    dmg-volume-name: "my_game"
    dmg-window-position: "200 120"
    dmg-window-size: "1024 604"

With Love actions bare package and Love actions for testing

  BUILD_TYPE: ${{ fromJSON('["dev", "release"]')[startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')] }}
  CORE_LOVE_ARTIFACT_NAME: core_love_package
  PRODUCT_NAME: my_love_app
  BUNDLE_ID: com.example.myloveapp

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      OUTPUT_FOLDER: ./build
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      - name: Build core love package
        uses: love-actions/love-actions-core@v1
          build-list: ./media/ ./parts/ ./Zframework/ ./conf.lua ./main.lua ./version.lua
          package-path: ${{ env.CORE_LOVE_PACKAGE_PATH }}
      - name: Upload core love package
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ env.CORE_LOVE_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
          path: ${{ env.CORE_LOVE_PACKAGE_PATH }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build-core
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      - name: Love actions for testing
        uses: love-actions/love-actions-test@v1
          font-path: ./parts/fonts/proportional.otf
          language-folder: ./parts/language
    runs-on: macos-latest
    needs: [build-core, auto-test]
      OUTPUT_FOLDER: ./build
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      # Download your core love package here
      - name: Download core love package
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ env.CORE_LOVE_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
      # This is an example dynamic library
      - name: Download ColdClear
        uses: ./.github/actions/get-cc
          platform: macOS
          dir: ./ColdClear
      - name: Process ColdClear
        shell: bash
        run: |
          rm ./ColdClear/universal/libcold_clear.a
      - name: Build macOS packages
        id: build-packages
        uses: love-actions/love-actions-macos-portable@v1
          app-name: ${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}
          bundle-id: ${{ env.BUNDLE_ID }}
          copyright: "Copyright © 2019-2022 26F-Studio. Some Rights Reserved."
          icon-path: ./.github/build/macOS/${{ env.BUILD_TYPE }}/icon.icns
          love-package: ${{ env.CORE_LOVE_PACKAGE_PATH }}
          libs-path: ./ColdClear/universal/
          product-name: ${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}
          version-string: "1.0.0"
          output-folder: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FOLDER }}
          account-username: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME }}
          account-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD }}
          team-id: "${{ secrets.APPLE_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID }}"
          developer-id-application-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION }}
          developer-id-application-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION_PWD }}
          developer-id-installer-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER }}
          developer-id-installer-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_DEVELOPER_ID_INSTALLER_PWD }}
          dmg-background-path: ./.github/build/macOS/${{ env.BUILD_TYPE }}/dmg.png
          dmg-icon-position: "239 203"
          dmg-icon-size: "100"
          dmg-link-position: "565 203"
          dmg-text-size: "12"
          dmg-volume-icon-path: ./.github/build/macOS/${{ env.BUILD_TYPE }}/dmg.icns
          dmg-volume-name: ${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}
          dmg-window-position: "200 120"
          dmg-window-size: "800 500"
      - name: Upload pkg artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ needs.get-info.outputs.base-name }}_macOS_portable_pkg
          path: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FOLDER }}/${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}.pkg
      - name: Upload dmg artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ needs.get-info.outputs.base-name }}_macOS_portable_dmg
          path: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FOLDER }}/${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}.dmg
      - name: Upload bare artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ needs.get-info.outputs.base-name }}_macOS_portable_bare
          path: ${{ env.OUTPUT_FOLDER }}/${{ env.PRODUCT_NAME }}.zip

All inputs

Name Required Default Description
app-name false "LÖVE for macOS" App display name. Used in platform/xcode/macosx/love-macosx.plist
bundle-id false "org.love2d.macOS" App bundle id. Used in platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
copyright false "" App copyright info. Used in platform/xcode/macosx/love-macosx.plist
icon-path false "./icon.icns" .icns format icon's path. Used in platform/xcode/Images.xcassets/OS X AppIcon.appiconset
love-ref false "c35356c841976eb6f370347b81eec845d5520338" LÖVE git ref. Could be commit hash, tags or branch name
love-patch false "" Git patch file path for the LÖVE repo. The patch must start from love-ref. You can use git diff -p <tag1> <tag2> to get the patch file
love-package false "./" .love game package file path
libs-path false "" Path to the libraries folder. Would copy all contents to platform/xcode/ excluding top folder
extra-assets false "" List of folder & file paths to be added to platform/xcode/. Separated by spaces
product-name false "love_app" Base name of the package. Used to rename products
version-string false "fc3f5ee6209a0aab9a4d381ed5cd99110f9ff2f2" App version string no more than 3 numbers. Used in platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
output-folder false "./build" Built packages output folder
account-username true "" Apple ID username. Used to sign the app
account-password true "" App specified password. Used to sign the app
developer-id-application-base64 true "" Developer ID Application certificate base64 content. Used to sign the app
developer-id-application-password true "" Developer ID Application certificate password. Used to sign the app
team-id true "" Developer team id. Used to sign the app
developer-id-installer-base64 false "" Developer ID Installer certificate base64 content. Used to sign the .pkg
developer-id-installer-password false "" Developer ID Installer certificate password. Used to sign the .pkg
dmg-background-path false "" DMG background path. Used to create .dmg
dmg-icon-position false "" DMG icon position. Used to create .dmg
dmg-icon-size false "" DMG icon size. Used to create .dmg
dmg-link-position false "" DMG drop link position. Used to create .dmg
dmg-text-size false "" DMG text size. Used to create .dmg
dmg-volume-icon-path false "" DMG volume icon path. Used to create .dmg
dmg-volume-name false "" DMG volume name. Used to create .dmg
dmg-window-position false "" DMG window position. Used to create .dmg
dmg-window-size false "" DMG window size. Used to create .dmg

All outputs

Name Example Description
package-paths ./build/ ./build/my_game.pkg ./build/my_game.dmg Built packages' paths in a bash-style list relative to the repository root, separated by spaces