



These are my dotfiles, i.e. what I need to turn an arbitrary Linux machine into a productive development environment. It's concentrated - just add internet!

By "arbitrary Linux machine", I really mean "An x86_64 machine running a recent version of Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, RHEL/CentOS/Rocky, or SUSE". Note that I've been using exclusively Debian-based distros for a few years now, so the redhat/SUSE support is untested.


Mostly consists of neovim configuration for development using:

  • Python (+Jinja2)
  • TypeScript/JavaScript (including lit-html template support)
  • Haskell
  • Rust
  • Bash
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Lua
  • JSON

The script will attempt to find the following pieces of software, and install any missing ones from your system package manager or as universal amd64 binaries from the internet:

  • perl5
  • python3 and pip3
  • golang
  • jq
  • nvim
  • ripgrep
  • fzf

It will then install the configuration files in ./config and ./home_dotfiles using symlinks, and ./ and ./gitconfig using includes.

The nvim configuration features the following (non-exhaustive and probably excessive) list of plugins, which will be automatically installed by

  • nvim-cmp, mason-lspconfig, and another 6 or so plugins that all come
    together to provide a solid language server experience - see lsp.lua for
    the complete list, or just check out this

    that I used as a starting point.
  • fzf and fzf-lua to get around quickly
  • easy-align for easy (but still manually triggered) alignment
  • the gruvbox colorscheme
  • the lualine status bar
  • many of Tim Pope's brilliant plugins:
    • vinegar for a smoother directory navigation experience in netrw
    • fugitive and rhubarb for a nice git(hub) UI
    • commentary for easy (un)commenting
    • speeddating extend C-A/C-X bindings to work for dates and times
    • surround to manipulate surrounding pairs of brackets, etc
    • sleuth to automatically determine indentation conventions
    • jdaddy for JSON motions
    • dadbod for easy iteration on SQL queries
    • eunuch for the convenience of :SudoWrite and :Rename
    • repeat to allow . to repeat mappings from plugins
  • my own sh-heredoc-highlighting for syntax highlighting of embedded code in
    shell heredocs
  • various syntax plugins for better language support

Almost all of the custom keybinds are used to drive these plugins - for vanilla vim functionality I stick to the defaults.