
A 2D shooter game created in LÖVE2D (Lua)

GPL-3.0 License



The Operation Bornholm game.

Getting started

If you are on Windows, you can download the pre-built Windows executable from the latest release here. Just click the downloaded .zip and run bornholm.exe.

If you are on Linux, you need to have LOVE2D installed since we don't provide Linux binaries. You can then download from the GitHub release page here.

To run it from Linux:


Controls and game objective

Use A and D to move left or right. Use spacebar to jump and aim with your mouse. The objective is to survive as long as possible to get a high score. Each time you shoot a "ghost" your score increases by one. If a ghost manages to touch the player, the game is over.

Use escape to exit the game completely. Press Enter (Return) to restart game when dead.

Requirements for development

  • LOVE2D (version 11.3)
  • love command in your path (instructions on how to add this available on the official LVE website)

Running locally

Start the repo from within the code.

love .

Compiling Windows binary and .love executable

Requires Linux, zip, unzip and wget. You can create a .love for Linux and .zip with Windows binary using make. To build, simply run it.


The Windows binary will be available at dist/ and the .love file will be available at


General structure of code.

  • src/main.lua - main LOVE2D file
  • src/tiles - textures for tiles
  • src/maps - map data structures
  • src/ui - contains methods related to the UI and HUD
  • src/objects - methods (objects) for each element of the game
    • src/objects/bullets.lua - handles bullets (collision, draw, create, delete)
    • src/objects/enemies.lua - handles enemies (collision, draw, create, delete)
    • src/objects/player.lua - handles player (collision, draw)


The Operation Bornholm project is created and maintained by Vilhelm Prytz and Pontus Liedgren.