
Your worst nightmare



See the GitHub releases section and grab a tarball. Extract, copy the font.bdf file someplace, and run fc-cache -f -v.


  • What's up with the edgy name?
 <kiedtl> I think I'm more-or-less done with this font, except for some
          powerline glyphs & accented characters maybe
 <kiedtl> any feedback/advice would be appreciated, I'm not a talented font
          designer :^)
<meff-m-> kiedtl: oh no that picture looks a bit cursed
 <kiedtl> meff-m-: the cursed font. I like it.
<meff-m-> :)

Known issues

  • Certain symbols are mildly unreadable.
    • U+21d4, U+21D5, U+21AE
  • Certain symbols are somewhat unconventional and may be difficult
    to recognize.
    • Math symbols
  • Many missing glyphs that I'd like to eventually add.
    • Hebrew vowels.
    • Rest of Greek alphabet.


This font and other non-code content (i.e. screenshots) are licensed under CC-BY v4.0. Everything else (Lua scripts) are licensed under the Unlicense.