
Settings and lua code for DCSS init files



This project has settings and lua code for use in configuration files for DCSS.

Below are lua components that can be included in crawl rc files for online or offline play.


Load default skill settings for each race+class combination automatically on turn 0.

To enable in your rc, add a lua code block with the contents of char_defaults.lua and a call to the function char_defaults() in your ready() function.

To save or load your defaults on the fly (e.g. if you forgotten to set something), you can assign a keys to macros with a targets of ===save_char_defaults or ===load_char_defaults or simply run these functions as needed in the lua console.


Add and remove force-more messages automatically based on current max hp or experience level.

Force-more messages print a message of "--more--" and require the player to hit space, making the player pause for consideration before acting. These are normally set in the rc option force_more_message. For certain dangerous monsters it's common to make a force-more specifically for when the monster first comes into view (i.e. each time the player encounters a new monster of that type). For some monsters, it's desirable to have these messages only for weaker characters or only for earlier portions of the game.

This code has a set of dynamic force-mores defined for characters with lower hp, with sets defined for XL1, Maxhp < 20, Maxhp < 40, Maxhp < 60, and Maxhp < 90. Other sets can be defined by modifying the variable fm_patterns; see the comments above that variable for details.

To enable in your rc, add a lua code block with the contents of force_mores.lua and a call to the function force_mores() in your ready() function.


Automatic slow swinging or walking for either a single turn or fixed number of turns. Performing actions that take more than 10 aut regenerates more HP per turn, which is preferred when minimizing turncount for score purposes. This is also known as "bread swinging", but using 2h weapons when the player is untrained in the weapon skill can be better as these are even slower to swing than 15 aut. Additionally some characters like Naga or Chei worshipers might prefer slow walking to swinging because it gives similar or better (i.e. under Chei) regen/turn without requiring weapon swap.

This code supports both regen methods and can automatically detect when to use which. For swinging, an item in a fixed inventory slot is automatically wielded if it isn't already. The default slot used is the first food item found in inventory, but see configuration below. For both swinging and walking, this function prevents you from resting if hostiles are in LOS and interrupts multi-turn rests if hostiles wander into LOS or any relevant event message occurs. If the wielded weapon is unswappable (Vampiric, Distortion without Lugonu, *Contam, *Curse, or *Drain), and the player walk would take more than 10 aut, slow walk is used automatically. This code works in DCSS versions 0.16 and later.

To enable in your rc, add a lua code block with the contents of speedrun_rest.lua and a call to the function speedrun_rest() in your ready() function.

Additionally assign two macros, one with a target of ===one_turn_rest for the single-turn rest and one with a target of ===start_resting for the multiple turn rest. You can also set a macro to a target of ===set_swing_slot or call set_swing_slot() from the lua console to change the swing slot on the fly.

Configuration Variables

These have reasonable defaults and don't require modification, but can be useful for customization. See the comments above these in speedrun_rest.lua for additional details.

  • automatic_slot: If true, the swing item slot is automatically chosen to be
    the first food item in inventory.
  • fallback_slot: If automatic_slot is false or no food item was found, this
    is the default slot used.
  • num_rest_turns: How many turns to rest at max for the multi-turn resting
    started by start_resting()
  • naga_always_walk: If true, Naga characters will always walk instead of
  • walk_delay: The visual delay between each walk command in milliseconds.
  • status_messages and ignore_messages: See the comments in
    to details on how to set these to ignore any additional status change
    messages or general messages while resting.


Leave a message on save that will be displayed next time the player loads the game. Original code by elliptic with some reorganization. This code works in DCSS versions 0.16 and later.

To enable in your rc, add a lua code block with the contents of load_message.lua, add a call to the functionn load_message() in your ready() function. Next make a macro binding 'S' to ===save_with_message.


Automatically and randomly change the player tile to that of various monsters. This code works in DCSS versions 0.16 and later.

Step 1: Including RandomTiles in your RC

If you play on the servers CAO, CBRO, CJR, CPO, CUE, or CXC, you can add the following to your rc:

include += RandomTiles.rc

If you don't play on these servers or if or you'd like to change the set of tiles used, copy the contents of RandomTiles.rc into your rc directly.

Step 2: Enable RandomTiles in your ready() function

Add a call to the function random_tile() in your ready() function. This is necessary for your tiles to actually change.


See macro installation section for details on creating any of these macros. None are required, but they let you control RandomTiles without editing your rc.

Changing your tile in-game

The function set_tile_by_name() will prompt for a monster name defined in PlayerTiles.rc and then change your tile to the matching monster. Note that only monster tiles defined in PlayerTiles.rc will work, and the match is case-insensitive with partial matches allowed.

The function new_random_tile() will switch your current tile to a new, randomly chosen one.

Toggling RandomTiles on and off

The function toggle_random_tile() will toggle RandomTiles between enabled and disabled states. When disabled, RandomTiles sets tile_player_tile to the value in randtile_options.disabled_setting, which is "normal" by default.

The function toggle_tile_timer() will toggle the tile change timer between enabled and disabled states. When the timer is disabled, RandomTiles doesn't change your tile entry based on turns passing or XL changes, but tile animations within an entry (e.g. boulder beetle changing its animation every UI action) will continue. You can still use macros for set_tile_by_name() and new_random_tile() to change your tile entry while the timer is disabled.

Other settings and customizing the tile sets.

Note that the tile changes you make using the functions above are saved across sessions. So if you want to use a fixed tile, select the tile you want with set_tile_by name() and then disable tile changes with toggle_tile_timer(). You will then have this as your fixed tile until you set a new one or call toggle_tile_timer() to enable tile changes again.

For other settings, see the randtile_options variable defined in RandomTiles.rc and its associated comments. You can copy this variable definition into a lua code block in your rc and change e.g. the number of turns before a tile change, the setting to use when RandomTiles is disabled, and customize the tile change messages.

To customize the tilesets used, you'll have to copy RandomTiles.rc directly into your rc instead of using include. See the installation section for details about this.

Once RandomTiles.rc is copied to your rc, redefine the variable player_tiles to the set of tile entries you want. See the comments above that variable that describe the format. If you add or modify an entry, it must have a valid structure according to the format described in the comments. To disable a particular tile, you can remove the entry's line(s) or comment them out by preceding them with --.


These are instructions common to many of the components above; see the component's documentation for details on which of these steps are necessary.

1. Include the .rc or .lua file in your rc

For RandomTiles, most servers have RandomTiles.rc available for use in include statements so there's no need to copy it to your rc file unless you want to make certain customizations. See the RandomTiles documentation above for details.

For the other components, you must add a lua code block to your rc with the contents of the .lua file. To make a code block, add an opening brace followed by a closing brace to your RC, with each brace on its own line, then add the lua file contents between those braces:

[contents of .lua file]
2. Update the ready() function in your rc

Almost all component have a function call that needs to be in your rc ready() function. See the components documentation for the function name you need. You may already have a ready() function defined, in which case add the call on its own line.

If not, you'll need to create a code block to define a ready() function. Again using force_mores as an example, which has a function named force_mores(), this would look like:

  function ready()
    -- Enable force_mores

Note that lines having -- as the first non-whitespace characters are comments.

3. Make any necessary or desired macros

To work properly, some components, like force_mores, speedrun_rest, require making a macro definition on some key. Many other components have useful functions available for macros. See each component's help section for which macros are required or available.

To make a macro binding a function to a key, use ~ or Ctrl-d followed by m to define a macro, then enter the key you'd like to bind to the macro, and finally enter a target name of ===function-name, where "function-name" is the function you'd like to use excluding the (). For example, RandomTiles has a function new_random_tile(), so the macro target is ===new_random_tile. You can also define macros directly in your RC; see the macro option in the options guide for details.

Optional Lua console

You can enable the crawl lua console to run any function. This is useful if don't want to make a dedicated key for functions you don't use a lot or to just try them out. To enable the console, bind a key to it by adding something like the following to your rc:

bindkey = [~] CMD_LUA_CONSOLE

This binds the console to the ~ key, since macros already have the Ctrl-d key. Use whatever key you like in the [] brackets, including things like [^D] to use e.g. Ctrl-D. You can then run any function by activating the console and typing its name together with () at the end:

> new_random_tile()