
Neovim config (mostly based on LunarVim/neovim-from-scratch)

GPL-3.0 License


Opinionated NeoVim Configuration

This repository contains my configuration files for the Neovim editor.


The configuration is primarily based on my personal preferences and focuses mainly on the programming languages and tools that I use daily: Python, Markdown, Bash, and Terraform.

How to use

  1. Install Neovim. I am a Mac user and use the excellent macports to install Neovim as follows: sudo port install neovim. To use homebrew instead of macports, run brew install neovim.

    This will install Neovim v0.7.2 which is the version that this configuration has been tested to work with. If you install an older or a newer release of Neovim, there is no guarantee that this configuration will work.

  2. In your base conda directory, install the following packages: black, flake8, isort, and pydocstyle.

  3. Use macports to install additional external packages:

    sudo port install htop git lazygit ncdu nodejs18 npm7 ripgrep fd

    If you use homebrew, run

     brew install htop git lazygit ncdu node@18 ripgrep fd
  4. Clone this repository:

    git clone [email protected]:desilinguist/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim

    If you already use Neovim, make sure to remove or move your current $HOME/.config/nvim directory,

  5. Modify line 21 in $HOME/.config/nvim/lua/user/lsp/null-ls.lua to change the path "/Users/nmadnani/anaconda/bin" to the absolute path for your base conda environment's bin directory.

  6. If you used homebrew to install lazygit instead of macports, modify line 53 in lua/user/toggleterm.lua to set lazygit_dir to the correct path for homebrew.

  7. Run nvim and wait for all the plugins to be installed.

  8. Once all the plugins are installed, run :Mason to install the language servers you might need. The ones I use are as follows:

    • bash-language-server
    • css-lsp
    • emmet-ls
    • esbonio
    • html-lsp
    • json-lsp
    • lua-language-server
    • markdownlint
    • prosemd-lsp
    • pyright
    • shellcheck
    • terraform-ls
    • tflint
    • typescript-language-server
    • yaml-language-server


If you have any issues or notice any error messages, run :checkhealth with Neovim open to run health checks and report any issues it finds.

A note on updating plugins

Most Neovim plugins are under heavy active development and are updated multiple times a day. While this can be useful to get new features and bugfixes, it may also sometimes break a working configuration since plugin authors usually target nightly releases of Neovim. If you do not want to have to deal with broken configurations, you have two options:

  • Do not ever run :PackerUpdate or :PackerSync (mapped to the keyboard shortcut Space + p + u).

  • Modify the file $HOME/.config/nvim/lua/user/plugins.lua to lock the plugins down after initial installation. To do so, simply add lock=true to all the use statements in that file, e.g., use("hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", lock=True).

Useful resources

The following resources will be extremely useful for any Neovim user.