

My Dotfiles

Set up with zsh, tmux, fzf, and NeoVim.


This might work. Realistically I'm probably making some assumptions about the system that may not be true for your computer.

  1. Set your shell to zsh and install oh-my-zsh
  2. Clone this repository
  3. cd dotfiles && ./ && ./ -R

Or if you only want to use certain parts of the config, substitute those directory names instead of using

This will create symlinks from the repository to the proper locations, ensuring that the files are kept in sync with the repository.

zsh is configured to use the Starship prompt.

Utility Replacements

  • exa instead of ls
  • bat instead of cat

General Navigation

  • Option + Ctrl + hjkl - Switch Tmux Pane
  • Option + Shift + hl - Switch Tmux Window
  • Ctrl + hjkl - Switch vi pane


The prefix key is bound to the default of ctrl-b.

  • Prefix , - Rename window
  • Prefix s - Split horizontal
  • Prefix v - Split vertical
  • Prefix z - Maximize/restore tmux pane

Command line Helpers

  • ftm <session name> - Start or jump to this tmux session
  • ftm - List active sessions
  • fo [words] - Fuzzy search for files matching words. Open in editor.
  • fr [words] - Like fo, but for the current git repository
  • fh [words] - Search command history