
Take your functions and easily refactor them while keeping an eye on the initial implementation

GPL-3.0 License



Seamlessly refactor code chunks within your projects while keeping an eye on the initial implementation. By providing an intuitive interface, it simplifies the process of modifying functions, variables, structs, enums, and other code elements without disrupting your workflow.


  1. The plugin is in early development, so it may not work with certain languages. If your
    language is not supported, please create an issue.
  2. For the same reason above, you may encounter a bug at some point (I hope you don't!). Please
    report it with reproduction steps if possible.

Key features

  • Code chunk identification: automatically identifies the current code chunk based on your
    cursor position or the desired code chunk type.
  • Refactoring in a separate window: opens a dedicated floating window or split for editing and
    refactoring the code chunk, keeping your original code intact until you finish the modifications.
  • Syntax highlighting and completion: provides syntax highlighting and code completion within
    the refactoring window for a smooth editing experience.

Benefits of using exemplum

  • Improved code quality: easily refactor code to enhance readability, maintainability and
  • Increased productivity: streamline the refactoring process, saving time and effort.
  • Reduced errors: minimize the risk of introducing errors during code modifications thanks to
    the side-to-side view of your codebase.


:Rocks install exemplum.nvim
    dependencies = { "NTBBloodbath/logging.nvim" },


If you are going for lazy-loading, it would be recommended to load by filetype. Below you can find the languages that are currently supported.


exemplum.nvim is configured through the vim.g.exemplum global variable. The following is the default configuration:

---@type ExemplumConfig
vim.g.exemplum = {
  window = {
    style = "split",
    border = "single",
  disable_diagnostics = false,

The configuration is annotated, so you should have a good experience editing it.


exemplum.nvim does not require a setup function to work and automatically creates the :Exemplum command when loaded.

  • Refactor nearest code chunk: use :Exemplum command to refactor the nearest code chunk under
    your cursor position.
  • Refactor a specific code chunk: use :Exemplum <code_type> to refactor the code_type
    tree-sitter node that is near to your cursor position. For example, to refactor a
    function place your cursor anywhere inside the function and run :Exemplum function.

In case you want to silence your LSP diagnostics in the refactoring buffer, you can invoke the command by adding a bang (!) at the end of it, e.g. :Exemplum! function.

Currently available code_type arguments:

  • function
  • variable
  • struct
  • enum

After performing a refactoring you can either save the buffer so it will be closed and the changes will be applied or you can close the buffer using :q to close it without applying the changes.


  1. Exemplum works with a look_behind method. Therefore, it will always iterate over the current
    node and the parent node of the current node to find the code chunk.
  2. The inference method (:Exemplum without arguments) depends heavily on the current position of
    your cursor, and prioritizes variables over functions.

Supported languages

  • C
  • C++
  • Go
  • Lua (does not support enums)
  • Rust
  • Python


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3). You can find the license details in the LICENSE file.