


Dotfiles 🏡

We use Homebrew as dependency manager for Mac and GNU Stow to manage dotfiles. The very first step to source all configuration consists of installing both and then using stow to generate symlinks to the home folder.

The script ./scripts/homebrew will take care of making sure Homebrew is installed and source the included Brewfile to install all dependencies (including Stow). Once that's done we can source all of the configuration files by running:

stow -t $HOME -v brew fish git nvim tmux

This should create all symlinks to all require configuration so then we can bootstrap the dependencies detailed below.


Fish is the shell of preference at the moment and it is installed from Homebrew. Once installed we have to make it the default one and install Fisher, the plugin manager following instructions from the Github repository. Finally we can run fisher update to make sure all plugins get installed.


There is not a lot of special things on setting up nvim. After installing all brew dependencies it should be already there. Dependencies are managed with Packer so it's just a matter of going to the packer.lua file and sourcing (:so) and then running :PackerSync.


To manage tmux dependencies we are using Tmux Plugin Manager so the first step is to install it. Once it is there it's we can simply run the Prefix plus capital I to install (<C-b>I).

A note on Homebrew

To track installed dependencies and source every installed packages we use a Brewfile so keeping it updated is important. To make sure Brewfile is up to date we can periodically run:

brew bundle dump --global --force

As an alternative to installing packages and then dumping, can we directly install with install and uninstall with remove:

brew bundle --global install <formula>