
an AES encrypt lua module for openresty ,like php function mcrypt_encrypt


some phper maybe find that the libraries in nginx-lua is not enough, like aes mcrypt with ECB mode, so I create this.

like encrypt with PHP:

mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key,$text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB );

encrypt with lua:

local data      =   'wait to be encrypted'
local key       =   '01234567890123456' --length is 16
local mc_ecb    = require("resty.ecb_mcrypt")
local ecb       = mc_ecb:new();
local enc_data  = ecb:encrypt(key,data );
--  you must use 'ngx.print' rather then 'ngx.say'
-- while 'ngx.say' will append a '\n'  at the end of string

mean while,you will need to install libmcrypt, because the lua-aes will load the libmcrypt with FFI, try to install libmcrypt

yum install libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel