
A better version of Neovim's colorcolumn

MIT License


neocolumn.nvim is a replacement for Neovim's builtin colorcolumn

Table of contents


  • Blazingly fast
  • Diagnostics integration
  • Use custom character as colorcolumn
  • Modern style and look
  • Show colorcolumn only if the current line is close to it


Install neocolumn.nvim using your favorite plugin manager.


{ "parmeniong/neocolumn.nvim" }


use "parmeniong/neocolumn.nvim"


Plug "parmeniong/neocolumn.nvim"


To start neocolumn.nvim use:


Instead of an empty table you can use a table with the options you want to change. Here are the available options and their default values:

    -- these colors will be used on the neocolumn
    colors = {
        normal = "#7d7d7d",     -- the color of the neocolumn
        error = "#db4b4b",      -- the color of the neocolumn to display errors
        warn = "#e0af68",       -- the color of the neocolumn to display warnings
        info = "#0db9d7",       -- the color of the neocolumn info diagnostics
        hint = "#1abc9c",       -- the color of the neocolumn hint diagnostics
        bg = nil,               -- the background color of the neocolumn. Set to nil to use whatever
                                -- color happens to be behind the neocolumn
        cursor_bg = nil         -- the background color of the neocolumn on the same line as the
                                -- cursor. Set to nil to use whatever color happens to be behind the
                                -- neocolumn
    -- neocolumn.nvim will be disabled in buffers with these filetypes
    exclude_filetypes = {
    -- When enabled, the neocolumn will be colored depending on each line's diagnostics
    diagnostics = true,
    -- If `diagnostics` is `true` then diagnostic with a severity lower than this will be ignored
    min_diagnostic_severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT,
    -- The maximum allowed length for a line. The neocolumn will be placed one column to the right
    max_line_length = 100,
    -- The character use as the neocolumn
    character = "",
    -- The neocolumn will be shown only if the length of the current line is this close to it
    -- zero will make the neocolumn always visible
    max_distance = 0