
AwesomeWM setup

APACHE-2.0 License


🔦 Dependencies Information

🔧 Additional Information


Confugured with oh-my-zsh framework and using Starship Prompt


Spotify client customized using spicetify. Client using Dribbblish theme with a custom color scheme


nvim configuration icnludes plugins configuration using:

packer plugins

vim-plug plugins


🔎 Awesome

Awesome configuration based on default awesome config. All lua widgets are custom-made.



By default decorations are hidden. To toggle active client decorations visibility use Mod + T key binding. It will not affect other opened clients and new clients. Mod + Ctrl + T key binding will toggle decoration visibility for all opened and new spawned clients Decorations buttons has 5 buttons. Each of them has icon that becoming visible on hover. For last 4 buttons icon can changing depending on client state. Buttons:

  1. Close
  2. Maximize/Unmaximize
  3. Toggle floating mode
  4. Toggle sticky
  5. Toggle ontop

Main Bar

Transparent bar with rounded widget subsections. Includes:

  • Tag Switch
  • Left Bar Switch
  • Active Client Title (Becomes visible on any client focus)
  • Bar player (Becomes visible on playing music/video only)
  • CPU usage history graph
  • RAM usage history graph
  • Systray (includes battery, theme switcher and notifications widgets)


Battery icon on systray shows battery charge level on hover event. Icon is changing depends on battery charge level. Battery click event triggers shutdown popup menu to open


Notification icon on systray. On click triggers notification menu to open

Packages bar

Packages bar can be opened on left screen side by selecting it on Left Bar Switch or with keybinding Mod + Shift + z It shows synchronization status of packages with pacman/aur repositories. Information splited on pages and can be sorted in by Name, Current Version and Available Version in any direction List of packages, pagination etc. can be configured in cfg/init.lua track_packages

Repos bar

Repos bar can be opened on left screen side by selecting it on Left Bar Switch or with keybinding Mod + Shift + g It shows Git repositories on your system. Information splited on pages and can be sorted in by Name, Path, Remote URL in any direction Pagination can be configured in cfg/init.lua docker

Docker bar

Docker bar can be opened on left screen side by selecting it on Left Bar Switch or with keybinding Mod + Shift + d It shows docker containers status. Information splited on pages and can be sorted in by Name, ID, Image, Ports, Status in any direction Scan path, pagination etc. can be configured in cfg/init.lua repos_scan

User bar

User bar can be opened on left screen side by selecting it on Left Bar Switch or with keybinding Mod + Shift + U Includes:

  • User identifier
  • Weather inforamation
  • Audio Player
  • Control Sliders
  • Calendar
  • TODO List

Statistics bar

Statistics bar can be opened on left screen side by selecting it on Left Bar Switch or with keybinding Mod + Shift + S Currentry available two versions og the bar that can be selected on cfg/init.lua widgets_version.stat_bar



  • System State Monitor
  • Top Processes Monitor
  • Partitions Monitor



  • Top Processes Monitor
  • System State & Partitions Monitor Charts

Theme Switch

Scrollable list of available themes. Each theme option changing style of:

  • AwesomeWM itself
  • Spotify (spicetify)
  • Alacritty
  • Cava

Available themes






💖 Tkanks for your attention

You can leave any ideas, notes on the "issues" tab and support me by dropping some coins.