
NVim is awesome

APACHE-2.0 License


๐Ÿ’ค LazyVim

A starter template for LazyVim. Refer to the documentation to get started.

Some Vscode Key Map (macOS)

To use the mapping below, you must use the matching kitty configuration.

Key Map Modes Markup
Command + C/V/X (N/I/V) Basic Coding
Command + D (N/I) Select Current Word
Command + P (N/I) Smart Open
Command + Shift + F (N/I) Format Code
Command + . (N/I) Code Action
Command + A (N/I) Select All
Command + B (N/I) Toggle File Tree
Comment + / (N/I/V) Toggle Comment
Comment + S (N/I) Save File
Comment + Shift + S (N/I) Save All
Comment + F (N) Find
Comment + Shift + Z (N/I) Redo
Comment + Z (N/I) Undo
