
APACHE-2.0 License



Create your own pair objects using tree-sitter queries!


You can install nvim-treesitter-pairs with your favorite package manager, or using the default pack feature of Neovim!

Using a package manager

If you are using vim-plug, put this in your init.vim file:

Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
Plug 'theHamsta/nvim-treesitter-pairs'


Pairs are configured via queries/<language>/pairs.scm query files.

lua <<EOF
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
  pairs = {
    enable = true,
    disable = {},
    highlight_pair_events = {}, -- e.g. {"CursorMoved"}, -- when to highlight the pairs, use {} to deactivate highlighting
    highlight_self = false, -- whether to highlight also the part of the pair under cursor (or only the partner)
    goto_right_end = false, -- whether to go to the end of the right partner or the beginning
    fallback_cmd_normal = "call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')", -- What command to issue when we can't find a pair (e.g. "normal! %")
    keymaps = {
      goto_partner = "<leader>%",
      delete_balanced = "X",
    delete_balanced = {
      only_on_first_char = false, -- whether to trigger balanced delete when on first character of a pair
      fallback_cmd_normal = nil, -- fallback command when no pair found, can be nil
      longest_partner = false, -- whether to delete the longest or the shortest pair when multiple found.
                               -- E.g. whether to delete the angle bracket or whole tag in  <pair> </pair>

Known Limitations

We hope we can fix them soon!

  • Can only cycle through 2-element pairs
  • Only works in normal mode
  • Queries are not complete at the moment
  • Does not support counts
  • Support all things that matchit does
  • Is tree-sitter really needed or should we just use mature vim plugins that use regexes?

Alternatives: https://github.com/andymass/vim-matchup added tree-sitter support for some languages. Thy can be configured via matchup.scm.

Supported languages