
Factorio mod to export Prometheus metrics

MIT License



Factorio 0.12 mod to export Prometheus metrics.


In the early stages of the game factories are small and it's fairly easy to keep taps on what's happening. Even then, depending on what you have available in starting resources, it may not be easy to see everything happening even at the most zoomed-out mode.

There are some great in-game production metrics already available by hitting 'p', and power metrics can be had by clicking on power poles. Some of us would like more, and would like to use the power of Grafana and PromQL to visualize metrics.


See the Metrics section below for the full list. You'll be able to see what's being built in your factory in terms of furnaces, assembling machines, accumulators, and fluid levels. You can see world metrics like pollution and deaths.

Using a modified version of YARM you can get metrics on resource consumption and remaining resources. In other words, the data you could see on your in-game resource monitor is also published for Prometheus. This requires that you complete the research to get the in-game equivalent, aka 'resource-monitoring'.

Using a modified version of Advanced Logistic System you can get metrics on container contents. As with YARM, this merely exposes to Prometheus what was already visible in the in-game GUI, so you have to unlock the tech and build the controller before metrics will be written.


Prometheus periodically does an HTTP GET to all configured metrics exporters, and stores the metrics they publish in an internal DB. Grafana queries that DB to visualize the data.

node-exporter is primarily a tool for collecting OS metrics, but it also has an option to let it read metrics from files in a directory. These factorio mods write files in that directory.


Only tested on Factorio 0.12.35 single-player. Only tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, should work on any Linux system but if you can't run Docker it'll be more involved (no instructions provided in that case.)


If you already have the real versions of YARM or Advanced Logistic System installed, remove them.

Download the promfacto, YARM and Advanced Logistic System zip files from the release page and place them in the mods/ directory within your Factorio install.

You'll need Prometheus, node-exporter and Grafana as well to make proper use of the metrics emitted. You can build them from source, or use Docker. If you're not familiar with docker, visit to install it.

mkdir -p ~/promfacto/prometheus
cat > ~/promfacto/prometheus/prometheus.yml << EOF
  - job_name: 'node'
         - targets: ['localhost:9100']

docker run -d --net="host" -v ~/factorio/script-output/metrics/:/textfiles prom/node-exporter
docker run -d --net="host" -v ~/promfacto/prometheus_data:/prometheus -v ~/promfacto/prometheus:/etc/prometheus prom/prometheus
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v ~/promfacto/grafana:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

You may need to use sudo for the docker commands, depending on your OS and version. Also, these instructions assume that you installed Factorio into ~/factorio, if that's not the case update the node-exporter command accordingly.

Test by going to http://localhost:9090/targets. This is the Prometheus target status page, which will hopefully show that Prometheus is successfully scraping node-exporter, i.e. that it has status UP.

Assuming it is, you can now link Grafana to Prometheus so we'll have a way to look at the data:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-binary '{"name":"prometheus","type":"prometheus","url":"http://localhost:9090","access":"direct","isDefault":true,"user":"admin","password":"admin"}' http://admin:admin@localhost:3000/api/datasources ; echo

curl might not be installed on your system, in which case you could install it or simply define the data source in Grafana by hand - it's not hard.

If it worked you should see something like this:

ncc@xal:~/src/$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-binary '{"name":"prometheus","type":"prometheus","url":"http://localhost:9090","access":"direct","isDefault":true,"user":"admin","password":"admin"}' http://admin:admin@localhost:3000/api/datasources ; echo
{"id":1,"message":"Datasource added"}

Setup dashboards from

Login to your Grafana at http://localhost:3000 using username admin and password admin.

Click on the pulldown menu in the upper left with the square on it, next to the spiral menu in the upper left hand coerner. Choose Import, and in the ' Dashboard' input box put 285, then click Load. Now under Options click on 'Select a Prometheus data source' and choose the only option, 'prometheus'. Click 'Save & Open'.

You're ready to go, start a game and give it a try.


Reduce Prometheus memory usage

You can make Prometheus use less memory by giving the argument -storage.local.memory-chunks=50000 (that number is still pretty generous, you can try smaller values too):

sudo killall prometheus
docker run -d --net="host" -v ~/promfacto/prometheus_data:/prometheus -v ~/promfacto/prometheus:/etc/prometheus prom/prometheus -storage.local.memory-chunks=50000 -config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -storage.local.path=/prometheus

The extra config.file and storage.local.path arguments are needed because once we give Docker program arguments the ones in the dockerfile get ignored.

Adjust your retention period

How long do you want to keep your metrics for? They don't take up very much space on disk, but if you're concerned about performance or memory use, keeping a lower retention is one way to keep the impact on your system modest. Use -storage.local.retention=duration to set that duration: data older than that duration gets deleted automatically. For example, to keep two days worth:

sudo killall prometheus
docker run -d --net="host" -v ~/promfacto/prometheus_data:/prometheus -v ~/promfacto/prometheus:/etc/prometheus prom/prometheus -storage.local.retention=48h -config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -storage.local.path=/prometheus

Adjust your sampling rate

The more often you collect metrics, the more detailed they are. The flip side is that sometimes you don't need as much granularity as you think, and the more granular your metrics the more expensive they are in terms of memory and CPU and disk space. The default sampling period is 15s, but you can adjust it in the config file. For example, to move to a 30s sampling period:

cat > ~/promfacto/prometheus/prometheus.yml << EOF
  - job_name: 'node'
    scrape_interval: 30s
         - targets: ['localhost:9100']
sudo killall -HUP prometheus

The mod itself only emits metrics every 10s, you'll have to modify control.lua if you want to sample more frequently than that. Look for event.tick % 600 and change it to 60 times the number of seconds desired as the new interval.

Use another machine to reduce load on your game machine

You don't have to run anything except node-exporter on the same machine as the game is running on. If you're having performance issues and you have a spare machine (e.g. a laptop), consider running Prometheus, Grafana, and your browser on other hosts. You'll have to modify the above instructions, replacing localhost with the name of the machine on which the game is played.

Use another machine for convenience

Even if you're not having performance issues you may still want to involve another screen somehow so you can see the metrics and the game at the same time. You can connect to Grafana from a laptop (or tablet, phone, etc) by going to http://game-machine-host-name:3000.



counter: how many entities have died

  • entity_name


gauge: how many items owned by player

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • name
  • placement: always 'inventory' for this mod


counter: how many radar sectors have been scanned


gauge: number of active 32x32-tile chunks


gauge: total pollution


gauge: evolution_factor


gauge: fluid stored

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • resource_name


gauge: total energy

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • entity_name: 'furnaces' or 'accumulators' only for now


gauge: how many assembling machines are working

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • entity_name: thing being crafted (should probably be called recipe instead)


gauge: how many assembling machines have nonempty output inventories

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • entity_name: thing being crafted (should probably be called recipe instead)


gauge: how many assembling machines have nonempty input inventories

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • entity_name: thing being crafted (should probably be called recipe instead)


gauge: how many assembling machines have recipes

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • entity_name: thing being crafted (should probably be called recipe instead)


gauge: how many furnaces are doing what

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • product: what the furnace is smelting (based on its output inventory, 'unknown' if none)
  • status: 'idle', 'crafting no outputs', 'crafting with outputs'

[YARM] factorio_resource_mined_total

counter: how many of each resource have been mined

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • resource_name: 'coal', 'stone', etc
  • site_name: "same as in the in-game resource monitor, e.g. S76"

[YARM] factorio_resource_remaining

gauge: how much is left of each resource

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • resource_name: 'coal', 'stone', etc
  • site_name: "same as in the in-game resource monitor, e.g. S76"

[ALS] factorio_objects_owned

gauge: how much items are in containers

  • force: 'player' in single-player games
  • item
  • container


Some may view use of these metrics as cheating, insofar as they allow access to information that isn't available in vanilla. I expect how people feel will depend on the metric: information on your own production and facilities probably isn't so bad, but information on enemy factions is going to be more contentious. It's easy to add and delete panels in Grafana, use only those you're comfortable with.


Thanks to Tarantool for their Lua Prometheus client library.

Thanks to Octav "Narc" Sandulescu for YARM.

Thanks to Amr Abed for Advanced Logicistic System.