
📝 My neovim configuration 🛠 Includes TypeScript autocomplete, hints, prettier, and more.

GPL-3.0 License


NvChad Configuration

📝 My neovim configuration

🛠 Includes TypeScript autocomplete, hints, prettier, and more

❤️ Based on nvChad

Before you begin

You need a few things installed globally on your machine before you can enjoy the entire setup:

npm i typescript typescript-language-server prettier --location=global

With this out of the way, back up your current nvim configuration:

cd ~/.config
mv nvim nvim_backup
mv ~/.local/share/nvim nvim_backup

Then clone this repo:

git clone [email protected]:rosnovsky/nvim

First Run

When you launch nvim for the first time now, a bunch of things will happen.

  • It will ask you if you want to install example configuration. Say "no", and be firm about it.
  • All the plugins will be automatically installed
  • A couple of errors or warnings will appear in the status line (this is normal)

After all is said and done, quit nvim (if it's your first time in vim/nvim, to quit, press ESC to ensure you are in NORMAL mode, then type :qa! and hit Enter. This command essentially means "QUIT ALL!" - ignore unsaved files and just follow orders!)

Now launch nvim again. This time, a few things will happen in the status line, and it's safe to ignore them.

In order to make prettier work, type this in NORMAL mode (remember? ESC takes you there):

:call coc#util#install()

This command installs everything necessary for prettier to work. After it's all done, restart nvim one last time.
