
UIKit / SwiftUI library for creating Bar Chart similar to chart used in iOS Health app.

MIT License



UIKit / SwiftUI library for creating Bar Chart similar to chart used in iOS Health app.


  • iOS 13.0+
  • watchOS 6.0+
  • macOS 10.15+


BarChartKit supports XCFramework integration into Xcode project. Just go to Release page, download latest version, drag and drop it into existing Xcode project and you are done 🎉

BarChartKit also supports SwiftPM. You can integrate BarChartKit using SwiftPM directly via Xcode or manually using Package.swift.


To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter its repository URL. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button. In the “Choose frameworks and libraries to add” dialog, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.

Instead of adding a repository URL, you can search for a package on GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. Add your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account in Xcode’s preferences, and a list of package repositories appears as you type. The following screenshot shows the list of repositories for the search term ExamplePackage.



import BarChartKit

let mockBarChartDataSet: BarChartView.DataSet? = BarChartView.DataSet(elements: [
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jan", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0)),
                                                              BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Feb", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 0, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Mar", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 10000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0)),
                                                              BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 5000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Apr", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0)),
                                                              BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "May", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 32010, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0)),
                                                              BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jun", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor(red: 214/255, green: 40/255, blue: 57/255, alpha: 1.0))]),
    BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jul", bars: [BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor.systemGreen),
                                                                      BarChartView.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 10000, color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), selectionColor: UIColor.systemBlue)])
], limit: .init(color: UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 207/255, blue: 209/255, alpha: 1.0), label: "YOUR LIMIT", value: 15_010))

let barChart = BarChartView()
barChart.dataSet = mockBarChartDataSet

barChart.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    barChart.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
    barChart.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
    barChart.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
    barChart.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor)


import BarChartKit

@State private var selectedElement: BarChart.DataSet.DataElement? = mockBarChartDataSet.elements.first

let mockBarChartDataSet: BarChart.DataSet = BarChart.DataSet(elements: [
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jan", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color:, selectionColor: Color.yellow),
                                                          BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color:, selectionColor: Color.yellow)]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Feb", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 0, color:]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Mar", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 10000, color:,
                                                          BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 5000, color:]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Apr", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color:,
                                                          BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color:]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "May", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 42000, color:, selectionColor:,
                                                          BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 15000, color:, selectionColor: Color.yellow)]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jun", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color:, selectionColor: Color.yellow)]),
    BarChart.DataSet.DataElement(date: nil, xLabel: "Jul", bars: [BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 20000, color:, selectionColor: Color.yellow),
                                                          BarChart.DataSet.DataElement.Bar(value: 0.5555, color:, selectionColor:])

BarChart(dataSet: mockBarChartDataSet, selectedElement: $selectedElement)