
birkhoff's macOS dotfiles with nix




My dotfiles managed by Nix, home-manager and nix-darwin.


I primarily use Macs, therefore this repo is (mainly) for darwin. However I do try to make it work on Linux as well.

Some features worth mentioning:


On a new macOS machine w/o Nix installed:

xcode-select --install

# Install nix
bash <(curl -L --daemon --yes --no-modify-profile

# Propagate /run
printf 'run\tprivate/var/run\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/synthetic.conf
/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs.util -t

# Build the dotfiles
mkdir $HOME/.config
git clone $HOME/.config/nix
nix build "$HOME/.config/nix#darwinConfigurations.AlessandroMBP.system" --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes"

# Remove default nix config to mitigate
sudo rm -f /etc/nix/nix.conf
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake "$HOME/.config/nix#AlessandroMBP"

After first successful deployment, use the following command to switch:

darwin-rebuild switch --flake "$HOME/.config/nix#AlessandroMBP"

To update packages:

nix flake update .
nix flake update

Appendix: iTerm2 Profile Configuration

I use iTerm2 as my terminal emulator. Here are some settings that I've been using for years:

  • Command: Login Shell
  • Font
    • Hack Nerd Font Mono, Regular, 14
    • Anti-aliased
    • Use a different font for non-ASCII text
  • Non-ASCII Font
    • Hack Nerd Font Mono, Regular, 12
    • Use ligatures
    • Anti-aliased
  • Settings for New Windows - 144, 41
  • Enable mouse reporting
  • Silence bell
  • Left Option Key: Esc+
  • Right Option Key: Normal

Key Mappings (included in Terminal.itermkeymap):

I use the built-in Natural Text Editing preset, with the following custom key mappings:

Key Send Hex Codes Description
⌘Z 0x1f undo
⇧⌘Z 0x18 0x1f redo
⌥Del→ 0x17 delete word
⌘← 0x2 go to beginning of line
⇧⌘↵ 0x1 0x7a maximize pane in current window
⌃⌘F 0x1 0x2b move pane to new window
⇧⌘D 0x1 0x2d splits the current pane vertically
⌘D 0x1 0x5f splits the current pane horizontally
⇧⌘R 0x1 0x72 reload tmux config
⇧⌘← 0x1 0x68 navigate to the pane on the left
⇧⌘↓ 0x1 0x6a navigate to the pane on the bottom
⇧⌘↑ 0x1 0x6b navigate to the pane on the top
⇧⌘→ 0x1 0x6c navigate to the pane on the right
⌥⌘← 0x1 0x8 switch to previous window
⌥⌘→ 0x1 0xc switch to next window



Here are some reads you might find interesting:


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