
Sick and tired of staying up late because of your mac? Schedule it to be shutdown during sleep hours


kill my mac, let me sleep

Are you sick and tired of staying up late because of your mac? This script suggests you to wind down using customizable voice annoucements. If your mac is still on during sleep hours - this script will shut your mac down for you. You are welcome.

How it works

  • Your computer will be shut down during hours 12am - 6am
  • 2.5hr, 1hr, and 10 minutes before the sleep hours start the computer will warn you, if your sound is on
  • Open an issue if you want customizable sleep hours, for now edit the

How to install:

Warning: Before you install, please understand that it might be hard to turn the computer back on during sleep hours. Every time the computer is turned on, you will have 1 minute to disable it from shutting down your computer.

In your terminal run:

echo "Cloning the repo"
git clone
cd kill-my-mac

echo "Setting up"

How to make sure it works correctly?

TODO: Currently you can change the sleep hours to be closer to current time in the script. You can also change the warning times.

I want a more agressive version!

I got you! How agressive?

  • To make sure I get asked for the password / touch id after every sleep - search in System Settings for Lock Screen and set to 'Immediately'
  • To make the computer shut down instead of sleeping, uncomment piece of, this line: osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to shut down'

How to uninstall?

You can do either option:

  • In terminal run rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bra1ndump.kill-my-mac.plist, this will prevent the script from running. You can run ./ to enable again
  • In the directory where you cloned the project run ./ Same as above.
  • Open the script where you installed this project and comment out the last if statement that has this line: osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to shut down'. Uncomment it again to re-enable

How does it actually work?

  • It installs a LaunchAgent that runs shutdown-job every minute
    • You can find the agent configuration here ls ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • If computer is already asleep (uses pmset), do nothing
    • If close to sleep hours, warns the user
    • If in sleep hours, shut down using apple script osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to shut down'


  • Post about it


  • Package with Homebrew tap

    • More user trust because of the brew prefix
    • Easier upgrading (not sure if the taps get auto-upgraded though)
  • Allow configuring sleep time - will need to symlink the cli bash script that will update the configurations so its accessible from anywhere

    • Prompted:
      • Choose a time when you want to ensure your computer is not running
      • Format is: 00:20-06:00, no spaces, period start, period end, 24 hr format
      • In this example starting at 20 past midnight until 6, if your computer is not asleep, it will be forcefully shut down
    • Enter the time - default is 00:00-06:00 (midnight until 6am): Get
  • How can I make editing the configuration difficult?

  • By allowing to skip the shutdown once by looking at a message to self you wrote when setting this up, and forcing to look at it for 5 minutes before allowing to skip

  • Maybe switch to python? Since it will be installed by brew, I can just set python as a dependency. Its installed everywhere already so does not really matter. Bash is fucking ridiculous. Functions are unlike in any other programming language
