
High-performance binary encoding/decoding for `Swift.Codable` types.

APACHE-2.0 License


⚡️ Stay tuned for updates: upcoming version 1.0.0 (currently in beta) ⚡️

StickyEncoding License: Apache 2.0

StickyEncoding facilitates the encoding and decoding of Codable values into and out of a binary format that can be stored on disk or sent over a socket.


  • User Guides & Reference - Extensive user guides and reference documentation! 100% documented API, full examples and many hidden details.
  • Contributing Guide - If you'd like to contribute and need instructions on the build environment, this is the place to go.

Quick Start Guide

Encoding is done using a BinaryEncoder instance and will encode any Encodable type whether you declare conformance to Encodable and let the compiler create the code, or you manually implement the conformance yourself.

Decoding is done using a BinaryDecoder instance and can decode any Decodable type that was previously encoded using the BinaryEncoder. Of course you can declare Encodable or Decodable conformance by using Codable as well.

StickyEncoding creates a compact binary format that represents the encoded object or data type. You can read more about the format in the document Binary Format.

To facilitate many use cases, StickyEncoding encodes the data to an instance of EncodedData. EncodedData contains a binary format suitable for writing directly to memory, disk, or into a byte array. Or in the case of decoding, the format facilitates rapid decoding to Swift instances.


To create an instance of a BinaryEncoder:

    let encoder = BinaryEncoder()

Note: You may optionally pass your own userInfo BinaryEncoder(userInfo:) structure and it will be available to you during the encoding.

You can encode any top-level single value type including Int, UInt, Double, Bool, and Strings. Simply pass the value to the instance of the BinaryEncoder and call encode.

   let string = "You can encode single values of any type."

   let bytes = try encoder.encode(string)

Basic structs and classes can also be encoded.

   struct Employee: Codable {
        let first: String
        let last: String
        let employeeNumber: Int

   let employee = Employee(first: "John", last: "Doe", employeeNumber: 2345643)

   let bytes = try encoder.encode(employee)

As well as Complex types with sub classes.


To create an instance of a BinaryDecoder:

    let decoder = BinaryDecoder()

Note: You may optionally pass your own userInfo BinaryDecoder(userInfo:) structure and it will be available to you during the decoding.

To decode, you pass the Type of object to create, and an instance of encoded data representing that type.

   let employee = try decoder.decode(Employee.self, from: bytes)

Encoded Data

The BinaryEncoder.encode method returns type Array<UInt8> (likewise BinaryDecoder.decode accepts an Array<UInt8> instance).

[Array<UInt8> is easily converted to other types such as Swift.Data for passing to Foundation methods to store and load data from file.

   let bytes = try encoder.encode(employee)

   // Write the bytes directly to a file.
   FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: "employee.bin", contents: Data(bytes))

Sources and Binaries

You can find the latest sources and binaries on github.

Communication and Contributions

  • If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute
    • Fork it! StickyEncoding repository
    • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
    • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
    • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
    • Submit a pull request :-)

Note: for a instructions on how to build and test StickyEncoding for contributing please see the Contributing Guide.


Swift Package Manager

StickyEncoding supports dependency management via Swift Package Manager on Darwin as well as Linux.

Please see Swift Package Manager for further information.


StickyEncoding is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

   pod "StickyEncoding"

Minimum Requirements

Build Environment

Platform Swift Swift Build Xcode
Linux 4.2
OSX 4.2 Xcode 10.2

Minimum Runtime Version

iOS OS X tvOS watchOS Linux
8.0 10.10 9.0 2.0 Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 16.10


To build and run on Linux we have a a preconfigure Vagrant file located at

See the README for instructions.


Tony Stone (


StickyEncoding is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0