
Updates Apple, Apple Store, Microsoft, Perlbrew, Homebrew and MacPorts

GPL-3.0 License


© Matteo Corti, 2018-2024


Command line automatic updates on macOS


Updates a macOS system. Following software packages are analyzed and automatically updated

  • Apple products
  • Apple Store apps (requires mas)
  • Microsoft products
  • Adobe products
  • Products supported by MacUpdater (requires MacUpdater with a professional license)
  • Perlbrew and installed CPAN modules
  • Ruby dependencies
  • Homebrew and installed packages
  • MacPorts and installed ports
  • Steam games


Usage: update.sh [OPTIONS]

      --adobe            update Adobe products
      --apple            update Apple products
      --brew             update Homebrew packages
   -c,--clear            clear the terminal screen before updating
      --emacs            update emacs packages
   -h,--help,-?          this help message
      --macupdater       update with MacUpdater
      --mas              update Apple Store applications
      --msupdate         update Microsoft products
   -n,--name             show machine name
      --no-adobe         do not update Adobe products
      --no-apple         do not update Apple products
      --no-brew          do not update Homebrew packages
      --no-emacs         do not update emacs packages
      --no-macupdater    do not update with MacUpdater
      --no-mas           do not update Apple Store applications
      --no-msupdate      do not update Microsoft products
      --no-perl          do not update Perl and CPAN modules with Perlbrew
      --no-ruby          do not update ruby
      --no-steam         do not update steam
      --perl             update Perl and CPAN modules with Perlbrew
   -q,--quiet            minimal output
      --ruby             update ruby
      --steam            update Steam
   -v,--verbose          verbose output

Report bugs to https://github.com/matteocorti/update.sh/issues


Report bugs to https://github.com/matteocorti/update.sh/issues