
Migratte is simple SQL migrations management standalone CLI app, framework-agnostic.



Migratte is simple SQL migrations management standalone CLI app, framework-agnostic. It is inspired by Phinx, but it is much simpler, and it doesn't require CakePHP framework to be installed.

You can install it using composer:

$ composer require semisedlak/migratte

How it works

It is controlled by (Symfony Console) CLI commands for:

  1. generate new migration
  2. commit migration
  3. rollback migration
  4. showing migrations status
  5. showing configuration info

Migration anatomy

Migrations are simple PHP files keeping plain SQL queries. If plain SQL so why PHP files then? Answer is simple. For keeping "up" (for commit) and "down" (for rollback) SQL queries with additional metadata all together.

💡 Migratte doesn't provide (yet) rich migrations management. It is just a simple tool for executing your SQL queries and it is up to you to write them. You can use any SQL query you want.

You can still use Phinx with CakePHP Migrations for migrations management. I recommend Adminer for database management.

Specific migration class extends from basic migration class. It contains timestamp in file name and class name witch should not be modified.

Migration file that doesn't contain down() method is "breakpoint", that means rollback cannot be performed. BUT! There is an option --force to perform rollback with this kind of migration.

This tool creates it's "memory" in same database as migrations target. It uses dibi database layer for connection and queries executions.

You can use it with:

  • MySQL database
  • PostgreSQL database
  • SQLite database


You can override this default configuration options:

'timezone'        => 'UTC',
'migrationsDir'   => "$workingDir/database/migrations",
'migrationsTable' => [
  'name'        => 'migrations',
  'primaryKey'  => 'id',
  'fileName'    => 'filename',
  'groupNo'     => 'group',
  'committedAt' => 'committed_at',
'connection'      => [
  'driver'   => 'sqlite', // mysqli or postgre
  'database' => "$workingDir/database/migratte.s3db",

providing options array as first argument of Application::boot() method from executable file. You can read how to set up connection in dibi documentation.

Executable file

Create a file bin/migrations in the root dir of your project with following content:

#!/usr/bin/env php

use Semisedlak\Migratte\Application\Application;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';


Don't forget to change permission using chmod +x bin/migrations


When you run bin/migrations in CLI you will see "help" overview with possible commands.

root@12345:/var/www/html# bin/migrations
Migratte 0.5.0

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help               Display help for a command
  list               List commands
  migratte:commit    Commit (run) migrations
  migratte:generate  Generate new migration file
  migratte:info      Show migrations configuration info
  migratte:rollback  Rollback migrations
  migratte:status    Show migrations status

💡 Hint: You can use --help (or -h) option for each command to see more details.


Command generates new migration file which then can be modified. You can specify migration name as first argument. Write it as normal sentence, it will be converted to desired form automatically.

$ bin/migrations migratte:generate "Create users table"

This will generate file database/migrations/20190101_120000-create-users-table.php with following content:


use Semisedlak\Migratte\Migrations\Migration;

class Migration_20190101_120000 extends Migration
	public static function getName(): string
		return 'Create users table';

	public static function up(): string
		return <<<SQL
-- UP: Create users table

	public static function down(): ?string
		return NULL;

⚠️ Warning! Don't modify migration class name. Don't modify file name after it was committed. You can modify up() and down() methods to contain your SQL queries.

If you want to change migration name you can change it in getName() method. It is used only for displaying purposes.

Then copy your SQL queries to up() and down() methods. If down() method returns NULL or FALSE it is considered as "breakpoint" migration (it cannot be rollbacked because it doesn't provide "down" operation).

Example migration

public static function up(): string
	return <<<SQL
CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ENGINE='InnoDB' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci';

public static function down(): ?string
	return <<<SQL
DROP TABLE `users`;


Command commits (runs) new migrations. By default, it will run all non-committed migrations one-by-one. You can specify less to commit with limit (first) argument:

$ bin/migrations migratte:commit 3

But there is more. You can specify datetime limits --from and --to for limiting committing.

Are you unsure what migrations will be committed? Use --dry-run (or -d) option to see what migrations will be committed without actually committing them.

Migratte automatically put migrations into groups. These groups are simply integer numbers and they are important for rollback strategy. You can't specify group number. It will be automatically incremented. If you use default rollback strategy (by commit date) it will rollback migrations from the last group (with highest number) in reverse order of committing.


Command performs rollback operation to already committed migrations back to previous state. Rollback will be done only on (by default) migrations from latest group. You can specify more migrations to rollback with limit (first) argument:

$ bin/migrations migratte:rollback 3

In this case, it will ignore groups and rollback last 3 committed migrations.

If migration doesn't contain down() method or this method simply returns NULL or FALSE it is considered as "breakpoint". Calling rollback on "breakpoint" will throw an error. This can be bypassed by using --force (or -f) option.

Rollback strategy

You can specify rollback strategy by using --strategy option. There are currently three strategies for rollback:

  1. by commit "date" (this is default) (--strategy=date) - rollback by commit date (migrations from last group will be rollbacked by commit date in reverse order of committing)
  2. by migration "order" (--strategy=order) - rollback migrations by migrations order (if you sort files by name, you will get migrations order, so last committed file will be rollbacked first)
  3. by specific "file" (--strategy=file) - rollback specific migration file. You have to provide migration file name (without path) as --file option. Hint: you can omit .php extension.


Command shows current migrations' status (what is or isn't committed, which migration is breakpoint and more).

There is also an option --compact (or -c) to show compact table of migrations.


Command shows current Migratte configuration.

Are you using Nette framework?

Great! You can use Nette DI extension to register a Migratte panel into Tracy (something like migratte:status and migratte:info combined but... in HTML... with styles). It will use dibi extension for connection definition.

    migratte: Semisedlak\Migratte\Nette\DiExtension

    debug: true



Please update your bin/migrations executable file Application class namespace like this:

// use Semisedlak\Migratte\Migrations\Application; // OLD NAMESPACE
use Semisedlak\Migratte\Application\Application; // NEW NAMESPACE