
Astro Integraton that automatically optimizes images referenced in markdown files.

MIT License


Astro Remark Eleventy Image đŸ–Œ

One thing I really missed when I migrated my blog from Gatsby to Astro was the automatic image processing + optimization that gatsby-remark-images did for the images linked in my posts. It was like SEO magic, and made my image-heavy pages load “blazingly fast” with very little effort on my end.

This drop-in Astro Integration replicates that functionality by using Eleventy Image to optimize the images in your markdown automatically.


npx astro add astro-remark-eleventy-image

Astro's version of Vite causes errors with eleventy-img, so to use this package you must include this snippet in your astro-config

vite: {
    ssr: {
      external: ["@11ty/eleventy-img"],

like such:

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [remarkEleventyImage({ ... })],
  vite: {
    ssr: {
      external: ["@11ty/eleventy-img"],

Migrating to v2.0

For better UX + ease of future development, this package was converted from a Remark plugin (v1.0) to an Integration (that adds a Remark plugin behind the scenes) You’ll find that configuration is kept exactly the same, the only real difference is that remarkEleventyImage is now an integration, and the remarkImages config object should be passed into it. Remove remarkEleventyImage from your remarkPlugins array and read the rest of the documentation.


Updating astro.config.mjs

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import remarkEleventyImage from "astro-remark-eleventy-image";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [remarkEleventyImage()]

Just import the plugin and add it to your integrations array, similar to what they show in the Astro docs for Integrations

Why is it called astro-REMARK-eleventy-images if it’s an integration and not a remark plugin? This package was previously a remark plugin, but to improve the configuration experience, use fewer tricks for functionality, and make future development easier, I converted it to an integration.


Configuration isn’t required for the plugin to function, but is available if you want to tweak a few things.

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import remarkEleventyImage from "astro-remark-eleventy-image";

export function customMarkup({ src, sources, width, height, alt })
  return `

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [remarkEleventyImage({
    sizes: "(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px",
    remoteImages: false,
    altRequired: true,
    customMarkup: customMarkup,
    eleventyImageConfig: {
      formats: ['auto'],
      widths: ['auto', 600, 1000, 1400],
      sharpOptions: {
        animated: true

These are the default values

The configuration object for the plugin is passed into it as a parameter, similar to how other integrations are configured.

remoteImages controls whether or not remote images (the kind hosted on other websites like GitHub) are optimized on your site. This is mostly stable, but if problems arise please submit an issue.

sizes is the sizes attribute that gets passed to the HTML. If you don’t know how to set this, you can read up on how it works on MDN.

eleventyImageConfig is the configuration object that gets passed to Eleventy Image. You can use it to configure the underlying sharp settings, the widths the plugin generates (more widths, more processing time), and more.

Custom Markup

See PR #4 for detailed information on how to write custom markup.

You cannot, however, configure where images are output and what they’re named. The names for the optimized images are generated based on what the original images are named, and the optimized images are placed in the same output directories as the original images. Changing either of these settings will break your images.

Why should you use this plugin?

It doesn’t require you to turn all your files into .mdx so you can import and use a custom Image component. It aims to do one thing well, and offers ample control over the eleventy-image generator config (but doesn’t require much configuring).

It’s also actively being used on my site, so I have good reason to support it.

Overall, if you want a quick and painless way to automatically optimize all of your post images, it wouldn’t hurt to try this out.


  • This package hasn’t been tested with server-side rendering.
  • Like with gatsby-remark-images, the process of optimizing images is time consuming. This plugin is specifically intended to run during the build step of your Astro site to reduce that issue.
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