
✍️ My personal blog made with Next.js.

MIT License



Welcome to the repository of function(), my blog (accessible at! function() primarily focuses on sharing code snippets I find useful, experiences that I have gone through, and stories that I wish to share with the world.

The source code features the following tech stack:

Technology Description of use
Next.js The framework used to power the entire website. Part of the Jamstack architecture, it allows me to easily build the website.
Tailwind CSS The CSS framework used to style the website. It allows me to easily style the website while keeping the design standardised.
Vercel The platform used to deploy the website. It allows me to effortlessly publish live changes to the domain at a single push.
mdx-bundler The Markdown-to-HTML parser used to read MDX content and turn it into plain HTML. It allows me to display my posts in Markdown in a way that React (via Next.js) can render.


For a while, I have visited the blogs of a few developers who shared interesting solutions to the problems they've faced that I had as well. I was impressed with how each blog was unique to its own self and the developer itself: content-wise, design-wise, and style-wise. In a way, blogs can be used to share more about an individual — not just a developer — through the way they write, design, and plan.

That inspired me to create a blog of my own. Not to mention, embarking on a project like this allowed me to expand my horizons with what I know and learn new things while enjoying the process of learning by doing.


This project is not accepting major contributions as it is personal. However, if there is an issue — like a spelling or grammatical error, a visual bug, or other kinds of weird things happening — please feel free to create an issue.

If you would like to leave comments about the source code — like possible design and code improvements, or other kinds of feedback — please feel free to create an issue too if you wish!


This repository is made open-source with the MIT License, meaning that you are allowed to modify and distribute the source code as well as use it for private and commercial use provided that the licence and copyright notices are retained. However, if you are cloning or forking this project, I ask that you remove the posts/ folder — whatever written in that should rightfully belong to me. For more information, visit the link above to learn what is permitted by the licence.