
An all-in-one tool for the repository maintainer.

MIT License


An all-in-one tool for the repository maintainer.


✅ Awesome lists: enrich Github links with star counts, update in-place, report diffs and trends ✅ Awesome lists: sort lists based on star counts (preserve structure) ✅ Markdown: generate and embed table of contents ✅ Markdown: find broken links ✅ Markdown: find duplicate links ✅ Markdown: add open source license automatically ✅ Markdown: add contributors section based on Git history ✅ Find magic strings (secrets, placeholders etc.) and replace them automatically ✅ Publish results directly to Github or file

Quick Start

Get a configuration file from examples/celeste-config.js and add the plugins you need, then:

$ yarn add --dev celeste
$ yarn celeste -i README.md
react-native-swiper ★6881	 +54 (6827 -> 6881)

Celeste will scan your files and notify you, as well as edit and fix files automatically if you configure the publishers section with the file publisher. In such cases make sure you have everything committed properly.

You can also glob to run over multiple files:

$ yarn celeste -i '*.md'


Celeste has a text (for all files) and markdown processors as well as the ability to activate multiple processors per file. You match file extensions or patterns to a pipeline of processor by specifying it in your celeste-config.js file:

processors: {
  '.*\\.md$': ['text', 'markdown'],
  '.*': ['text']

Each pattern is a regex, so you can capture not only file extensions but also any pattern you think of.


Celeste supports multiple publishers, for example - for publishing results directly to Github or files.

You can leave this section empty if you only want logs and no side effects (no disk writes or Github publishing).

publishers: {}


The simplest form of publisher. Just specify the follow in your celeste-config.js file:

  publishers: {
    file: true


To publish results to Github, specify the following in your celeste-config.js file:


  publishers: {
    github: {
      auth: {
        type: 'token',
        token: process.env.CELESTE_GH
      context: {
        // ref: 'v0.9.2',
        repo: 'celeste',
        owner: 'jondot',
        defaultCommitMessage: 'Celeste: update'

For auth the following is important:

  • type: 'token' this is always true, unless you prefer a different authentication method (refer to octokit.js)
  • token: process.env.CELESTE_GH best to pull the token from an environment variable like specified here

For context the following is important:

  • repo: 'celeste' pick a repository to push to. In this example the repository is called celeste
  • owner: 'jondot' pick an owner of the repository. In this example the owner is jondot
  • ref specify a branch, tag, or commit sha to refer to. It's best to take from an environment variable (Travis will have the current pull request branch set in an environment variable)
  • defaultCommitMessage pick a default commit message that celeste will use


See celeste-config.js for a full configuration.

Internally this tool is structured into plugins. Plugins are unifiedjs based and have a standard logging payload format:


See more in LogMessage.

Add License

Adds an open source license in markdown files. Add this to celeste-config.js:

addLicense: {
    name: 'Dotan Nahum',
    url: 'https://github.com/jondot'

You should have a section named # License at the bottom of your file.

Broken Links

Detects and reports broken links in markdown files.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

brokenLinks: true,

Duplicate Links

Detects and reports duplicate links in markdown files.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

dedupLinks: true,

Fetch Stars

Fetch Github stars and update links in your markdown files. Great for awesome lists maintenance.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

fetchStars: true,

Sort By Stars

Sorts lists in markdown files by star count. Combine with fetchStars for the full package.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

sortByStars: true,

Git Contributors

Adds a table with Git contributors for a project.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

gitContributors: {
    contributors: [
            name: 'Dotan Nahum',
            email: '[email protected]',
            github: 'jondot'

Add metadata as you wish to the contributors array.

You must have a section header ## Contributors for the table to be injected.

Magic Strings

Finds and replaces strings based on regular expression dictionary. Great for eliminating secrets leakage, placeholders, and updating things like current year in copyright lines.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

magicStrings: {
    replacements: {
        '\\d\\d\\d\\d': (line, regex) => '***'

The above will report and replace all 4-digit strings with ***. This plugin works with all kinds of files (source code, text, and markdown included).

Table of Contents

Generates a table of contents in your markdown file based on the various headings that already exists there.

Add this to celeste-config.js:

toc: true,


By default celeste uses a text formatter for reporting its findings, the text format is parseable and readable and is perfect for CI system logs.

However should you want to integrate with other scripts and tools, all data can be output as json:

$ celeste -i README.md --format json
{"type":"plugins/fetch-stars/update","level":"info","payload":{"title":"React Native Styling Cheatsheet ★2632","diff":43,"from":2589,"to":2632}}


Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).


Clone this repo, and run:

$ yarn
$ yarn main -c examples/celeste-config.js -i test.md


To all Contributors - you make this happen, thanks!


Copyright (c) 2018 @jondot. See LICENSE for further details.

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Top 10.96% on Npmjs.org
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