
Articles, Snippets, and Source Code for Coding Everything Blog


layout: default.njk
title: Read Me
tags: ['page']
toc: true
permalink: ''


A curious endeavor to catalogue and document the wealth of programming knowledge available on the internet and a humble attempt to contribute to it.

Powered By

Project Setup

  1. Install Node.js & NPM

  2. Run npm install in the project directory to install local dependencies

  3. Install eleventy globally

    npm i @11ty/eleventy -g
    npm i rimraf -g
    npm i cross-env -g
  4. Run npm run serve to run a local dev environment

  5. Access dev copy of the site at localhost:8080

NPM Scripts

npm run build       # builds site for production
npm run serve       # builds site + serves `_site` directory
npm run clean       # deletes `_site` directory
npm run clear-cache # deletes twitter cache
npm run favicon     # generates favicon assets from svg

Tag Guidelines

Tags should be

  • all lowercase
  • hyphenated instead of using spaces

Style Guide

Use Markdown Lint

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD026 -->
## We're back baby!
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->

Use CSpell

<!-- spellchecker: disable -->
**S**uccess **I**nstinct **G**rowth **N**eeds
<!-- spellchecker: enable -->

Notes Sections

  • Title
  • Docs
  • Links
  • Alternatives
  • Getting Started
  • --- domain ---
  • Articles
  • Questions


  • fix linting errors
  • add metadata to each post tags/summary (hero image)
  • fix tags.json
  • review each post for content / custom css
  • download images from imgur