
a tool for precompiling docs from markdown

MIT License



a tool for precompiling docs from markdown

what is this? why use it?

there are a lot of tools out there for publishing websites and for generating documentation. some are really powerful - even to the extend of processing code and building docs straight from that. sometimes it's just simpler to write some markdown and publish it as a static site on github pages.

i was doing that a lot: and since i was writing markdown and then also manually building a matching website, i was spending nearly as much time on that as i was on coding the project itself. i had a reasonably solid template i was using already, so i did what leads many people to publishing things like this: i thought to myself 'how can i automate this?'

documentative cuts out half the work - you write the markdown; it builds you a responsive, modern website.


features of a built site include...

  • a responsive layout! mobile support is robust, with the sidebar transforming into
    a hamburger-triggered menu.
  • light/dark mode that respects the user's system mode (with the capability to display a different
    icon depending on the mode).
  • in-page navigation via #IDs (with a sidebar that scrolls to match the reader location), allowing
    for keeping your place on the page when you reload or linking to a specific section.
  • social-media embed friendly.
  • + y'know, like, being a configurably built site - you pick a primary colour, you define a footer,
    you choose which files are served or precompiled... etc.


this package is available from the npm package registry.

npm i -s documentative
const docs = require('documentative');

to build/precompile to a directory, outputdir, options);
// returns a promise: resolves to true
argument type value
inputdir string e.g. 'pages'
outputdir string e.g. 'build'
options object see #options

if you wish your inputdir and outputdir to be the same, that works too - just enable the overwrite option (see #options).'.', '.', { overwrite: true });

to serve the directory from a local http server

docs.serve(inputdir, port, options);
// returns a promise: resolves to the started http server
argument type value
inputdir string e.g. 'pages'
port number e.g. 8080
options object see #options

❗ not recommended unless for testing purposes - especially if serving a larger directory, as it will re-read the entire directory for every file serve.


if this is your preferred method of use, it is recommended to install via npm i -g documentative.


  > documentative-build <inputdir> <outputdir>
  e.g. documentative-build pages build

  > documentative-serve <inputdir> [--port, -p PORT]
  e.g. documentative-serve pages -p 3000

  --help, -h   show this message
  --port, -p   set the HTTP server port used by documentative-serve
    (default: 8080)

** to configure the process, place configuration options into

ℹ️ the <inputdir>/docs.json file will be added to the exclude list (see #options).

writing a page

pages are written in github flavoured markdown.

it is recommended to start every page with a # h1, as that is what is used for the sidebar table-of-contents documentative generates.

in order to maintain viability of pages as both markdown and html, any local markdown page links are changed to match page src -> output. e.g. a link written as [link]( may transformed to <a href='index.html'>link</a>.

check out the styling guide for ways to further customise what comes out.


  title: string, // default: 'documentative'
  primary: string/colour, // default: '#712c9c
  git: string/url,
  footer: string,
    // default: '© 2020 someone, under the [MIT license]('
  card: {
    description: string,
    url: string/url
  icon: {
    light: string/filepath,
    dark: string/filepath
  overwrite: boolean, // default: false
  exclude: [strings/filepaths],
  ignoredotfiles: boolean, // default: true
  nav: []

git + footer

markdown can be used within the footer.

the git property defines the url to your inputdir on github or a similar site, excluding the file itself. for github repos, the url must be<branch>/[folder/]. for gitlab, it must be<branch>/[folder/].

e.g. your .md files are in a folder called docs @ the master branch of the repo you would set the git property to

then, if within the footer you wish to link to the hosted .md of the page, simply set it to: "[Edit on Github](__git__)". the __git__ will be replaced by the config definition + the page source. for the example above, when visiting page.html, the footer would link to

if you wish to completely hide the footer, simply set the following:

footer: '',


the card properties are used for the preview embeds/cards created by social media platforms when linking to your page. the card.url should be the canonical base url for your site and must end with a /. (e.g. or, but NOT


the light/dark icons will be shown dependent on whether the viewer has light/dark mode enabled. if only 1 of the icons is set (either light or dark), that icon will be shown for both modes.


❗ beware of turning on overwrite, as any files copied across from the inputdir will irreversibly overwrite files in the outputdir with conflicting names.


to exclude everything within a folder, end the exclude with /* (e.g. ignorethisdir/*).

ℹ️ any files within node_modules directories will always be excluded, regardless of inclusion in the above list.


if true, will not build/serve any files or folders starting with a ..

the nav: default behaviour

  1. all markdown files are listed.
  2. nav entry names are the first header within the .md,
    or the filename.
  3. entries are sorted by alphabetical order,
    though the file is always first.
  4. if there is no but there is a,
    it becomes the first in the order and is output as index.html.
  5. entries are categorised by directory (a title is added
    with the name of the directory).

the nav: custom behaviour

defining a title

strict definition:

  type: 'title',
  text: string // e.g. 'this is a title'


// e.g. 'this is a title'

defining a page

strict definition:

  type: 'page',
  output: string/filepath, // e.g. 'getting-started.html'
  src: string/filepath, // e.g. ''


[output, src, git],
// e.g. ['getting-started.html', '']

if the src is not a valid/existing file, it will be assumed to be a link.

defining a link

strict definition:

  type: 'link',
  text: string, // e.g. github
  url: string/url // e.g.


[text, url],
// e.g. ['github', '']

example nav

strict definition:

  { type: 'page', output: 'getting-started.html', input: '' },
  { type: 'title', text: 'resources' },
    type: 'link',
    text: 'github',
    url: '',


  ['getting-started.html', ''],
  ['github', ''],

(these methods can be mixed.)



  1. the output directory is created if it does not already exist.
  2. all assets ( files are copied across as they are.
  3. all markdown files included in the nav are output.
  4. documentative resource files are copied across: docs.js,
    docs.css and (only if no icon has been specified in the
    build/serve options) light-docs.png and dark-docs.png.

❗ note that this means you cannot have any assets with those names, as they will be overriden.


a http server is created. whenever a request is received:

  1. if docs.js or docs.css are requested, serve them
    from documentative's resources.
  2. if an icon has been specified and is requested, serve it.
    otherwise, the icon shall be served as light-docs.png or dark-docs.png.
  3. if a nav entry of type page and with an output
    matching the request exists, serve it.
  4. if the file exists in the asset list (all files),
    serve it.
  5. if a file has still not been served, return a 404 error.

❗ note that this means if you have a .html file called (e.g.) getting-started.html and a .md file with its output set to, the parsed .md will override the .html file.

other details

yes, some of the code blocks on this page end with unnecessary commas. my linter enforces it.

i also have an unhealthy habit of avoiding capital letters. nothing enforces this, i just do it.

the awesome logo is thanks to @nathfreder :D

if you have any questions, check my website for contact details.

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