
This is an example for importing Markdown files as Svelte components.


Example for Svelte + TS + Vite + MDsveX

This is an example for importing Markdown files as Svelte components.

We'll use MDsveX as our markdown pre-processor. Although there are some issues, it works pretty great for me with some workarounds.

Demo: https://vdustr.github.io/example-vite-svelte-markdown/


  • vscode@^1.63.2 (for example. The editor for better DX.)
  • pnpm@^6.24.2 (for example. Replace it with any other package manager you like)
  • vite@^2.7.2 (for example)
  • svelte@^3.44.0
  • mdsvex@^0.9.8
  • shiki@^0.9.15 (optional, for highlight)


You can pick any things you need only and skip the others.


Initial a vite repo with svelte or svelte-ts template

pnpm create vite

Setup MDsveX

You can append this into vite.config.js simply for basic functions:

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      extensions: [".svx"],
      preprocess: mdsvex(),

Here the example for highlight with shiki. I got some problems and resolved them with workarounds.

Please check vite.config.js for more information. It might be the MOST IMPORTANT section in this example.

.svx Extension Name Association

MDsveX use .svx as the default filename extension.

It's maybe not supported by the editor by default. It's a good choice that editing them in Markdown mode. Check .vscode/settings.json and append:

  "files.associations": {
    "*.svx": "markdown"

If you use typescript for better DX, you can also make it import .svx files as Svelte component. Check ./src/vite-env.d.ts and append:

declare module "*.svx" {
  export { SvelteComponentDev as default } from "svelte/internal";


  • Code: mit
  • README: cc-by-sa-4.0