
Convert Markdown formatted documents to anki decks

MIT License



Convert Markdown formatted documents to anki decks

The decks were tested on:


  • Create an anki deck .apkg file

  • The name of the deck and its notes will be updated on your next deck import (this works via automatic IDs, deletions can not be tracked!)

  • Very simple basic structure that supports additionally anki note tags and anki subdecks:

  • Supported question/answer content:

    • LaTeX math (inline and blocks)
    • Images (local files and URLs, vector and raster format)
    • Code (inline and blocks)
    • All basic Markdown features (i.e. tables, bold, italics, lines)
  • Merge notes from multiple markdown input files into a single deck output file

  • Export document and all used local assets to a custom directory that can easily be shared or used as backup

To evaluate code and export to pdf the following additional software needs to be installed:

# Linux
# > Ubuntu
# >> Evaluate code
sudo apt install clang inkscape latexmk nodejs texlive texlive-latex-extra #texlive-full
# >> PDF export
sudo apt install librsvg2-bin pandoc texlive-xetex
# > Arch/Manjaro
# Manjaro/Arch Linux
# >> Evaluate code
sudo pacman -S swi-prolog clang npm inkscape
# >> PDF export
sudo pacman -S pandoc-cli texlive-latex texlive-binextra texlive-xetex texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsextra texlive-luatex texlive-fontsrecommended
# Windows (the choco package manager is just an example)
# > Evaluate code
choco install inkscape llvm miktex nodejs
# > PDF export
choco install miktex pandoc rsvg-convert

(On Windows rsvg-convert can sometimes throw errors in combination with pandoc but the latest build from miyako does not throw them so try this one if you get errors)

# Linux + Windows
npm install -g ts-node
# > For matplotlib python graphs (used in some examples):
python -m pip install numpy matplotlib


# Example 'Basic' (3714486828)

## One line question (66b3661f-e22e-4986-a50d-569fdac454ad)

One line answer

## Multi line (24501c1a-f615-4355-a862-a00f64cc4725)

question thanks to a question answer separator (`---`)


Answer that has multiple lines.

**Basic** *Markdown* and <ins>HTML</ins> <del>formatting</del> is supported.


- a
- b
  - c
  - d
    - e

New list:

1. abc
2. def
   - a
     1. maximum depth

## Question with multiple (parenthesis) (is) (possible) (b7b85393-b76d-43e6-965a-d86108bf5b09)


## Lines in answers with multiple `---` (f0e03cb6-2015-4f64-bcd3-51e24763705b)

First question answer seperator in the question.




Second part of answer with a line before it.
# Example 'Subdeck' (750441971)

Example document to show how subdecks work.


## Question 1 (f51d6aa5-1e39-4ad7-94fb-042f7084eff5)


## Subdeck: Subdeck Heading 1 (406542328)

All notes of the level 3 will be added to this subdeck.


### Question 1.1 (583813da-5766-4cb8-b39f-ae0337e1f13c)


## Question 1.2 (f51d6aa5-1e39-4ad8-94fb-047f7094eff5)


## Subdeck: Subdeck Heading 2 (406541128)


### Question 2.1 (583813da-5766-4cb8-b39f-ae0337e1f13c)


### Subdeck: Subdeck Heading 3 with escaped :​: double colon (406641128)

All notes of the level 4 will be added to this subdeck.


#### Question 3.1 (583813da-5786-4cb8-b39f-ae0337e1f13c)


### Question 2.2 (583223da-5786-4cb8-b39f-ae0337e1f13c)


Checkout the examples directory for more examples.

If you want to run them all use the following command in that directory:

python -m examples


usage: md2anki [-h] [-v] [--lexers] [-d [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]] [-e]
               [--evaluate-code-ignore-cache] [--evaluate-code-delete-cache] [-k]
               [-anki-model MODEL_ID] [-o-anki APKG_FILE] [-o-md MD_FILE] [-o-md-dir MD_DIR]
               [-o-backup-dir BACKUP_DIR] [-o-pdf PDF_FILE] [-evaluate-code-cache-dir CACHE_DIR]
               [-log-file LOG_FILE] [-file-dir [FILE_DIR ...]] [-md-heading-depth HEADING_DEPTH]
               [-custom-program language program] [-custom-program-args language program-args]
               MD_INPUT_FILE [MD_INPUT_FILE ...]

Create an anki deck file (.apkg) from one or more Markdown documents. If no custom output path is
given the file name of the document (+ .apkg) is used.

positional arguments:
  MD_INPUT_FILE         Markdown (.md) input file that contains anki deck notes

                        delete all cached files from previous code evaluations (default: False)
                        ignore the cached files from previous code evaluations (default: False)
  --lexers              print a list of all supported lexer languages and their aliases
  -anki-model MODEL_ID  custom anki card model (md2anki_type_default, md2anki_type_answer,
                        md2anki_type_cloze, md2anki_type_cloze_extra) (default:
  -custom-program language program
                        use custom program for code evaluation [i.e. "py" "python3.11"] (default:
                        [('py', 'python'), ('js', 'node'), ('ts', 'ts-node'), ('pl', 'swipl'),
                        ('latex', 'latexmk'), ('latex', 'inkscape'), ('cpp', 'clang++'), ('cpp',
                        'main.exe'), ('c', 'clang'), ('c', 'main.exe'), ('pandoc_pdf', 'pandoc')])
  -custom-program-args language program-args
                        use custom program args for code evaluation [i.e. "py"
                        "[\"-c\",\"MD2ANKI_CODE\"]"] (default: [('py', '["-c", "MD2ANKI_CODE"]'),
                        ('js', '["-e", "MD2ANKI_CODE"]'), ('ts', '["MD2ANKI_CODE_FILE=code.ts"]'),
                        ('pl', '["-O", "-s", "", "-g", "true", "-t",
                        "halt."]'), ('latex', '["-shell-escape", "-pdf",
                        "MD2ANKI_CODE_FILE=code.tex"]'), ('latex', '["--export-filename=code.svg",
                        "code.pdf"]'), ('cpp', '["-Wall", "-std=c++20",
                        "MD2ANKI_CODE_FILE=main.cpp", "-o", "main.exe"]'), ('cpp', '[]'), ('c',
                        '["-std=c17", "MD2ANKI_CODE_FILE=main.c", "-o", "main.exe"]'), ('c',
                        '[]'), ('pandoc_pdf', '["--from", "markdown", "--to", "pdf", "--table-of-
                        contents", "-V", "geometry:a4paper", "-V", "geometry:margin=2cm", "--pdf-
                        engine=xelatex", "--pdf-engine-opt=-shell-escape"]')])
                        custom log level to the console (default: INFO)
  -e, --evaluate-code   evaluate markdown inline code/code blocks with the language prefix '='
                        i.e. '`print(1+1)`{=python}' or '```{=python} [newline] print(1+1)
                        [newline] ```' (default: False)
  -evaluate-code-cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        use a custom cache dir for code evaluations (default: None)
  -file-dir [FILE_DIR ...]
                        add directories that should be checked for referenced files (like relative
                        path images) (default: [])
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k, --keep-temp-files
                        keep temporary files (default: False)
  -log-file LOG_FILE    log all messages to a text file (.log) (default: None)
  -md-heading-depth HEADING_DEPTH
                        use a custom Markdown heading depth (>=1) (default: 1)
  -o-anki APKG_FILE     custom anki deck (.apkg) output file path [if not given: md input file
                        name + .apkg] (default: None)
  -o-backup-dir BACKUP_DIR
                        create a backup of the anki deck (i.e. merges input files and copies
                        external files) in a directory (default: None)
  -o-md MD_FILE         custom updated (and merged if multiple input files) Markdown (.md) output
                        file path for all input files (default: None)
  -o-md-dir MD_DIR      custom output directory for all updated Markdown (.md) input files
                        (default: None)
  -o-pdf PDF_FILE       create a PDF (.pdf) file of the anki deck (i.e. merges input files and
                        removes IDs) (default: None)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Linux (bash)

# Single source file
md2anki -o-anki anki_deck.apkg
# Multiple source files
md2anki *.md -o-anki anki_deck.apkg

Windows (powershell)

# Single source file
md2anki -o-anki anki_deck.apkg
# Multiple source files
md2anki (Get-ChildItem -Filter *.md) -o-anki anki_deck.apkg



It can be installed using pip:

# Install
pip install md2anki
# Uninstall
pip uninstall md2anki

GitHub Releases

  1. Download a wheel (.whl) file from GitHub Releases

  2. Run:

    # Install
    pip install md2anki-$CURRENT_VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
    # Uninstall
    pip uninstall md2anki


cd pkgbuild
# Build package and then install it via pacman
makepkg -p PKGBUILD --syncdeps --rmdeps --clean
pacman -S python-md2anki-3.0.19b-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
# Or build and install package
makepkg -p PKGBUILD --syncdeps --rmdeps --clean --install
# Remove package
pacman -R python-md2anki


Via the file the package can be built:

Create package files

The following commands create the package files in a new directory called dist:

  • md2anki-$CURRENT_VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
  • md2anki-$CURRENT_VERSION.tar.gz
python -m pip install --upgrade build
python -m build

Install package files

The wheel (.whl) file can be installed and uninstalled via pip:

# Install
python -m pip install dist/md2anki-$CURRENT_VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
# Uninstall
python -m pip uninstall md2anki

Markdown Editors

A list of editors which support WYSIWYG editing of such Markdown documents (source code and math blocks):



python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Runtime dependencies
python -m pip install --upgrade beautifulsoup4 genanki Markdown Pygments
# Save requirements
python -m pip freeze > "requirements.txt"

Upload package to PyPI

  1. Create an PyPI account
  2. Go to account settings, Scroll to API tokens, Create PyPI API token (with only the project scope if project already exists)
# Build
python -m pip install --upgrade pip build
python -m build
# Upload (only if a non existing version is found)
python -m pip install twine
python -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
# Use as username: "__token__"
# Use as password the created PyPI API token: "pypi-......"

Type checks

Python files can be checked for type errors (to some extent) using the commands:

python -m pip install --upgrade mypy types-beautifulsoup4 types-Markdown types-Pygments
python -m mypy src examples tests


The tests can be run using the command (in the tests directory):

python -m unittest

Format code

Python files can be formatted using the commands:

python -m pip install --upgrade black
# Add the option --check to only check if its already in the correct format
python -m black src examples tests

Code editors

This project was written using the following code editors (IDEs):