
A simple program to convert markdowns to html files

MIT License


MarkDown to HTML

A simple compiler that converts markdown files to html.

Motivation 🔥

Often, we find ourselves needing to download MS Word or other software to create assignments, but using these can be a daunting task. If you're someone who prefers not to waste time and resources downloading third-party software and wants to enhance productivity with minimal effort, this tool can assist you in generating documents directly from markdown.


  • create folder markdowns in root directory.
  • create file inside markdowns
  • add following content for testing
# Heading
## Heading 1
### Heading 3

> quote
  • install dependencies npx yarn
  • run application npx yarn dev
  • install live server extension in VS code and open html file (inside public folder) with live server.

Intermediate Usage

Add Meta tags

  • To add title and description to page add following code on the top of markdown file
title: Operating System Notes
description: My Operating System Notes

Advance Usage

Add custom theme

By default, the config.ts file contains two themes. To add a new theme, follow these steps:

  • Open Config.d.ts and include the theme name in the Theme type. For example, add neon: CSSVariables.

  • Open config.ts and insert the CSS variables for the new theme using key-value pairs. Update the theme object as follows:

    const theme: Theme = {
        neon: {

Applying Theme

  • By default, theme is set to system preferences. to apply the new theme, include it in the markdown head section like this:
theme: neon