
md_gen is a framework for generating documentation in markdown. It can generate metadata compatible with Vuepress (

MIT License



md_gen is a framework for generating documentation in markdown. It can generate metadata compatible with Vuepress.


md-gen is intended to generate Vuepress compatible (or basic) markdown site. It is usefull for documenting from complex data structures.

By now, every call beginning with add_* is generated on its own line in the markdown source. You can mix different formats on the same line using add_text(text: &str). Some exceptions are multi-lines :

  • table headers
  • definition
  • unordered / ordered lists
  • specific code
  • ...

md_gen in action

use md_gen::{Markdown, Metadata};

fn main() {

    let mut md = Markdown::new("docs/");

    // Create metadata if you generate a vuepress markdown site.
    let metadata = Metadata {
        title: "My project doc",
        permalink: "/",
        categories: vec!["myProject", "doc", "markdown", "vuepress"],
        tags: vec!["tag1", "tag2"].into_iter().collect()

    // Adds metadata to the doc

    // Compose the doc

    // Main Heading
    md.add_main_heading("My project doc"); // # My project doc

    // Adds an horizontal rule
    md.add_horizontal_rule(); // ---

    // Adds a lvl 1 heading (...and so on to lvl 3)
    md.add_lvl1_heading("My lvl 1 title");
    // ## My lvl 1 title

    // Adds a blank line
    md.add_blank_line();  // \n

    // Adds a blocquoted unordered list from a Vec<&str>
    md.add_unordered_list(vec!["item1", "item2"]); 
    // - item1
    // - item2

    // Adds a blank line
    md.add_blank_line();  // \n

    // Adds a blocquoted unordered list from a Vec<&str>
    md.add_blockquoted_unordered_list(vec!["item1", "item2"]); 
    // > - item1
    // > - item2

    // Adds a blank line
    md.add_blank_line();  // \n

    // Adds a blocquoted unordered list from a Vec<&str>
    md.add_ordered_list(vec!["item1", "item2"]); 
    // 1. item1
    // 2. item2

    // Adds a blank line
    md.add_blank_line();  // \n

    // Create a table

    // Table headers
    md.add_table_headers(vec!["Header1", "Header2"]);
    // Table row
            "Cell content 1",
            "Cell content 2"
    // | Header1 | Header2 |
    // | --- | --- |
    // | Cell content 1 | Cell content 2 |

    // Adds a link (internal and external)
    md.add_link("/", "Link to another page");
    // [Link to another page](/

    // Adds an image
    md.add_image("assets/image1.png", "Alternative text");
    // ![Alternative text](assets/image1.png)

    // Adds a definition
    md.add_definition("Word", "Definition of this word.");
    // Word
    // : Definition of this word.

    // Adds a block of specific code
    md.add_specific_code("rust", "let foo = MyStruct {\n  bar=\"bar\"\n};");
    // ```rust
    // let foo = MyStruct {
    //   bar="bar"
    // }
    // ```

    // You can also write your own formatted text.
    md.add_text("**[Will Rust win ?](**");
    // **[Will Rust win ?](**

    // Try to write the file
    match md.write() {
        Ok(_) => {
            println!("Doc {} has been generated.", md.filename);
        Err(err) => {
            println!("Error while writing {}. {:?}", md.filename, err);


About the author and the code

Long time developper, Rust beginner. I am open to positive feedbacks about this library and the way it is written or its future features. Feel free to contact me.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.