
A CLI Note Manager


Note-Mgr (aka nom)

nom is a CLI for managing notes written in markdown. Designed with publishing and searching in mind.


  1. Organization: A file separates drafts from published notes - making it easier to hop into an unfinished draft. .index is also organized A->Z for both lists.
  2. Draft Generation: Use the interactive command line to quickly populate the frontmatter for new notes or directly via the command options
  3. Publication: A single command will move a note from draft to published. By default the note's frontmatter will be confirmed prior to publication.

Getting Started

To use the CLI, install it globally:

$ yarn global add note-mgr-cli
# or
$ npm install note-mgr-cli --global

At this point, nom will be installed. You can confirm by seeing the help menu

$ nom --help

Before using nom, it must be initialized with nom init


  • -i --init initialize nom
  • -n --new will create a new note and add it to the .contents list
  • -u --update will update the frontmatter for the selected note
  • -r --remove will prompt for a note to remove
  • -d --date will interrogate the notes to understand dates of the notes (e.g., publish date)
  • -c --count will count the notes based on flags provided

Initialization Options

  • "-t --target-dir ", "The relative path to the target directory for notes"
    % nom init -t path/to/target

If no target directory is passed, you will be prompted to provide one in an interactive session.

New Note Options

To create a new note, at a minimum nom requires either a title (-t --title) or to create the note interactively (-i --interactive).

nom new interactive All options are available for setting declaratively with the following options:

  • "-c --category <category...>", "The frontmatter for category"

    $ nom new -c "note category"
  • "-d --date ", "The frontmatter for publish"

    $ nom new -d 2020-02-20
  • "-i --interactive", "Interactively publish a note"

    $ nom new -i
  • "-p --publish ", "The frontmatter for publish"

    $ nom new -p 2020-02-20
  • "-t --title <title>", "The frontmatter for the title"

    $ nom new --title "the note's title"
  • "--private", "Mark the note private"

    $ nom new --private
  • "--tags <tag...>", "The frontmatter for the tags"

    $ nom new --tag "tag one" --tag second --tag "a third"

Update Options

The nom update command begins by finding a note interactively using a fuzzy search of all files within the notes directory. The search is based on the file name, which is tied to the slug of the note.

Nota Bene: If a note is not updated interactively, only the options passed in from the command line will be updated. So, if no options are passed, nothing will get updated, even after the note is selected.

To update a new note, at a minimum nom requires either a title (-t --title) or to create the note interactively (-i --interactive). All options are available for setting declaratively with the following options:

  • "-c --category <category...>", "The frontmatter for category"

    $ nom update -c "note category"
  • "-d --date ", "The frontmatter for publish"

    $ nom update -d 2020-02-20
  • "-i --interactive", "Interactively publish a note"

    $ nom update --interactive
  • "-p --publish ", "The frontmatter for publish"

    $ nom update -p 2020-02-20
  • "-t --title <title>", "The frontmatter for the title"

    $ nom update --title "the note's title"
  • "--private", "Mark the note private"

    $ nom update --private
  • "--tag <tag...>", "The frontmatter for the tags"

    $ nom update --tag "tag one" --tag second --tag "a third"

Remove Options

nom has a built in remove method for deleting notes that are no longer desired. The process is interactive by default.

Nota Bene: Use caution as this is a destructive action. It cannot currently be undone. There's an open issue to make remove a soft delete.

Date Options

The date command for nom is intended to identify certain relevant dates quickly.

  • "-f --first", "Return the earliest published note"

    $ nom date --first
  • "-l --latest", "(Default) Return the latest published note"

    $ nom date --latest
  • "-r --recent", "Return the most recent published note in the past"

    $ nom date --recent
  • WIP "-p --private", "Filters only for private notes" and "-np --no-private", "Filters only for public notes" These options are intended to be used in conjunction with other date filters.

    $ nom date --recent --private
    # or
    $ nom date --latest --no-private

Count Options

Similar to dates, the count command in nom is intended to aid simply querying of your notes. It does not currently support stacking of counters (e.g., nom count --stage --category will list the counts by stage and category independently).

Local Development

This project uses yarn to manage dependencies.

yarn build && yarn start will launch the application locally.

If you want the experience of a globally installed CLI, create a link using yarn link from the root of the project. When done, clean up the link with yarn unlink.


If you run into a permission denied error, make sure the script is executable:

zsh: permission denied: note-mgr
$ chmod +x index.js

Commit Log Standards

This project follows SemVer and an adaptation of the conventional commit standard.

Commits are prefixed with the following emoji to indicate their purpose.

Symbol code Interpretation
โœจ :sparkles: feature
๐Ÿ› :bug: fix
๐Ÿ’… :nail-polish: style
๐Ÿงผ :soap: chore
๐Ÿ“ :memo: docs
๐ŸŽ :racehorse: perf
๐Ÿงช :lab: test
๐Ÿ—๏ธ :building-construction: refactor
๐Ÿงฐ :toolbox: tooling / infrastructure
๐Ÿš€ :rocket: major version bump
๐Ÿ“ฆ :package: minor version bump