
Notion Markdown Exporter in Ruby

MIT License



Notion Markdown Exporter in Ruby.

The generated document is compliant with the GitHub Flavored Markdown specification.


Use gem to install.

$ gem install 'notion_to_md'

Or add it to the Gemfile.

# Gemfile
gem 'notion_to_md'


Before using the gem create an integration and generate a secret token. Check notion getting started guide to learn more.

Pass the page id and secret token to the constructor and execute the convert method.

require 'notion_to_md'

notion_converter = 'b91d5...', token: 'secret_...')
md = notion_converter.convert

Since v2.3 you can also use the convenient convert method from the root module.

md = NotionToMd.convert(page_id: 'b91d5...', token: 'secret_...')

If the secret token is provided as an environment variable —NOTION_TOKEN—, there's no need to pass it as an argument to the constructor.

$ export NOTION_TOKEN=<secret_...>
notion_converter = 'b91d5...')
md = notion_converter.convert
# or
md = NotionToMd.convert(page_id: 'b91d5...')

And that's all. The md is a string variable containing the notion document formatted in markdown.


From version 2.5.0, the call method is also available. It's an alias for convert.

md = 'b91d5...')

The call method also supports the passing of a block. 'b91d5...') { puts _1 }


Everything in a notion page body is a block object. Therefore, not every type can be mapped to Markdown. Below there's a list of current supported blocks types.

  • paragraph
  • heading_1
  • heading_2
  • heading_3
  • bulleted_list_item
  • numbered_list_item (supported since v2.3, in previous versions is displayed as bulleted_list_item)
  • to_do
  • image
  • bookmark
  • callout
  • quote
  • divider
  • table
  • embed
  • code
  • link_preview
  • file
  • pdf
  • video
  • equation

Nested blocks

Starting with v2, nested blocks are supported. The permitted blocks to have children are:

  • paragraph
  • bulleted_list_item
  • numbered_list_item
  • to_do

Front matter

From version 0.2.0, notion_to_md supports front matter in markdown files.

By default, the front matter section is not included to the document. To do so, provide the :frontmatter option set to true to convert method. 'b91d5...').convert(frontmatter: tue)
# or
NotionToMd.convert(page_id: 'b91d5...', frontmatter: true) # Since v2.3

Default notion properties are page id, title, created_time, last_edited_time, icon, archived and cover.

id: e42383cd-4975-4897-b967-ce453760499f
title: An amazing post
created_time: 2022-01-23T12:31:00.000Z
last_edited_time: 2022-01-23T12:31:00.000Z
icon: 💥
archived: false
created_by_id: db313571-0280-411f-a6de-70e826421d16
created_by_object: user
last_edited_by_id: db313571-0280-411f-a6de-70e826421d16
last_edited_by_object: user

In addition to default properties, custom properties are also supported. Custom properties name is parameterized and underscorized before added to front matter. For example, two properties named Multiple Options and Tags will be transformed to multiple_options and tags, respectively.

tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
multiple_options: option1, option2

The supported property types are:

  • number
  • select
  • multi_select
  • date
  • people
  • files
  • checkbox
  • url
  • email
  • phone_number
  • rich_text, supported but in plain text

Advanced types like formula, relation and rollup are not supported.

Check notion documentation about property values to know more.

