
3rd Party Application For Whatsapp

GPL-3.0 License


Typing SVG

Visit our official website to install the Whatsapp Bot : QR Code generator and full instructions available there.

  1. Get SESSION-ID by scanning QR code. Whatapp>Three dots>Linked Devices
  2. Click FORK

Heroku Deployment Method

Deploy to Koyeb

Deploy on Railway

Run on Repl.it

NITHYA whatsapp bot is,

  NITHYA whatsapp bot is an easy to use whatsapp robot.   |  NITHYA whatsapp bot යනු ඔබට පහසුවෙන් බාවිතකර හැකි whatsapp robo වරයෙකි.

RUN* Doesn't work, paste these commands in repl shell

npm i pm2 -g && pm2 start lib/client.js

Copy the JSON down and paste in repl then fill the vars

  "SESSION_ID": "ID-Here",
  "OWNER_NUMBER": "91xxxxxxxxxx",
  "OPENAI_API_KEY": "null",
  "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb+srv://sam:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
  "PACK_INFO": "Sam;Pandey",
  "PREFIX": "."

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Extracted from project README
Run on Repl.it Run on Repl.it
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