
Use Markdown to generate a Reveal.js presentation in minutes.

GPL-3.0 License



Automating Reveal.js presentation builds with Markdown, Pandoc, and Make.

Reveal.js simplifies creating presentations, but you still have to write all of that HTML. Pandoc comes to your rescue by allowing you to create the content in Markdown. Rjsmake provides a standardized structure and build process.


  • Create a presentation in minutes from Markdown.
  • Store only the presentation source in your repository.
  • Provides simplified subset of full Reveal.js feature set.


  • Provides simplified subset of full Reveal.js feature set.

Basic Use

  1. Download the repository ZIP.
  2. Edit the index.md
  3. Build the presentation by typing make
  4. Load index.html in a web browser.

Iterate on the index.md file by running watch make.

Pandoc enhanced Markdown:

# - New Horizontal Page w/title

## - New Vertical Page w/title

---------- = New Horizontal Page w/o Title

. . . = Three dots separated by spaces creates a pause within Page

![Image Alt](image/example.png)

* Unordered
* List

- Unordered
- List

1. Ordered
2. List

ls -l # Code

Setup Instructions

Rjsmake requires Pandoc and Make.

Pandoc is best installed by following the instructions available on the Pandoc install page. There are installers for Linux, OSX, and Windows.


Debian/Ubuntu based distributions:

  1. Run: sudo apt-get install make curl tar
  2. Install the Pandoc DEB: http://pandoc.org/installing.html


  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools to get Make.
  2. Install the Pandoc PKG: http://pandoc.org/installing.html
  3. Optional: Install watch using homebrew: brew install watch



The example/basic directory showcases the above feature set.

Helpful links: