VLOOK™ 是优雅好用的 Typora/Markdown 主题包和增强插件。 VLOOK™ is an elegant and practical theme package × enhancement plugin for Typora/Markdown.

MIT License


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VLOOK™ ── Make Your Markdown A New Perspective

VLOOK™ is an elegant and practical theme package × enhancement plugin for Typora/Markdown


VLOOK™ is for Typora (cross-platform Markdown editor) of the THEME PACKAGE and ENHANCED PLUG-IN.

VLOOK™ is a THEME PACK and ENHANCEMENT PLUGIN for Typora (cross-platform Markdown editor).

VLOOK™ is open source software and complies with the MIT license .

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If you like VLOOK™, you can contribute a cup of coffee :-) 若喜欢 VLOOK™ 的话,可以贡献一杯咖啡 :-)

**Thanks for donate VLOOK™ (partial donors) **



Learn more about VLOOK™, click here to start ( alternative link )

How To Use

You can start a brand new Markdown experience in just 3 steps, click here to start ( alternative link )


Blogs selected for the "Zhihu • Sea Salt Project" •• Go go go


Quick Reference Manual

VLOOK™ through the ongoing excavation and expansion of Markdown and CSS, combined with Internet application scenarios document, the document layout, content navigation, presentation aid, interactive experience provides aspects such as consistent, simple, and friendly experience.

  • For detailed introduction, samples and instructions of VLOOK™ features, please refer to "VLOOK™ Quick Reference Manual"••• View •• alternative link
  • For detailed introduction, samples and usage instructions of scripted charts, please refer to "Scripted Charts Reference Guide"••• View •• alternative link

Custom VIP Theme

The "Private Customization Service" for Themes is now open! Here are some reference cases for private customization.

NOW 🎁 Submit my customization request ❯❯❯

More personalized theme displays •• Click here to explore

Directory / File Description

Directory / File Description
[ docs ] VLOOK™ Quick Reference Manual, official website and online service related documents
[ released ] Home directory of the release version
   ┠─ [ demo ] VLOOK™ Quick Reference Manual markdown format documents
   ┠─ [ themes ] Theme files
   ┠─ [ samples ] Recommend sample documents
   ┖─ [ plugin ] Plugin home directory
        ┠─ [ lang ] Language package for Typora export HTML option
        ┠─ meta.txt For Typora export HTML option of ... <head />
        ┠─ plugin_live.txt Online version of Plug-in
        ┖─ plugin.txt For Typora export HTML option of ... <body />
[ src ] Source directory
   ┠─ [ dev ] Develop and test files
   ┠─ [ less ] The source file of the theme CSS file
   ┖─ [ logo ] VLOOK™ logo resource