
Collection of algorithms and functions in Matlab for graph theory. WARNING. This package is unmaintained and full of bugs.



Algorithms and functions in Matlab for community detection in networks. Expands BrainConnectivity toolbox.

Matlab/Octave algorithms and functions

  • ami.m Returns the adjusted mutual information between two membership vectors.
  • association_score.m Returns the association score between pairs of communities specified by the graph and membership.
  • asymptotic_modularity.m Compute asymptotic modularity of a graph with respect to a membership vector.
  • asymptotic_modularity_sum.m TODO
  • asymptotic_surprise.m Compute asymptotic surprise of a graph with respect to a membership vector.
  • clique.m Generate an adjacency matrix of a clique graph with n nodes.
  • cluster_similarity.m Compare two membership vectors.
  • clustering_entropy.m Compute the clustering entropy of an agreement matrix as in "Gfeller, Newman, 2006".
  • community_robustness_weighted.m TODO
  • community_size2memb.m Convert an array where every element is the size of a clique to the correspondig membership vector.
  • comm_mat.m Returns the block matrix of a graph and its community structure as membership.
  • compute_surprise.m Compute the surprise given surprise paramenters.
  • consensus_clustering.m TODO
  • consensus_clustering_weighted.m TODO
  • consensus_entropy.m TODO
  • consensus_robustness.m TODO
  • correlation_louvain.m Adaptation of the BCT community_louvain method for correlation matrices, as described in MacMahon,2015.
  • count_comm.m Plot the histogram with the community size given a membership vector.
  • cycle_graph.m Generate the adjacency matrix of a cycle graph with n nodes.
  • effcommplot.m TODO
  • generate_agreement.m Generate the agreement matrix for a given community detection method.
  • generate_agreement_weighted.m Generate the weighted agreement matrix for a given community detection method.
  • generate_connected_components.m TODO
  • graph_JS_similarity.m Compute the quantum Jensen Shannon divergence between two adjacency matrices.
  • graph_laplacian.m Compute the graph combinatorial Laplacian matrix L=D-A.
  • group2membership.m Convert a cell of arrays representing the nodes in the communities to a membership vector.
  • image_to_network.m Convert a gray index image to its corresponding adjacency graph.
  • imagesctxt.m Show a matrix like imagesc but with text values of elements displayed on the pixels.
  • isoctave.m Returns true if using Octave, false if using Matlab.
  • jensen_shannon_sim.m Returns the Jensen-Shannon symmetrized information theoretic distance between two graph Laplacians.
  • k_regular.m Generate a k-regular graph, a graph where the degree of every vertex is k.
  • KL.m Returns the binary Kullback-Leibler divergence between Bernoulli distribution p and q.
  • kullback_leibler_sim.m Returns the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two graph Laplacians.
  • logHyperProbability.m Compute the logarithm of the hypergeometric probability in base 10.
  • membership2groups.m Convert a membership vector to a cell of arrays of nodes in every community.
  • membership_agreement.m DEPRECATE
  • membership_similarity.m TODO
  • method_best.m Functio handle to the community detection method that returns the best value over a set of repetitions.
  • modularity.m Returns the modularity of a graph with respect to a membership vector.
  • nearcorr.m Returns the nearest correlation matrix of a square matrix. Implementation by Nick Higham.
  • nearestSPD.m Returns the positive definite matrix of a square matrix. Implementation by Nick Higham.
  • norm_conf_mat.m DEPRECATE
  • number_connected_components.m Returns the number of connected components of a graph.
  • number_of_edges.m Returns the number of edges of a binary or weighted graph.
  • paco.m Function handle to the MEX implementation of PACO.
  • partition_params.m Returns the partition parameters for use with compute_surprise.
  • quantum_density.m Returns the quantum density of a graph, Brauenstein et al. "Ann. of Combinatorics, 10, no 3 (2006), 291-317."
  • reindex_membership.m Transform a membership vector to have community indices sorted by community size from 1 to |C|
  • reorder_membership.m Linearize a membership vector to have continuous indices of communities from 1 to |C|
  • ring_of_cliques.m Returns a network ring of cliques, with given number of cliques and clique size and its membership.
  • ring_of_custom_cliques.m Returns a network ring of cliques, with given size of cliques specified as input and its membership.
  • rmtdecompose.m Returns the Random Matrix Theory decomposition of a correlation matrix.
  • robustness_configuration_interp_und.m
  • robustness_edge_weight_und.m
  • run_cluster_similarity.m
  • rwalkent.m Returns the random walk entropy of a graph as in Estrada et al. Walk entropies in graphs, "Linear Algebra and its Applications 443 (2014) 235244"
  • significance.m Returns the significance of a graph partitioning, Traag (2013).
  • smi.m Returns the standardized mutual information of two membership vectors.
  • sort_group_by_size.m Sort community groups by size.
  • star_of_custom_cliques.m Returns a star of cliques, every clique is connected to all other cliques with one edge.
  • surprise.m Returns the surprise of a graph partitioning.
  • threshold_by_giant_component.m Returns the threshold over which the graph has more than one connected component.
  • threshold_by_num_edges.m Returns a graph thresholded to have a specific number of edges.
  • vonneumann_entropy.m Returns the VonNeumann quantum entropy of graph Brauenstein et al. "Ann. of Combinatorics, 10, no 3 (2006), 291-317."
  • write_brainet.m Write a graph with coordinates of nodes and membership to Brainet format.
  • write_brainet_community.m TODO
  • writetoEdgesList.m TODO
  • writetoPAJ_labels.m
  • writetoPAJ_labels_coords.m

Python algorithms

  • Find the intersections of edges in a bipartite graph (TODO)


This repository contains the 638 areas template used by Crossley (2013). It consists of two files:

  1. template.nii is the NIFTI file describing the template, MNI space
  2. template_638.txt is the description of anatomical a

Additionally the file template_638_coords_abbr.txt is organized as follows

Node X Y Z Label Abbr

and differently from template_638.txt the NodeID starts from 0 to 637 (for indexing with Python).

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