
My solutions to exercises of Computer Vision course @ ETH Zurich



My solutions to exercises of Computer Vision course @ ETH Zurich


Ex 01 - Camera calibration

DLT, Golden standard, Camera model, Calibration

Ex 02 - Local Features

Harris corner, Feature descriptor, Feature matching

Ex 03 - Particle Filter

Particle filter, Bayes law, Localization

Ex 04 - Model Fitting

RANSAC line fitting, Fundamental matrix, Epipolar geometry, 8-point method, Adaptive RANSAC

Ex 05 - Image Segmentation

Meanshift, Expectation Maximization (EM)

Ex 06 - Stereo Matching

MVS, Disparity map, Winner-take-all local method, Graph-cut global method, Dense reconstruction

Ex 07 - Structure from Motion

SfM, Initialization, Essential Matrix, PnP problem, Triangulation, Dense reconstruction

Ex 08 - Specific Object Recognition

Template shape matching, Shape context, TPS transformation estimation

Ex 09 - Shape from Silhouettes

Shape from silhouettes

Ex 10 - Image Categorization

Histogram of Oriented Gradient(HOG), KMeans, Bag of Word, Nearest neighbor classification, Bayesian classification

Ex 11 - Condensation Tracker

CONDENSATION algorithm, particle filter, tracking

Review checklist

Topic 1 - MVG

  • Basic geometry and algebra
  • Camera model
  • Structure from motion
  • Multiview stereo

Topic 2 - Features

  • Harris corner
  • SIFT
  • Feature matching strategy

Topic 3 - State estimation and tracking

  • Kalman filter
  • Particle filter
  • Optical flow

Topic 4 - Segmentation

  • EM
  • Meanshift
  • Graph cut based
  • Deep learning based

Topic 5 - Detection

  • Template matching
  • Sliding window and proposal
  • Deep learning based

Topic 6 - Classification

  • Classifiers
  • Bag of word
  • Deep learning based
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